DR-highly Sexed Culture???

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Its called "Driving the Topic" meaning taking a topic and driving the discussion into variable topics without completely going off tangent, which I beleive i'm not unless I start talking about football. I try not to get tunnel vision within these topics since they start to get boring and the topic starts to have no direction and dies.

As too your other question. I don't entertain interogative approaches that you appear to be doing. I just enjoy simple and lively debates. I'm not writing a research paper so if you choose to disagree so be it. The berdon of proof is on you not me. If you disagree with me, I'm not going to cry about it and beg you for proof.

I can easily make up a story and say I lived in 1 other country or 30 countries, but what good would that do, you could not prove I told you or not told you the truth and you would naturally disagree with me anyway, so why waste my time. So I think just a debate and discussion on the topic and subtopcs should be healthy enough with agreements and disagreements.


Mar 22, 2002
Sancochojoe knows nothing of the Dominican Republic but has escaped detection through over 200 posts by entering threads and confusing the hell out of them. He veers them off on whatever topics will benefit his post count by taking the contrarian point of view and suckering the rest of us into discussions which leave us all forgetting the original topic of the thread and scratching our heads. He entered Pibs post on Speaking Spanish and attempted to warp it with some strange point that Pib immediately put an end to( go see). He dosent even speak a lick of Spanish. Above post of his is a perfect example of how he can confuse the hell out of us and write a few paragraphs while essentially saying absolutely nothing.

Where is that ignore button anyway?

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you guys are simply angry, because you simple thought process and the view of the world is being challenged. Because you have a small group of online and drinking buddies that share this little world called "Mr. Know it all" you fill insulted when your ideas are challenged and questioned, and when you have no other response to say in the debate, your final option is resulting to insults and name calling, which will probably resort to a moderator closing the thread. I've seen your kind before, and I enjoy every bit of it. When the name calling and insults begin, I know I have won the debate.

In conclusion, as I stated before, the Dominican Republics so called sex culture is no different then any other culture and country you have been to or read in a book.

Your poor attempt to try to make The Dominican republic, this wild republic of ignorant sex addicts is only a figment of your imagination and it only resides in your world of whore , brothels and low lifes that you claim represents all the people of the Country that you use, insult, exploit and marginalize yet want to stick you wee wee in them every chance you get.

Thats what I call a bunch of hypocrats who just want to get a NUT

enough said.
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