Haitians attack Dominican Consulate in Haiti


New member
Jan 28, 2015
I am pretty sure the media would eat any Senator alive if they stole like the former Spanish colonial governments do. It is just so in your face and an accepted part of the culture.


Jan 3, 2007
Where is the proof that the US is trying to force the DR to adopt Haiti? Im not saying its untruthful, just asking where?

The proof won't be declassified in our lifetimes. Hell, you can't even access the proof about the co-opting of Latin America after the USS Maine false flag operation and that was over a century ago.

The proof is as they say in the pudding.


Jan 3, 2007
I am pretty sure the media would eat any Senator alive if they stole like the former Spanish colonial governments do. It is just so in your face and an accepted part of the culture.

A former Haliburton Sr. Executive took the #2 Political job in the U.S. and treated his company to Billions in war profits.

It doesn't get any more "in-your-face" than that.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Organizadores marcha condenan ataque al consulado dominicano en Puerto Pr?ncipe - Peri?dico Digital Dominicano - 7d?as.com.do

“Los miembros del comit? organizador de la marcha condenan el ataque perpetrado contra el consulado dominicano”, declar? por su parte Rosny Desroches. “Nosotros no predicamos la violencia y el irrespeto por los s?mbolos de los pueblos. De la misma manera en que no queremos que nuestra bandera sea irrespetada, tampoco queremos que se irrespete otra bandera. No queremos venganza, sino respeto por nuestro pueblo, nuestros ciudadanos y nuestra bandera”.

"The organising committee members condemn the attack on the Dominican consulate... we don't preach violence and disrespect for national symbols. We don't want our flag to be disrespected, we don't want other flags to be disrespected either. We don't want revenge, [we want] respect for our nation, our citizens and our flag".

And the Haitian government, while praising the march, also condemned the attack on the embassy:
“El Gobierno de la Rep?blica condena la violaci?n y la desgraciada agresi?n de los locales del consulado general de la Rep?blica Dominicana en P?tion-Ville por un peque?o grupo de individuos malintencionados que han burlado la vigilancia de los organizadores de esta marcha pac?fica”
"The government of [Haiti] condemns the violation and the disgraceful aggression against the premises of the DR consulate in Petion Ville by a small group of malicious individuals who have mocked the supervision of the organisers of this peaceful march".


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Organizadores marcha condenan ataque al consulado dominicano en Puerto Pr?ncipe - Peri?dico Digital Dominicano - 7d?as.com.do

"The organising committee members condemn the attack on the Dominican consulate... we don't preach violence and disrespect for national symbols. We don't want our flag to be disrespected, we don't want other flags to be disrespected either. We don't want revenge, [we want] respect for our nation, our citizens and our flag".

And the Haitian government, while praising the march, also condemned the attack on the embassy:

"The government of [Haiti] condemns the violation and the disgraceful aggression against the premises of the DR consulate in Petion Ville by a small group of malicious individuals who have mocked the supervision of the organisers of this peaceful march".

Attack on consulate stuns Dominican Republic-Haiti ties

Santo Domingo.- The government of the Dominican Republic last night protested the attack on the Dominican Consulate in Haiti Wednesday which according to local media were thousands of people who marched to protest alleged Dominican racism.

The diplomatic crisis caps two weeks of incidents in the wake of the death of a Haitian national found hanged in a park in Santiago, the country?s second biggest city

In a press conference called in haste, Dominican Foreign minister Andr?s Navarro said the country cannot accept the attacks on its consulate. "A group of people not only threw stones at the facilities of our consulate, but also broke into the interior of the property, and dared to take down the Dominican flag from its pole and tried to mutilate and burn it."

He noted that while the Haitian government didn?t sponsor the assault, it should take clear steps to halt to the violence against Dominicans interests in Haiti.

Navarro said the Dominican government has been cautious and patient in its response to such violence.

The official warned Haiti?s authorities however that patience has its limit, "and we have proven to the world that we?ve made the greatest efforts to maintain a healthy, productive, respectful relationship with the Haitian government.?

Navarro said the Dominican government has called its envoy in Port au Prince for consultation and issued a diplomatic note of protest over yesterday?s violence.

He said Dominican Republic has been subjected to an international campaign, accusing it of racism, in contrast to the solidarity shown by the government and the Dominican people toward Haiti.

Navarro called the crimes in the country in recent days including the murder of two Haitian nationals, and the burglary at the residence of Haiti ambassador Fritz Cineas isolated facts, to which Dominican authorities gave a resounding and swift response, and in no way stems from official policy of the Dominican government, for which "it?s unacceptable to accuse the country of racism and xenophobia against the neighboring nation."

The official?s statements respond to a letter of protest to a missive from his Haitian counterpart Pierre Duly Brutus, accusing Dominican Republic of fostering racist policies.

Just hours after Navarro?s statement, Haiti envoy Fritz Cineas was removed from the post and replaced with Daniel Supplice, an announcement that comes one day after a group of Haitians staged a protest in Haiti?s Embassy demanding faster access to documents to qualify for Dominican residency.



Jul 27, 2011
I'm glad they finally closed it. There was another incident there only a few weeks ago. They should have closed it back then!


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
More Santiago sectors protest against threats to sovereignty

Santiago.- Residents of the sector Cienfuegos on Wednesday marched for peace, Dominicanism, national sovereignty and defense of the national symbols.

Representatives from the Catholic and Evangelical churches supported the march organized by the Cienfuegos Community Development Association.

The marchers set off from San Lorenzo Park, continued along Tambourine Av., to conclude with a mass officiated by the priest Domingo Collado.

Association president Radhames Gomez slammed those who would threaten Dominican sovereignty and the alleged plan to merge the country with Haiti.

Residents from the sectors Bermudez and La Herradura joined the protest, just one week after a similar demonstration in the sprawling barrio of San Jose y La Mina.



Jun 17, 2005
Association president Radhames Gomez slammed those who would threaten Dominican sovereignty and the alleged plan to merge the country with Haiti.

Merge the country with Haiti....LOL There is now way. You might as well believe there is no global warming!!

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
There may or may not be global warming. Not enough pure unfudged data to tell. There will never be a voluntary union of Haiti/DR.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
US Immigration has been turning away half capsized boats full of half dead Haitians for as long as I can remember. They won't say it publicly but the U.S. government wants a "One Nation" settlement on Hispaniola.
It sure seems that way and the reasoning they might be using is probably another thing they will never say publicly. That's the consequence in part of the political correctness that has taken over the US. In the past, the US said what it thought and immediately acted with force if it saw fit. Now everything is soft, half shown and half hidden; yet, somehow, its easy to decipher.

Frederick Douglass would had never said this had he been alive today, but what he said could very well be what many of those that play with the idea of either putting an end to Dominican independence or extending the DR to Haiti are probably thinking.

Frederick Douglass is one of the most celebrated African American. He accompanied the U.S. Commission for the Annextion of Santo Domingo (the DR) in 1871 by orders of then president Gen. Ulises S. Grant. Frederick Douglass visited both countries on the island along with the commission.

On the 30th of March, 1871 this excerpt regarding Douglass's eyewitness based perception of the two countries, as well as his opinion of Senator Charles Sumner (a man who in Santo Domingo has a street named after him, a very blasphemous thing considering he rejected annexation of the DR to the US because he wanted to put an end to Dominican independence in favor that the whole island should had been in Haitian control), was published in The New York Times.


Extra information on who was Frederick Douglass:


Back then the economic differences between the DR and Haiti was negligible, because the 'galactic' leap forward of the DR started during the Trujillo years while, ironically, de accelerated backwardness of Haiti in the latter part of the XX century started with Duvalier who began to basically dismantle Haiti's economic class. Other countries played a rol in Haiti's demise, but no one did more harm than their very own Francois Duvalier.
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Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
I said it before and I'll say it again, once the powers that be pressure the DR into giving illegal
Haitians Dominican citizenship or anyone born in the country, like those in the US, merging or
fusion has begun.

That has been the objective for years. For the DR to change its Constitution from Jus Sanguinis
to Jus Soli.This is the plan. Once this has been accomplished, the DR as an independent nation
is doomed.

Even after the Haitian gov't and UN, USA agreed on the regularization plan where it stipulated
that illegal Haitians who do not have documentation will be deported after the closing date,
they are still pressuring the DR into not deporting them.

The powers that be do not care about whether Haitians and Dominicans may not want the merging.
It'll be what they see fit. Will there be much blood spilled? You bet. And in comes UN troops to
"restore order" or the take over.

We shall see.


Aug 10, 2005
I said it before and I'll say it again, once the powers that be pressure the DR into giving illegal
Haitians Dominican citizenship or anyone born in the country, like those in the US, merging or
fusion has begun.

That has been the objective for years. For the DR to change its Constitution from Jus Sanguinis
to Jus Soli.This is the plan. Once this has been accomplished, the DR as an independent nation
is doomed.

Even after the Haitian gov't and UN, USA agreed on the regularization plan where it stipulated
that illegal Haitians who do not have documentation will be deported after the closing date,
they are still pressuring the DR into not deporting them.

The powers that be do not care about whether Haitians and Dominicans may not want the merging.
It'll be what they see fit. Will there be much blood spilled? You bet. And in comes UN troops to
"restore order" or the take over.

We shall see.

Well they should bring it on. Dominican can fight. They prefer dying fighting than be killed like a coward and live like slave to any foreign nation.

If you study Dominican history, you will realize that they always have had the cojones to defend their nation from any foreign occupation

And by the way, I am not Dominican, but really love this country.

M?s Quisqueya la ind?mita y brava
Siempre altiva la frente alzar?;
Que si fuere mil veces esclava
Otras tantas ser libre sabr?

?Libertad! Que los ecos se agiten
Mientras llenos de nobles ansiedad
Nuestros campos de gloria repiten
Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!