?Hola! New Neighbours


New member
May 6, 2014
Does that mean you are requesting instalment #2?

Question: What is considered sufficient money to support yourself or proof of. to qualify for residency application (not retired no pensions, but do have financial resources)
Question: What is sufficient investment in real estate to qualify for residency application

Thanks again, enjoy the day!


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Welcome aboard and have patience with the process. Rent don't buy......you will be pushed to buy at special discount rate and never see a title...rent, get a feel for the lay of the land and the government.


New member
May 6, 2014
Reference to: application for residency
Question: What is considered sufficient money to support yourself or proof of. to qualify for residency application (not retired no pensions, but do have financial resources)
Question: What is sufficient investment in real estate to qualify for residency application

Thanks again, enjoy the day!


Apr 29, 2014
Reference to: application for residency
Question: What is considered sufficient money to support yourself or proof of. to qualify for residency application (not retired no pensions, but do have financial resources)
Question: What is sufficient investment in real estate to qualify for residency application

I think it is open to interpretation by the immigration dept officials. The last set of "hard and fast" numbers I've seen is a monthly income of $1500, real estate or business investment of $200K+ and or a Dominican bank account with a balance of $15K-20K.

I have to say that I do not know what the requirements are for non-pensioned residency applications. For the best advice contact a DR lawyer or the DR dept. of immigration or the DR embassy at home. I am sure others who may know more than me will address your questions as well.

Just keep in mind that if you live in the DR and even though your source of income (non-pensioned) is from elsewhere, you may find yourself taxable under Dominican rules as a business entity as you are not permitted to be an employee in the country and you are not a retired person. Again, the advice of a DR lawyer about income tax laws for self employed residents is worth checking out.

The DR residency program as it exists today really isn't set up to handle people like you. If you are not over 45 and receiving a secured retirement pension, then you are expected to sink a significant chunk of change into the DR for residency consideration. I get the impression they don't really want to be bothered with sun worshippers who are fleeing economic oppression in North America or those who derive their income elsewhere but wish to live in the DR without paying taxes.

That being said, if you have enough $$$ anything is possible.


New member
May 6, 2014
I think it is open to interpretation by the immigration dept officials. The last set of "hard and fast" numbers I've seen is a monthly income of $1500, real estate or business investment of $200K+ and or a Dominican bank account with a balance of $15K-20K.

I have to say that I do not know what the requirements are for non-pensioned residency applications. For the best advice contact a DR lawyer or the DR dept. of immigration or the DR embassy at home. I am sure others who may know more than me will address your questions as well.

Just keep in mind that if you live in the DR and even though your source of income (non-pensioned) is from elsewhere, you may find yourself taxable under Dominican rules as a business entity as you are not permitted to be an employee in the country and you are not a retired person. Again, the advice of a DR lawyer about income tax laws for self employed residents is worth checking out.

The DR residency program as it exists today really isn't set up to handle people like you. If you are not over 45 and receiving a secured retirement pension, then you are expected to sink a significant chunk of change into the DR for residency consideration. I get the impression they don't really want to be bothered with sun worshippers who are fleeing economic oppression in North America or those who derive their income elsewhere but wish to live in the DR without paying taxes.

That being said, if you have enough $$$ anything is possible.

We're fifty +, thanks for your reply. and I will look into it. Enjoy the day!


May 13, 2006
It's wonderful to see you have done some research before moving here,so many do not. However, in some of your posts you state facts that may or may not be accurate. Having owned and lived here over 7 years, I am always cautious about sharing any legal information leaving that to the experts. I am sure you would hate to see another newcomer be mislead by something you wrote.


Apr 29, 2014

I assume you are talking to me?

I am only relaying information as it existed when I encountered it processing my own residency application over the last 8 months or so. I have no desire or intention to deceive. As in my last post to jjstone, I usually suggest that people verify the info that I present with a DR lawyer or the DR embassy in their country.

Is there anything in particular which you feel is misleading?


May 13, 2006
For example:
The DR residency program as it exists today really isn't set up to handle people like you.
I know many people who work here from many different countries who have residency and work here and they went thru the same process you are attempting.
Just wanted to make my point about not writing something that may not be accurate. Not interested in peeing in your porridge only trying to offer my thoughts on sharing what may not be helpful to all.


New member
May 6, 2014
Hi Abeula, I asked for the insight from cnd_gringo particularly because he is 'in the process' and is from my country Canada.
I understand to use the information as a guide. It is helpful in that it answers questions that are on my mind to know if I can qualify for residency and etc and it's interesting to know of someone elses experience in preparation to move from Canada.
I realize that when I do start the 'process' information may differ, thanks for the word of caution though.


Apr 29, 2014
For example:
The DR residency program as it exists today really isn't set up to handle people like you.
I know many people who work here from many different countries who have residency and work here and they went thru the same process you are attempting.

Point taken. I can not address what the residency requirements were last year, three years ago or what they will be next year. The face to face discussion that I had with the Embassy here in Ottawa last Sept. is all that I have to go on. I was told that residency applications are only accepted from those people who are retired and have a pension income, descents or spouses of a Dominican or those when invest in or start a business in the DR. The printed literature available from official sources on the web seem to back this up.

I am not so naive as to believe that there are never exceptions, special circumstances or special dispensation granted from time to time or that there may be aspects of the current residency program that I am not aware of or are not "advertised". In my opinion, the program as it exists today is geared towards retirees, or people prepared to invest in property or a business. I do believe that it would be difficult for a 35 year old self employed web designer (to pick a trade out of thin air) to receive residency in the DR without spending a significant amount of $$$.

If I am wrong I'll be the second to say so. You have to admit though, that what was the case for those you know in the past, may not be the reality now. This is the DR we're talking about where policy changes faster than most people change underwear.

Don't worry about offending my sensibilities, but please don't pee in my porridge, I prefer milk. :)

P.S. Maybe there is a program for people who want to reside in the DR and continue working for entities not located in the DR. That doesn't apply to me so I have not looked into it. I'm a retiree and applied as such, so that is my limited experience with the subject to which I am speaking.
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Hi Abeula, I asked for the insight from cnd_gringo particularly because he is 'in the process' and is from my country Canada.
I understand to use the information as a guide. It is helpful in that it answers questions that are on my mind to know if I can qualify for residency and etc and it's interesting to know of someone elses experience in preparation to move from Canada.
I realize that when I do start the 'process' information may differ, thanks for the word of caution though.

I found the best info on the DR Consulate/Embassy websites in Canada. I spent a lot of time reading and re-reading their info!!


Apr 29, 2014
I should be buying you the cerveza

I take serious umbrage at your remark! I insist on purchasing the beer...because I thought of it first...you just want to abscond with the good will I am attempting to build with all the nice people here and obviously won't be satisfied until you completely trample my alegr?a de la vida, forcing me to relocate to the campo to open a colmado, where I am savaged every night by chicklet thieves and sanky panky(s).

I'm on to you and I'm having none of it...


Aug 20, 2007
The "guideline" is(was) $2000 US a month for a single person..A letter from Bank/ re:Investments .
I take serious umbrage at your remark! I insist on purchasing the beer...because I thought of it first...you just want to abscond with the good will I am attempting to build with all the nice people here and obviously won't be satisfied until you completely trample my alegr?a de la vida, forcing me to relocate to the campo to open a colmado, where I am savaged every night by chicklet thieves and sanky panky(s).

I'm on to you and I'm having none of it...

It was a joke bc you spent a lot on your lawyer....

I don't want people to pay double what they have to. I have gotten screwed over money wise here a lot so I try and help people when I can.

If you can't take a joke like that you will have a ruff road on dr1! Good luck!
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