Last night, my friend who cleans my pad told me she told her friends about me and they said to her that they could never hang out with me unless I was giving them money. And they would want 3000 pesos just to hang out. But that is bogosity. It assumes on their part that they are absolutely mind-blowing(which in itself is a subjective term, what you may like I may not) and undeniable. <B>They figure they will show up, give me perky lips, perky boobs, a thong and tight jeans and I m going to go bananas like a Warner Brothers cartoon where my eyes pop out of my head and in the background you hear an "Aoooga!" </b> But what if it doesnt work? "He s gay."
So when you turn them down because they didnt really rationalize that their approach may have been low class or they just maybe boring, stupid or unattractive, because after all who really likes a ghetto girl with a big mouth who has nothing interesting to talk about? I thought it was funny though because they had convinced her that what they said made sense and that she should be like that too. I asked her in response "How do they know they wouldnt just get screwed and booted?" Seriously?
Thats another thing I dont like...women who arent in the know seem to give or seek advice from other women who arent in the know. How does that make sense? Its like the blind leading the blind. How are you going to realistically take advice from someone who has no idea of what they are speaking about? And then who takes the blame when the outcome is wrong?
<b>Mind you, if we are going out somewhere I m paying, thats cool. But its out of sorts to think that you are going to hustle me for gifts, because you re pretty.</b> I had another friend who, when I explained my frugality, told me that "white guys give money" as though I should be envious of this. I didnt even bother to explain to her that those guys arent interested in relationships, this is Fantasy Island to those guys. They are entertaining themselves with you. And at the end of the episode they get back on the plane and go back home. Needless to say she didnt come around anymore. "You will never understand the Dominican woman."