I must have really sinned...


Apr 29, 2014
Last week I had to contend with one of those monster centipedes. Tonight it's my first tarantula. I really, really dislike spiders...

To whoever is responsible for unleashing the plague of creepy crawlers on me, I'm sorry. Well it could be worse I guess, I could be living in Belize as was the plan originally...


New member
Feb 1, 2014
They, ( Tarantulas in Dom. Spanish = Cacatas and centipedes = Cienpies ) were here before we, humans invated their world. If you don't bother them, nothing will happen. But then again, be carefull. They don't speak English! BTW., I have an air gun specialy to hunt them because I would not have them bite one of our dogs.:laugh:


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
One of my dogs hunts everything. Lizards, mice, cienpies, flies, bees, wasps, chickens, other dogs, fulanos....anything that moves ). He has even killed a couple of snakes over the years.
Anyway, earlier this year, he wouldnt stop barking ( and I mean on and on and on....). Happened twice before. Once before the earrhquake, omce when I had left a water tap open in the conuco and it drained the tinacoa........
So I go and see, in the middle of the night of course, a HUGE cacata on a wall, outside thankfully.
I was hesitating between the shotgun and home made flame thrower ( aka wasp spray and a handful of matches. ).
My wife told me I was being silly and whacked it with a broom. The cacata legged it down a drain to the conuco. But HUNDREDS of baby spiders scattered off her back.......arghhhh...... horror movie.

Anyway I have my doubts. Said dog kills snakes and wasps but stays away from xacatas....... something fishy...


Jan 18, 2008
The agricultural stores sell a powder that if sprinkled around will stay and kill any insect or spider in the house or outside where it does not get wet. We get ours at the agri store in Sabaneta at the intersection of the Moca Road. Ants, cockroaches, spiders. If you have pets or children then put a little under beds or behind cupboards or wherever the pet cannot get to it. Our dog won't go near it but that is not always the case. We have used this for years and never or very rarely have anything unwanted in the house.


Apr 29, 2014
I'm a pretty rational guy. My two hang-ups are extreme heights and spiders. The latter I can deal with better than the former.

I had just hopped into the shower when the Mrs. comes running in, her eyes were wide open the size of tea cup saucers. The inflection of her halting screeches and wild gesticulations conveyed a sense of urgency and excitement.

The story: She was on the terrace, in the dark (so as not to attract beetles, mosquitoes or annoy the geckos that are all over the walls at night).

The events as conveyed to me between hurried breaths and frantic hand gesturing is that she saw a big dark spot on the terrace and figured one of the dogs had been too lazy to find a better spot on the lawn. She went over to investigate and rather smartly I might add, turned on the outside lights to put some light on the situation.

Not a pile of dog mess. I was told that I must immediately deal with this. I wrapped my extremely fashionable designer towel around myself and proceed to the scene of the tumult.

I believe she was a Haitian Brown. The size of my hand with fingers outstretched. Not immediately afraid of me, the lights or the lady peering out from behind the living room curtains. I'd like to say I left her alone out of consideration our our shared existence in this land of paradise. However, it would be more accurate to say that there was no way I was getting anywhere near that thing. Since this was the biggest spider I have personally seen, and I did not know how fast she could move or how far she could jump I marveled from a respectful distance.

After we exchanged respectful glances at each other for some time, me with my two eyes, her with her eight, she slowly started to move off. I coughed to clear the lump of fear induced phlegm from my constricted throat and she was off. Fast as lightening she was. Made a beeline for the cover of the grass next to the terrace. I checked on her location several times over the next hour - out of an abundance of caution mind you. She stayed right there in the edge of the grass. She was gone in the morning as these creatures are rarely seen during the daylight.

I am truly blessed to be able to check this most recent natural encounter off my bucket list. I take comfort in knowing that I will NEVER have another opportunity of this type EVER AGAIN. It's 07:45 as I write this and it's at least 1000 degrees already in the rising sun and I am shivering. Give me snow snakes any day!

I look forward to the continuation of my personal hell with the scheduled appearance of the scorpions and some other crawlies that have thus far lived only in my nightmares.

For those that are lexiconically challenged, this post is dripping with sarcasm. If you take away any suggestion that I feel content and otherwise lackadaisical, you have sorrowfully misconstrued my words and you should send a St. Bernard with a flask around it's neck immediately.


Jul 10, 2004
Just get a pet tarantula


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
My wife and I are both dreading the Tarantula sighting!! Knock on wood we haven't yet but everyone else seems to see them so it will happen soon i am sure!

Was it in your house?!

harley, tarantulas are harmless. they look scary, but the aren't going to attack you. what you need to worry about is one of those centipedes eating your hair while you are sleeping, and your body moves. not good.


Jul 9, 2010
Last week I had to contend with one of those monster centipedes. Tonight it's my first tarantula. I really, really dislike spiders...

To whoever is responsible for unleashing the plague of creepy crawlers on me, I'm sorry. Well it could be worse I guess, I could be living in Belize as was the plan originally...

HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Creepy Crawlers.
May 29, 2006
What's the worst that could happen??

May 29, 2006
I had one in my condo. I managed to get it out without harming it because, 1) It was only coming in out of the rain, and 2) cleaning up spider guts is even less fun.

They tend to come out after heavy rains because they nest underground and they can get flooded out. In some areas, they can come out by the thousands..

In Belize, you've got bot flies, chiggers, numerous venomous snakes and worse. If there is any place in the DR where they have forest leeches, I'd like to know so I can stay clear of there...
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Apr 29, 2014
Belize is awash in things that will eat you, kill you, live in you, plants that make poison ivy seem like child's play, but the beer is cheaper than here. Some compromise is often called for....


Jan 21, 2006
The bite of a tarantula is not harmless and there is risk of infection. My understanding is that the Dominican variety causes pain about like a wasp sting along with swelling. We have a six foot stone wall around the house and it has lots of cracks and crevices that the spiders like. Tarantulas are not an endangered species except inside my house. My dog got bitten on a regular basis and each time his head swelled up which narrowed his eyes and made him look chinese. The centipedes are another story and you do not want to be bitten as its really painful. The centipedes seem to like the sewage system and will crawl up drains. We keep centiped proof covers on all the drains. You can also pick them up walking in grassy areas where they will hitchike wrapped around your ankle. Feels like a piece of grass till you look down.


Apr 29, 2014
My understanding is that a bite can be pretty painful. I'd prefer not to find out just how painful. I'm not allergic to bees/wasps and they do hurt but are tolerable. I expect two punctures from long fangs might carry with it an increased level of discomfort even if the venom is "not usually" fatal. "Not usually" means what? Only some people have died in the past? Most just swear a lot?