Long Distance relationships

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New member
Oct 17, 2002
long distance relationships suck

i think it's very hard to go forward in lond distance relationships period. whether your partner is in the DR or anywhere else, him not sharing the everyday joys/struggles of life as a union defeats the whole purpose of a seriou, mature, and a progressing relationship.

if you want a boy toy that you can see 2 or 3 times a year and don't want anymore of a commitment than that (and of course all those hours on the phone), then i can see long distance relationships as realistic.

i think you should first ask yourself what it is that you want in a relationship, look at what variables you need in your ideal mate at this point in your life, and then decide.

if it worked for others, it might not work for you. but then again, if it failed for them, it might still work for you. i guess it all depends on the person, the situation, and all the forces that shape them.

good luck


New member
Mar 14, 2003
dominican man

i know this is probably a tiring subject but I think cosmicjo has a good point, she has been with him for 3 yrs she is english and he is dominican. I am sticking up for her because so what he is DR there are all kind of men in this world the ones here are rednecks and i would take a DR man any day


New member
Mar 13, 2003
I think bot Lee-lee and Cosjmico make good points.

As for you follow you're heart but keep you're eyes wide open. Don't let some of the pittbuls on this forum put you down.

Good luck


New member
Mar 19, 2002

I know of many women whom have long distances relationships with DR men, especially from resorts and they keep it only as vacation fun. Once you visit more often and get a taste of what goes on, play the game too, that way no one gets hurt or disappointed. Don't even think you may be the only one for him, once you have returned home, he's hitting on the next bus load. I have many male friends in the DR and we always have fun conversations about this topic, because they observe their victims very well. Just ask why do you have to go to the DR to meet someone when there are many men where you live. These guys who continue long distance relationships and maybe with more that one woman is just waiting for his way out with the first opportunity that comes. I have many stories about some of my friends who have done this. I do not blame them for trying to get out of the DR to try and make their life better and if the woman falls for this, it's sad, because she is the only one who will suffer in the long run. Follow your heart, well you may do this, but he's only looking out for his best interest at this pont.
Dec 9, 2002
Hi Raquel, the advice about going with your heart is fine up to a point, but you have to listen to your head at the same time. I'm sure you've already read many of the other threads on this board relating to the same subject, and lots of it is good advice (if you ignore the bullies, of which there are many).

I myself am following my heart (with sufficient reference to my head) and marrying my Dominican in 10 weeks time.


New member
Feb 28, 2003
I would say good luck to anyone doesn't matter who you are marrying whether here or there, as long as you are happy then what is the problem

we all know dominicans have bad reputation but surely some of them should be given the benefit of the doubt and what about the dominican woman do they try and screw foreign men for money!


New member
Mar 13, 2003
Posts about relationships with DRman keep coming back and for the record I agree with most of the comments. These guys are looking out for their own interest first and for a way to get out of the country (and not only the guys BTW).

But...... I do not like the fact that these girls are being laughed at by a lot of people on this forum. At least that is my feeling when reading the comments.
How are they suppose to know when you come down to the DR for the first time, you don't know the people and which ones can be trusted. Like anywhere else in the world (and I have been around quit a bit) there are good and bad people in the DR. I think (assume) most of these girls/woman are young. Just think back to the time you were that age, without the wisdom you have now and the experience a lot of you have living in the DR for a long time.

And before you all start...... yes I fell in the sanki-trap the first time I was in the DR (a long time ago). But I still love the DR and especially the people and I keep coming back. Long distance relationships are to my opinion almost impossible, doesn't matter DR or anywhere else. A lot of these sankis are now my friends and yes they still play these games with women. So..... go down there, play their game, enjoy it and go home. If you want to keep contact, just do it as friends.
Ofcourse this does not apply to all DR men, like I said before there are good people everywhere and I met a lot of really good, friendly people with a great sence of hospitality. That's why I keep coming back to the DR.


New member
Mar 6, 2003
Long Distance Relationships


try not to get tooo involved and let your heart take over, because you never know what can happen. While you are not in the same city, country I would try to keep it not tooooo serious, you never know what they are doing or anything!! Until you are in the same town, city, country as them, keep it settle and once you are there then go forward with it.. you never know what you can expect or what can happen while you are not there!!!


Dominican men suck....

If you have a LDR with a Dom guy you can be sure he's got some other gf or might at least be looking for one in his area.
u know, having 2 girlfriends is a cool thing to brag about with his buddies.

It's in the culture!


New member
Mar 9, 2003
What's to say it doesn't go both ways. If in your gut you are unsure about him/her in the DR you can be sure they are getting the exact same vibe and are unsure about you - wherever you are. LDR's are very subject to circumstance and you have to be pretty damned sure before you go laying all your cards on the table. Especially being that your rate of success in a relationship anywhere in the world is about 50/50 - go in realizing it could swing either way. If it is good then it will be great. Wish you the best!!!


New member
Apr 5, 2003
long distance relationships

:bunny: :bunny: hi raquel i have started a long distance relationship with a dominican man. i'd love to talk to you or anyone else that is involved in a situation like this. private messages please


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Why not PM Maryanne??

Have you read her thread "My Experiences"!?
Great read.......
You can also PM me if you'd like!
While I haven't been involved in a long distance relationship with a Dominican I was involved in a LD relationship with an Italian and I have witnessed many LD relationships here in Juan Dolio in the DR.

Good luck and remember to check out HB's Golden Rules (they're a "sticky" in this forum). Just go to the main page of this forum.


Jan 2, 2002
I guess the automatic closing of threads after 3 years with no new posts isn't working.
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