New Cedulas for Foreigners Begin Today


Jan 2, 2002
Ok here is the updated info.
if you guys go there around 4pm then you can be out within 40 mins tops. in and out within 30-40 minutes. There is hardly anyone there and you will be taken right in.
most people got their cedulas within 30-40 minutes when they arrived at 4pm. The department is open till 5pm.
The the pros are all written up there now here are the cons:
the staff has some hardworking people but many are just there occupying space and doing nothing. the woman who is supposed to print out the cedulas is spending more time on her personal facebook on her cell than printing out cedulas. The people are experts in making mistakes in your data that they print out with your info. They had my address, my father's name and mother's name all incorrect. They had to change it 3 times to have it corrected. then the system rejected my new picture 5 times. this means 5 times I had to be photographed and re-finger printed and all. They just seem to not care and keep doing it over and over again without fixing he actual problem. this led me to believe its a common problem. finally I got upset from being finger printed and photographed so many times, that it caught a supervisor's attention. she made a call to the main office and someone corrected the mistake on the computer. then I was given my cedula. I waited more than an hour to get all sorted out. The rest of the people who came at around 4pm got their cedulas within 30-40 minutes. So the moral of the story is, go there around 4pm.
Side note:
make sure you have photo copy of passport and cedula and residency card, both sides. I was stupid enough not to check. I took along copy of my driver's license instead of residency card. I even left the card at home by mistake thinking my driver's licence is my residency card. They are both blue in color. Then on the way back home, a crazy young colmado delivery driver runs into my car and breaks my side mirror. Upon grabbing him, she started to cry and pleaded me not to inform his boss. he will fire him. So I took pity on him and let him go. Nothing a crazy blue can't fix. Hahahaha.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
make sure you have photo copy of passport and cedula and residency card, both sides.
I just filed for passport renewal in POP yesterday. They took my to-expire-in-July passport.

I didn't make a copy (sigh).

So my current cedula & FL drivers' license alone won't work?


I do have a copy of just the face page of my passport somewhere. Will that work?

4pm, huh? JDJ says crack of dawn. Jessica got there mid morning and had to wait all day.



New member
Sep 21, 2009
I say if you are not from SD come as early as possible, because nobody wants to come again like some people had to.
Feb 7, 2007
AZB, I heard from JCE pople in La Romana that the data in the system is displayed/printed as entered initially when you got your first cedula. On a paperwork they printed out for me to sign, my mother's last name had a typo, and when I pointed it out they said it was in the system and I would need to go through a process to get it corrected, that they could not simply modify it in the system.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
AZB, I heard from JCE pople in La Romana that the data in the system is displayed/printed as entered initially when you got your first cedula. On a paperwork they printed out for me to sign, my mother's last name had a typo, and when I pointed it out they said it was in the system and I would need to go through a process to get it corrected, that they could not simply modify it in the system.

Same song and dance everywhere. When Mr. AE went to get the matricula for our car when we shipped it in, they misspelled his second surname, Pera instead of Pena. He showed it to them immediately. They told him he had to come back another day to another department to get it fixed. :mad:


Jan 2, 2002
I just filed for passport renewal in POP yesterday. They took my to-expire-in-July passport.

I didn't make a copy (sigh).

So my current cedula & FL drivers' license alone won't work?


I do have a copy of just the face page of my passport somewhere. Will that work?

4pm, huh? JDJ says crack of dawn. Jessica got there mid morning and had to wait all day.


they actually checked my physical passport along with physical residency card and old cedula. The copies were needed as they took my picture and finger-printed me. The 4pm advice was given to me by the supervisor who was in charge of the department. I showed up at 12pm without my residency card, thinking my driver license was my residency card. she told me to come back 4pm. The 4pm deal is good for people who don't live far away. I saw 7 people got their cedula within 30 minutes time frame. Mine was delayed because of my picture problems. Then the people were not paying attention to the problem, instead they were simply retaking my finger prints and shooting a new photo (5 times). the woman who inputs data and prints cedula was playing with her facebook account on her cellular phone. She didn't care who was waiting. The things started to move when I got upset and started to talk loud. there is a risk involved if you go there later in the day: what if the machine breaks down or power goes off and generator doesn't start or whatever? they might ask you to come back tomorrow. The people who live in SD or close by should go there around 4pm. No need to wake up before the rooster to get in the 7am line.


Jan 2, 2002
AZB, I heard from JCE pople in La Romana that the data in the system is displayed/printed as entered initially when you got your first cedula. On a paperwork they printed out for me to sign, my mother's last name had a typo, and when I pointed it out they said it was in the system and I would need to go through a process to get it corrected, that they could not simply modify it in the system.
rubio, they corrected their mistakes right there on the system and printed out another sheet to have me checked and signed. It took them 3 tries to get things right. so 3 sheets were printed and I signed the last one with the correct info. Maybe I was in SD main office, this is why they were able to fix it on the spot. who knows.


Jan 2, 2002
I just filed for passport renewal in POP yesterday. They took my to-expire-in-July passport.

I didn't make a copy (sigh).

So my current cedula & FL drivers' license alone won't work?


I do have a copy of just the face page of my passport somewhere. Will that work?

4pm, huh? JDJ says crack of dawn. Jessica got there mid morning and had to wait all day.


I just had my US passport renewed in SD. The official info says it takes 3 weeks (not sure exactly how long) but the point is, it always takes longer. It may take even longer in your case because your passport has to be shipped to pop. Good luck.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I just had my US passport renewed in SD. The official info says it takes 3 weeks (not sure exactly how long) but the point is, it always takes longer. It may take even longer in your case because your passport has to be shipped to pop. Good luck.
So just a copy of my passport won't work for renewing my cedula, correct?


Jan 2, 2002
So just a copy of my passport won't work for renewing my cedula, correct?

correct. you need physical passport in hand.
so just wait till you get your passport, by then, there will be no lines at all in JCE.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
correct. you need physical passport in hand.
so just wait till you get your passport, by then, there will be no lines at all in JCE.

They said 4 weeks. By then my cedula will be 2 months expired.

AND I cannot get a drivers license without the new cedula. Found that out yesterday.



May 18, 2002
A friend of mine just renewed his drivers license in Santo Domingo with his old c?dula.


May 18, 2002
Yes of course but I missed that part that it was expired in CB's post.


Jul 10, 2004

They said 4 weeks. By then my cedula will be 2 months expired.

AND I cannot get a drivers license without the new cedula. Found that out yesterday.


Maybe you could try another motor vehicle office where people can be a$$ured you will eventually get a new cedula?


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Maybe you could try another motor vehicle office where people can be a$$ured you will eventually get a new cedula?
I dunno.

I'll wait to get my new passport, then get the new cedula, then the DL.


I wish I hadn't renewed the passport first. I guess I didn't think things fully through.

The problem wasn't the DL office. BanReservas refused my $$$ for the DL with an expired cedula...