No more smoking on the beach

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
How many people do you personally know that were brutally murdered, let alone the other scams. No it doesn't occur like in the DR, and these general comments saying it occurs everywhere and the DR is just as safe as any other place is close to criminal. The people on this site are bordering on accomplices to these crimes by denying they occur.
Things are so bad in the DR that you have to lie and deny the existence of concrete examples for whatever your motivation or agenda is. Maybe it is just self delusion, but it is definitely not being honest.

maybe if some gringos would stop associating with the dregs of society, they would not expose themselves to an early demise. there are guys in this site who have married women from the kind of social class with which they would associate back home. their exposure to being killed by lowlife is very much reduced. guys who hook up with barrio bunnies leave themselves open to being done in by criminal opportunists.


Aug 15, 2007
I didn't take advice from him, just agreed with him. For some reason he has an "agenda" against the DR. Sounded pretty honest in his assessment.
How many people do you personally know that have been brutally murdered in the DR vs other places, and that is not even the frustrating part of the country.
No other country treats its tourist population like the DR - with the entire legal system out to get them and taking bribes. I guess you guys are just to clever to not have some drunk local ram you from behind and then sue you, take your passport ... (you know the stories). It's not just dumb luck that this hasn't happened to you yet, you are too clever for it.

Ok, so that explains a lot.

"Andy the Hobo Traveler" is a single-minded, hard-core monger who likes to put his (more rated PG) adventures on YouTube. Think of him as an even-poorer-man's Cuba Dave. Andy thinks he's providing value with his video diary about his travels, but in reality, it's pure comedy gold, and a test case for what not to do when abroad.

Andy likes hanging out with prostitutes and their moto-driving "cousins" :paranoid:, and likes to be surprised when bad things happen to him. If I had a thing for hookers, and let all her hooker and hoodlum friends into my house, well, then I'd be as stupid/beaten up/broke as Andy generally is.

That is a far cry from the what anyone with half an ounce of common sense would otherwise experience.

DR is miles from perfect, but so is everyplace else. I love it, but then again, I exercise decent judgment, and hang with good people in safe areas doing cool stuff. I know, how weird is that, right?!

DR is more than just the "love of your life" you found in some bordello. And judging an entire island based off being around the type of people you'd have nothing to do with back home, along with "I'm with stupid" stories from people like Andy means that you haven't begun to experience all DR has to offer.

Back on Topic: there's absolutely nothing wrong with banning or limiting smoking on a public beach. Few like the smell, or the toxic side effects of secondhand smoke. That goes triple when there are demonstrated environmental impacts to the beach ecosystem. 

Yeezus, you actually cited "Andy the Hobo Traveler." No wonder....


Sep 29, 2014
maybe if some gringos would stop associating with the dregs of society, they would not expose themselves to an early demise. there are guys in this site who have married women from the kind of social class with which they would associate back home. their exposure to being killed by lowlife is very much reduced. guys who hook up with barrio bunnies leave themselves open to being done in by criminal opportunists.

Oh how the Gorgon has changed. You know what you are saying is not true, so why say it. That is not the case with me and not the case with the couples that were brutally murdered, although they definitely made mistakes. Check out the murders in Cabrera the past few years. Nothing to do with these barrio bunnies or whatever new name you want to come up with.
Look up straw man arguments - create a false argument (i.e a lie) that you can then defeat.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Ok, so that explains a lot.

"Andy the Hobo Traveler" is a single-minded, hard-core monger who likes to put his (more rated PG) adventures on YouTube. Think of him as an even-poorer-man's Cuba Dave. Andy thinks he's providing value with his video diary about his travels, but in reality, it's pure comedy gold, and a test case for what not to do when abroad.

Andy likes hanging out with prostitutes and their moto-driving "cousins" :paranoid:, and likes to be surprised when bad things happen to him. If I had a thing for hookers, and let all her hooker and hoodlum friends into my house, well, then I'd be as stupid/beaten up/broke as Andy generally is.

That is a far cry from the what anyone with half an ounce of common sense would otherwise experience.

DR is miles from perfect, but so is everyplace else. I love it, but then again, I exercise decent judgment, and hang with good people in safe areas doing cool stuff. I know, how weird is that, right?!

DR is more than just the "love of your life" you found in some bordello. And judging an entire island based off being around the type of people you'd have nothing to do with back home, along with "I'm with stupid" stories from people like Andy means that you haven't begun to experience all DR has to offer.

Back on Topic: there's absolutely nothing wrong with banning or limiting smoking on a public beach. Few like the smell, or the toxic side effects of secondhand smoke. That goes triple when there are demonstrated environmental impacts to the beach ecosystem. 

Yeezus, you actually cited "Andy the Hobo Traveler." No wonder....

i am never surprised by some of the crap i see happening here. guys from NY, for example, watch the evening news, and see some report about a crime which went down in the South Bronx, and declare that they would never be caught dead even driving through that part of the world in an armored car. then they come to a country with which they have zero familiarity, and whose language they do not speak, and end up making fast friends with guys from barrios that are even more dangerous than the bowels of Hunts Point. next thing you know is that Fausto is in their living room, even though they do not have an idea where he lives. then people wonder why he turns up dead, and his laptop and iphone are missing.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Oh how the Gorgon has changed. You know what you are saying is not true, so why say it. That is not the case with me and not the case with the couples that were brutally murdered, although they definitely made mistakes. Check out the murders in Cabrera the past few years. Nothing to do with these barrio bunnies or whatever new name you want to come up with.
Look up straw man arguments - create a false argument (i.e a lie) that you can then defeat.

changed to what? what have i said in the posting you quoted which is not true?

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
i am never surprised by some of the crap i see happening here. guys from NY, for example, watch the evening news, and see some report about a crime which went down in the South Bronx, and declare that they would never be caught dead even driving through that part of the world in an armored car. then they come to a country with which they have zero familiarity, and whose language they do not speak, and end up making fast friends with guys from barrios that are even more dangerous than the bowels of Hunts Point. next thing you know is that Fausto is in their living room, even though they do not have an idea where he lives. then people wonder why he turns up dead, and his laptop and iphone are missing.
Definitely most parts of the DR are safer than the West Side of Chicago or North Philly.
Even 30 years ago I got pulled over by a black motorcycle cop in Oakland, California in the middle of the day. I had turned the wrong way onto a one way street. After he was satisfied I was just lost and not buying drugs, he told me the area was to dangerous for me to be in and he had me follow him about 6 blocks until he got me back on the route to where I was headed.

Sent from my HTC One A9 using Tapatalk

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Definitely most parts of the DR are safer than the West Side of Chicago or North Philly.
Even 30 years ago I got pulled over by a black motorcycle cop in Oakland, California in the middle of the day. I had turned the wrong way onto a one way street. After he was satisfied I was just lost and not buying drugs, he told me the area was to dangerous for me to be in and he had me follow him about 6 blocks until he got me back on the route to where I was headed.

Sent from my HTC One A9 using Tapatalk

why are we even getting into relativities? dangerous is dangerous. when i started coming to the DR, i used to walk from the hotel to a nearby nightclub, and walk home at 3 am. if you tried to do that today, in that area, you would not make it home. the element that populates those areas is the same cohort with which some foreigners choose to associate.

besides, it is not simply a matter of outward danger, like guys driving into alleyways and firing off rounds. it might be far more low key, like guys setting you up, and robbing you, with violence if necessary,

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
i am never surprised by some of the crap i see happening here. guys from NY, for example,

watch the evening news, and see some report about a crime which went down in the South Bronx, and declare that they would never be caught dead even driving through that part of the world in an armored car. then they come to a country with which they have zero familiarity, and whose language they do not speak, and end up making fast friends with guys from barrios that are even more dangerous than the bowels of Hunts Point. next thing you know is that Fausto is in their living room, even though they do not have an idea where he lives. then people wonder why he turns up dead, and his laptop and iphone are missing.

After sitting in Bourbon Street a few times and being forced to listen to the high volume of trash verbiage,
 sounding like a Monkey Mouth, I decline to go there.
They are like cartoon characters......thinking they are fly. l also can do without the smoke.


Jan 1, 2002
I was curious to find out what the effects of nicotine were on coral reefs but couldn't find any studies when I googled.
Several studies on the effects of sunscreen but nothing on nicotine.
Anyone have any good sources?

For the record, I am a non-smoker and fully agree with the intent of this ban, I just haven't seen the science to support it.
May 5, 2007
How many people do you personally know that were brutally murdered, let alone the other scams. No it doesn't occur like in the DR, and these general comments saying it occurs everywhere and the DR is just as safe as any other place is close to criminal. The people on this site are bordering on accomplices to these crimes by denying they occur.
Things are so bad in the DR that you have to lie and deny the existence of concrete examples for whatever your motivation or agenda is. Maybe it is just self delusion, but it is definitely not being honest.

Try Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Moldova, Chechnya or even the Czech Republic and you will believe the DR is the most perfect and non corrupt place on earth You get into trouble in any of the aforementioned countries without a hook" and you can kiss your butt good bye

The DR is the farm league when it comes to danger and corruption

Forgot to add Hungary, wheee $200 euros for a shot for myself and a barfly


Jul 10, 2004
Moderator, if we can't stay on topic can we close this thread plse?

It is an important topic to stay open since we don't yet know if it will be enforced or go the way of many DR laws.
Those posts "blowing smoke" could be deleted if the Mods were so inclined.


Sep 27, 2010
I wonder if anyone else notices how fabulously fatuous this proposition is?I'm a non smoker and quite happy to enjoy smoke -free environments but to try to justify it with some cod pseudo science is frankly ridiculous.

Nearly every boat that goes on reff visits is powered by a two-stroke engine (now banned in many countries) which exhausts burnt and un-burnt compounds via the underwater exhaust directly into the sea.

So you mean to tell me that someone lighting up in the open air in a bar 60m away with and ashtray and sitting next to a barbecue oven started using old tyres or used diesel is going to damage the reef?

Now if it said."after canvassing beach users and carrying out a wide poll the authorities have decided to agree to the wishes of the many and ban smoking in certain areas of the beach" that would be reasonable..

But reasonable doesn't work...
Just another new 'official' trying to get noticed..


Nov 1, 2012
As a Libertarian I think people have the "right" to do whatever they want to themselves but no "right" to do things can harm others. Cigarette smoking can and does harm others. Therefor people have no "right" to smoke where their smoke can effect others. An owner of a business who allows people to do things that can harm others also does not have a "right" to do so. Banning cigarette smoking where harm to others can be caused by it is the proper thing to do.

OK, I agree with you on that, when what you do may affect others. But here the Law is a bit ridiculous. For God's sake we are on the beach, OUTSIDE with air and wind. How can my smoke can badly affect someone ?? Unless that someone is sitting on my laps or on my chair... Because even sitting on a chair beside mine, the wind would carry the smoke, one way or the other.... So when I say ridiculous, the word is mild as I censure myself.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
OK, I agree with you on that, when what you do may affect others. But here the Law is a bit ridiculous. For God's sake we are on the beach, OUTSIDE with air and wind. How can my smoke can badly affect someone ?? Unless that someone is sitting on my laps or on my chair... Because even sitting on a chair beside mine, the wind would carry the smoke, one way or the other.... So when I say ridiculous, the word is mild as I censure myself.

it depends on what your definition of affecting is. to some people, the smell of cigarette smoke affects them very detrimentally.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Definitely most parts of the DR are safer than the West Side of Chicago or North Philly.
Even 30 years ago I got pulled over by a black motorcycle cop in Oakland, California in the middle of the day. I had turned the wrong way onto a one way street. After he was satisfied I was just lost and not buying drugs, he told me the area was to dangerous for me to be in and he had me follow him about 6 blocks until he got me back on the route to where I was headed.

Sent from my HTC One A9 using Tapatalk

And this is the reason they are banning smoking on the beach?


Jul 10, 2004
OK, I agree with you on that, when what you do may affect others. But here the Law is a bit ridiculous. For God's sake we are on the beach, OUTSIDE with air and wind. How can my smoke can badly affect someone ?? Unless that someone is sitting on my laps or on my chair... Because even sitting on a chair beside mine, the wind would carry the smoke, one way or the other.... So when I say ridiculous, the word is mild as I censure myself.

Regarding this law and the beach, the law is allegedly about the effect on the reef and marine life and not the second hand smoke in the air.

The smell of a cigarette, no matter the location, is not something I personally like.


Jun 17, 2005
I wish they would make a law about making the tap water potable. I wish they would make a law about dumping crap into the rivers (maybe there is...who knows?)


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
it depends on what your definition of affecting is. to some people, the smell of cigarette smoke affects them very detrimentally.

Big fat people, male and female alike, are detrimental to me........ lets ban fat folk from the beach too then...... duuh