Reputable Plastic Surgeon In Santo Domingo


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Dr. Roberto Guerrero

My sister and I live in Miami and we both made an appointment to get the tommy and breast lift after havng our children. two years ago we coordinated everything over the phone wit him and he send his choffer to pick us up at the airport. We stayed at the hotel that he recommended with a double bed room. He did a very good job and it was more economical than in the USA. I am very proud to have an opportunity to know this well educated and professional Doctor. His family should be very proud of him specially his daughters....He indicated to us what to do and not to do. I heard about his set up in Puerto Rico, but those are low lifes looking for money that is all.
I hope as well as all my sisters that have being operated by him that the family stay strong and together you should over come this minor problem.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Those looking for PS...take note that Dr. Roberto Guerrero was arrested in PR for practicing medicine without a license only a month ago. The claims were well documented and do NOT appear to be from money grubbing unfortunates.


I also recommend you check out a website specifically for people looking to travel for plastic surgery:
PSJ - - Plastic Surgery

The above website is really quite full of interesting material--facts, links, personal stories, etc. I have no ties to any of the above sites nor to Dr. Guerrero.

Good luck!
Last edited:


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Article on arrest of Guerrero

Linky no worky! :(
Sorry about that...
Here is the article as it was posted on that plastic surgery journeys site:

un cirujano pl?stico sin licencia

El galeno dominicano atendi? a una paciente en un hotel de Santurce.

El m?dico dominicano Roberto De Guerrero Daniels es escoltado ante una jueza que le impuso una fianza de $1 mill?n. (?ngel Rivera)
Por Jos? A. S?nchez Fournier /

La Polic?a intervino ayer con un cirujano pl?stico de la Rep?blica Dominicana por practicar su profesi?n sin licencia en Puerto Rico. As? fue luego de que el galeno ?montara cl?nica? en un hotel de Santurce y le extrajera l?quido del abdomen a una paciente, quien sufr?a de serias complicaciones m?dicas luego de que la operara en Santo Domingo.

El m?dico, identificado como Roberto de Guerrero Daniels, fue acusado de dos violaciones al art?culo 9 de la ley org?nica del Tribunal Examinador de M?dicos (TEM), la cual proh?be la pr?ctica de la medicina en la Isla sin la debida licencia.

Seg?n la informaci?n recopilada por la Polic?a, en febrero pasado De Guerrero acord? hacerle a la esposa de su primo una abdominoplast?a, una liposucci?n y una reconstrucci?n de senos por $5,000 en dos intervenciones quir?rgicas.

Seg?n estipularon las partes, la mujer, quien es natural de Puerto Rico, le adelant? $500 y luego viaj? a la capital dominicana en febrero pasado, para la primera operaci?n.

El m?dico, sin embargo, le hizo los tres procedimientos de un tiro. La mujer alega que durante el procedimiento perdi? mucha sangre y que contrajo tres bacterias que la dejaron en un delicado estado de salud.

?La perjudicada nos cont? que le tuvieron que extraer l?quido del abdomen en tres ocasiones, antes de viajar de regreso a Puerto Rico?, indic? ayer el teniente Eddie Hern?ndez, del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Criminales (CIC) de San Juan, uno de los oficiales que investig? el caso.

Pero la condici?n de la mujer no mejor? y, ya que se hab?a operado fuera de la Isla, su seguro m?dico no cubr?a las atenciones de seguimiento necesarias.

Fue entonces que De Guerrero viaj? a la Isla. ?A finales de febrero la cit? a un hotel de Santurce y le extrajo a?n m?s l?quido?, explic? el teniente sobre el procedimiento m?dico en una habitaci?n de hotel.

El procedimiento no fue la soluci?n. En febrero, de acuerdo con la paciente, fue ingresada en el hospital San Pablo, donde le descubrieron las bacterias. Necesit? 10 operaciones para curarse.

?Debido a la seriedad, el caso se consult? con el fiscal C?sar Mercado, y ?l decidi? someter (cargos), por violaci?n al art?culo 9 de la Ley 22?, continu? diciendo el teniente Hern?ndez.

La Polic?a averigu? que el m?dico estar?a de visita en la Isla, por lo que solicit? una orden para su arresto.

Ayer, la jueza Vanesa Pintado Rodr?guez encontr? causa para arresto contra De Guerrero, y le impuso fianza de $1,000,000, en efectivo.

Contra la paciente, la juez tambi?n encontr? causa, por una violaci?n a la Ley 22, pero los agentes dijeron que ella colabora con la pesquisa.


New member
Feb 14, 2005
There are many opinions on cosmetic surgery in the DR. In my estimation, the biggest risk is not the competency of the surgeon but rather the nature of ambulatory surgery and post-surgery treatment and follow up. Being sent home or to a hotel room to rest after a major invasive surgery is not the smartest thing in the world. There is always a chance for complications to arise and the difference between recovering in a hospital room within arms reach of professional care and a hotel room with none is life or death for the patient


Sep 17, 2004
There are many opinions on cosmetic surgery in the DR. In my estimation, the biggest risk is not the competency of the surgeon but rather the nature of ambulatory surgery and post-surgery treatment and follow up. Being sent home or to a hotel room to rest after a major invasive surgery is not the smartest thing in the world. There is always a chance for complications to arise and the difference between recovering in a hospital room within arms reach of professional care and a hotel room with none is life or death for the patient

Your point is valid, but it should also be noted that conducting post-surgical recovery for plastic surgery at home or in a controlled non-hospital setting such as a hotel or spa is a growing trend in the US and other first world countries. As with everything, it is a benefit/risk vs. cost decision.

Obviously, facilitating a rapid response to a complication under these circumstances would be more problematic in a place like the DR. On the other hand, it would be relatively inexpensive to have a nurse or aide stay with the person during the period of greatest risk to monitor their status and facilitate further treatment if needed.


New member
Jul 14, 2009

I was wondering where this doctor is located and what his charge is for rhinoplasty. I am located in Canada. Vancouer.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Hello-my name is Evelyn, I specialize in helping and educating potential surgery clients overseas (DR). I will educate you so that you can understand that going overseas doesn't necessarily mean that you have to sacrifice the quality of care. I have partner with a doctor in the Dominican Republic to provide you with affordable quality care and I will also take care of your flight, accommodations, transportation, nurse availability, travel companion (if necessary) and post surgery care. Please e-mail me at: so that I can start my mission......


New member
Jul 21, 2009
I need a Buddy or Help line for a Dominican Republic trip September 30. I am having surgery and currently going bymyself. It would be nice to have a buddy:bunny:


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I'm trying to make up my desicion for Dr.Pedro A. Espinal G in Santo Domingo but I cant find much reviews about him or the hospital he works.
If someone has something to share I will appresiate so much or another good Dr. in DR
THanks much guys


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Ohhh where is my mind!!! I forgot to mention Im planning to do tummy tuck and breast lift and looking for good plastic surgeant in DR.Thanks


New member
Jul 24, 2013
my friend and me had surgery with dr roberTo guerrero in santo friend died three days later after her plastic surgery with him. she had a gastric hemorrage after the liposuction...we called him dozens of time whe she got bad...never took the phone..never answered...she was on icu for two days and dr guerrero never showed up... IRRESPONSIBLE.... we were from puerto rico and had surgery with him on april 2013
no recommended....

no lo recomiendo...dejo morir a mi amiga


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Sorry ladies but I cant understand why you would ever contemplate coming to a foreign country for plastic surgery etc.
Get it done at home where at least you have some chance of claiming when things go wrong.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Alot of people go to the DR to have plastic/cosmetic surgery because it's cheaper. But
I'd rather pay more to insure my well being in the US than to risk having it done some
place away from home. Sometimes what you pay determines the level of care that
you will receive.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Alot of people go to the DR to have plastic/cosmetic surgery because it's cheaper. But
I'd rather pay more to insure my well being in the US than to risk having it done some
place away from home. Sometimes what you pay determines the level of care that
you will receive.

I agree 100%. If it's surgery I will need anesthesia for, I want the best surgeon and hospital in the US, assuming it's not an emergency. I've traveled to both Manhattan and Philadelphia for just that reason.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Dr roberto guerrero.dominican republic

Sorry ladies but I cant understand why you would ever contemplate coming to a foreign country for plastic surgery etc.
Get it done at home where at least you have some chance of claiming when things go wrong.

I dont think its the country the problem.WHen you have a really good surgeon and good facilities.
I have a lot of friends that had surgery in DR....and very nice results after surgery.
We got bad luck choosing or selecting DR Guerrero. Very bad experience , specially for my friend that died after her surgery. He didnt gave a proper follow up on us...he just throw us away and never picked up the phone.