Shame on The Dominican Republic Government


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I don't see where exactly the shock is coming from. The moment Hugo Ch?vez got sick and Dominican government officials were actually dedicating entire Catholic masses for his recovery should had been a hint.

That's what is happening "out in the open," because the other side of the coin is that everything is currently being done in order to reduce the country's dependence on oil precisely due to the increasing influence emanating from Caracas.


Apr 18, 2013
Venezuelan government.... scums of the earth... along side Cuba, North Korea and Iran..


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
If the PetroCaribe deal dies, the DR is in for a huge world of economic hurt.

A massive amount of cash is generated for the DR gubmint because of that deal. You cut off that teat, and the sky might actually fall...


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Who is talking about a shock??
Perfectly in line with the ideology......give me, give me, give me...... take, take, take..... then hypocrit speach, hypocrit speach.....
Aug 6, 2006
There is actually NOTHING useful that the Dominican government could possibly do to prevent violence in Venezuela. It's not like Danilo could give Maduro a sermon and Maduro would stop firing teargas or bullets or whatever at mobs.

The Dominican government has a duty to take care of its own people first.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
There is NOTHING uselful I can to do to stop genital mutilation in Soudan either...... Doesnt mean I agree (or vote for them....).


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
But I fail to see how siding with the venezuelean gvt helps dr citizens.......


Jan 1, 2002
That is why the UN, OAS, etc., don't work. The US sides with Israel regardless, the Russians and Chinese side with Iran, Syria, etc., regardless, the Europeans are now very reluctant to take any action against Putin for fear he will close the fuel pipes, the DR is dependent on Venezuela for much of its fuel, etc., etc., etc.

It is a shock when the countries come together and agree to take action on something, not the reverse.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Who is talking about a shock??
Perfectly in line with the ideology......give me, give me, give me...... take, take, take..... then hypocrit speach, hypocrit speach.....
The DR is economically beholden to the Venezuela, just as many nations are economically beholden to the US.

The DR chose to get in bed with the devil. Fact is the devil made that deal for exactly what is happening right now: to call in a chip when needed. Just like the US does.

It's like living at home. No matter how old you are, you still have to do what you are told by your parents.
Aug 6, 2006
Again, there is nothing that the DR could possibly do. The DR is not to blame for anything that happens in Venezuela. It is not like they were paying for teargas or weapons. Venezuela could sell their oil for more elsewhere. The US buys Venezuelan oil.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Again, there is nothing that the DR could possibly do. The DR is not to blame for anything that happens in Venezuela. It is not like they were paying for teargas or weapons. Venezuela could sell their oil for more elsewhere. The US buys Venezuelan oil.
Loyalty and economic dependance is worth more than money on the international chess board.

There is nothing that could be done today. But only an idiot of the most naive nature couldn't have seen the ~actual~ price of the PetroCaribe deal when signed.

The bill is coming due now, the immoral price of being silence while despots enslave their people.
Aug 6, 2006
Pretty much every day, there is some sort of demonstration in China. The Chinese tend to use teargas and the same sort of response that Venezuela does, and the US does not threaten to cut off ties. Ukraine has had a couple of perfectly awful governments, one that was pro-Europe and run by corrupt thieves, and another that was pro-Russian and run by corrupt thieves as well. The US did virtually nothing, and the US is a major country, not a rather small and puny island. The US needs China, and does not embargo Chinese goods. I assume that the US did business with both the Ukrainian governments, but realizing that there is nothing that even a superpower could do to force honesty on Ukraine, did nothing.

The US has supported torture and brutal dictatorships at one time or another in most of the Americas, even in the days when it could have made a difference. Let the Venezuelans sort out their own problems, No one in the DR could make a difference no matter what they did.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Pretty much every day, there is some sort of demonstration in China. The Chinese tend to use teargas and the same sort of response that Venezuela does, and the US does not threaten to cut off ties. Ukraine has had a couple of perfectly awful governments, one that was pro-Europe and run by corrupt thieves, and another that was pro-Russian and run by corrupt thieves as well. The US did virtually nothing, and the US is a major country, not a rather small and puny island. The US needs China, and does not embargo Chinese goods. I assume that the US did business with both the Ukrainian governments, but realizing that there is nothing that even a superpower could do to force honesty on Ukraine, did nothing.

The US has supported torture and brutal dictatorships at one time or another in most of the Americas, even in the days when it could have made a difference. Let the Venezuelans sort out their own problems, No one in the DR could make a difference no matter what they did.
Let's not change the subject with some moral equivalency excuse ("But, mommy, all the cool kids are doing it..."). Let's stick to the DR, the PetroCaribe deal and why the DR is acting as they are.

The DR is in the position of supporting tyrants in Venezuela because they have no other viable economic solution. To take the moral high ground endangers the DR's entire economic solvency.

Imagine what would happen if not only the fuel deal goes away, but those billions in loans are called.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Pretty much every day, there is some sort of demonstration in China. The Chinese tend to use teargas and the same sort of response that Venezuela does, and the US does not threaten to cut off ties. Ukraine has had a couple of perfectly awful governments, one that was pro-Europe and run by corrupt thieves, and another that was pro-Russian and run by corrupt thieves as well. The US did virtually nothing, and the US is a major country, not a rather small and puny island. The US needs China, and does not embargo Chinese goods. I assume that the US did business with both the Ukrainian governments, but realizing that there is nothing that even a superpower could do to force honesty on Ukraine, did nothing.

The US has supported torture and brutal dictatorships at one time or another in most of the Americas, even in the days when it could have made a difference. Let the Venezuelans sort out their own problems, No one in the DR could make a difference no matter what they did.

Not relevant. This is not a discussion about American reaction to Chinese behavior. China doesn't comment on American Environmentalists getting arrested....etc. This is not even really about events in Venezuela. It's about having open meetings and open media. The citizens of the OAS countries should know what's going on in Venezuela, after all what have they got to hide?
Aug 6, 2006
Meanwhile there's no cornbread, milk or toilet paper in the stores in Venezuela.

And your opinion is that if the government of the DR votes the way you want them to vote, Venezuelans will be replete with milk, cornbread and toilet paper?

You do not make sense