Somebody help my little girl, please!!!!!


On Vacation!
May 18, 2004

johne said:
As far as my feind Mr. Helpman is concerned and his abusive language perhaps the moderator sould take a look at some of our rules which are not to personally attack another member of this board.
I submit that bestowing the title of "King" upon me is a personal attack as I may not be worthy of such an honor and I hereby request this posting be deleted.
That's right Johne, run home to mommy and daddy.

-Helpmann :laugh:


Jun 28, 2003
I guess

helpmann said:
That's right Johne, run home to mommy and daddy.

-Helpmann :laugh:

you failed to see the humor in my post.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
I'm sorry if /i repeat what someone else stated..........BUT WHAT THE FU$K OMG RUN DON'T WALK TO DR........Call the Canadian Embassy.........Go to the house and take your daughter on the next flight to canada.........Deal with the consecuenses later.......Thats just my opinion from one mother to another.........$hit I would have been looking for a hit man not an attorney...Thats just me and my son's father knows this $hit!!!

Girl no one is attacking you just appauled at your easy going attitude!!!
Good luck


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

helpmann said:
You make me laugh Miggles (you always make me laugh.)

-Helpmann :laugh:
I just hope that while you are laughing, you can at least post something of importance every now and then.

I will tell you again, as that old Prophet, BERZIN, once told you: "You are a prick". Now I will add that you, my dear, are of no value to this site.

You have posted a few times on this thread and I am yet to see any help offered. You, LL # 3, are just a waste.

Btw, you are ALWAYS saying that we are rude and that we attack (which I do myself) yet you attacked and were rude to johne. You and whomever can be rude and attack me when I merit it(which I do not give a shyt) but what's your excuse with johne?.


I am yet to get a PM from the OP about my help offer. Oh well, maybe the HELPman can help her. There's always a first time, hahahaha!.
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On Vacation!
May 18, 2004
Your Contribution to This Thread is .... What????

miguel said:
I just hope that while you are laughing, you can at least post something of importance every now and then.

I will tell you again, as that old Prophet, BERZIN, once told you: "You are a prick". Now I will add that you, my dear, are of no value to this site.

You have posted a few times on this thread and I am yet to see any help offered. You, LF # 3, are just a waste.

Btw, you are ALWAYS saying that we are rude and that we attack (which I do myself) yet you attacked and were rude to johne. You and whomever can be rude and attack me when I merit it(which I do not give a shyt) but what's your excuse with johne?.


I am yet to get a PM from the OP about my help offer. Oh well, maybe the HELPman can help her. There's always a first time, hahahaha!.
I'm NOT the topic of this thread. This woman getting her kid back safe and sound is the topic at hand.

If you wish to discuss off-topic subjects (Me), then send me a PM, so I can continue to laugh my ass off.

-Helpmann :laugh:


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

helpmann said:
I'm NOT the topic of this thread. This woman getting her kid back safe and sound is the topic at hand.

If you wish to discuss off-topic subjects (Me), then send me a PM, so I can continue to laugh my ass off.

-Helpmann :laugh:
But YOU are making it about you.

From your 10 POSTS on this thread, show me ONE where you have offered ANY type of help to the OP.

See, I am not saying that I am not an axx-hole, all I am saying is that there's time to be serious and times to be an axx.

This thread is about something VERY serious and I thought that it was better to put my axx-hole persona away and try and help this person.

On my FIRST post to her, I not only adviced her, just like MANY, but I went a little further and told her to PM me and that I would call a friend of my in the DR (long distance, btw) and ask about a counselor and Doctor for her daughter.

Let's be very clear on something, I do not need to PM you or anybody. There's nothing to "talk" about. It's here in black and white.

Besides, I rather do other things with my no-life, like eat 20 red jalapenos using my butt instead of my mouth, hahaha!.

Anyways, enough about you, LL # 3.

What happened to the OP?.

When will you take the next plane out?.

What are you considering?.
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New member
Aug 4, 2006
It is amazing to me that so many of you can write that I am not serious. I am very serious about this and have been on the phone all afternoon with lawyers in the DR trying to get advice. Perhaps I got a little tired of listening to everyone here bicker amongst themselves rather than write something helpful. That being said, for the few people who offered links and phone numbers to websites and lawyers, I am contacting them and checking the websites for help. And yes, I did check several websites before asking my questions here, but didn't get anywhere with that.

To Miguel, I didn't see your offer to PM you so that you could make a phone call for me, otherwise I would have taken you up on that offer.

I think it is really unfair to say I am not serious, when half the members on here are behaving like school yard children, which only serves to frustrate and discourage me more. This post has gotten way off the topic of my daughter and resembles more of a b$$ch session for insulting each other.


New member
Aug 4, 2006
I am trying to leave tomorrow. I will go with a lawyer from Puerto Plata to the fiscal at the court for minors and file the complaint on Monday morning. By the way Miguel, I re-read your posts and there was no offer of help from you, to the contrary you accused me of being a bad mother. I hope that none of you ever find yourself in my shoes one day. You have no idea how horibble it is to think of your helpless daughter being violated and robbed of her innocent childhood. I am trying to get help and all the while I have been insulting me, saying they would like to knock me upside the head, and accusing me of being a useless mother.


Jun 28, 2003
In summary

desperate said:
It is amazing to me that so many of you can write that I am not serious. I am very serious about this and have been on the phone all afternoon with lawyers in the DR trying to get advice. Perhaps I got a little tired of listening to everyone here bicker amongst themselves rather than write something helpful. That being said, for the few people who offered links and phone numbers to websites and lawyers, I am contacting them and checking the websites for help. And yes, I did check several websites before asking my questions here, but didn't get anywhere with that.

To Miguel, I didn't see your offer to PM you so that you could make a phone call for me, otherwise I would have taken you up on that offer.

I think it is really unfair to say I am not serious, when half the members on here are behaving like school yard children, which only serves to frustrate and discourage me more. This post has gotten way off the topic of my daughter and resembles more of a b$$ch session for insulting each other.

are you more concerned about your daughter and her well being or trying to figure out a few dysfuntional people?
As someone said"Don't tell me hard you worked, tell me what you did"
Sorry to be hard on you but tough love is very effective-at least with some people. If you are serious and thruthful you don't need us you know what to do.
So.....Your move Mi amor
AKA Miguel"s namesake


New member
May 29, 2006
Last year we went to DR, my sister Dominican sent her daughter American to Puerto Rico by herself.
We had to go to La Feria in SD to get some paperwork, when asked for the father, my sister said, he is in US. They told my sister she cannot send her daughter. They advice her what to say and she got the permit.


Mar 18, 2002
desperate said:
...when half the members on here are behaving like school yard children, which only serves to frustrate and discourage me more. This post has gotten way off the topic of my daughter and resembles more of a b$$ch session for insulting each other.
Welcome to DR1.:)

With over 100 posts and over 2,000 views, this thread is sure to be mentioned on tonights "evening news" blog.


New member
Aug 4, 2006
Exactly, which is why I was on the phone with lawyers and the travel agent, and ignoring the posts. Then when I come back to see if anyone wrote something helpful, I see I am being accused of having disappeared and not being serious. The truth is I don't have time for the nonsense on here, I AM BUSY TRYING TO GET MY DAUGHTER OUT OF A VERY BAD SITUATION, WHICH EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE FORGOTTEN.

I chose to spend my time pursuing something that is going to help, and just leave the rest of the members to their afternoon quarrelling.


Mar 18, 2002
Good luck. Please let us know how it turns out. It may be helpful to others in the future.

BTW, I hope you got in touch with Fabio Guzman's firm and not a random one from the phone book. The right lawyer could make all the difference.
May 31, 2005
Miguel sent you a PM. PM is a private message and will not show on this thread. You need to click where it says private messages under your name on the top right hand corner in order to read your private messages.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Desperate, lookie here:


Get her to a clinic where they have counselors and Doctors. Have the counselor speak to her for a little bit to calm her down a little and then have a Doctor see her right after. If you don't' know of one, PM me and I WILL call a friend of mine in the DR and I will ask her.

[/QUOTE]Darling, even Ray Charles could had read it.

Listen, I am done here. It seems that you are more concerned about who is not being nice to you and who is. We are just a whole bunch of strangers and you should ONLY be worried about your daughter with now.

I think that you got all the help and information you needed. Now it's up to you.

Good luck!.

Miguel, johne's namesake, whahahahahaha!.

"Roger and Out!!".
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May 3, 2002
I ditto sunshine. If this is true...then this woman makes it sound like we are talking about her daughter has the chicken pox. What should I do...wah wah wah. Duh. What do you think you should do. First you don't leave your daughter. You contact an attorney. You contact your family and friends back home and ask for assistance. You take your daughter to a doctor. You stand by her and say over my dead body you are taking my daughter. You fight like it is the last fight of your life. So assuming all this is true...go do your damn job and who the hell cares what I think or anyone else on this board.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Sorry but I am judging you and I feel sick to the stomach

I'm a mother of two small girls. I've been a `single mum' for a lot of that time and worked my butt off to give my girls a good life.

It makes me sick to the stomach that your daughter told you in July when you visited her that she was being molested and begged you to take her with you and you just left her there.... Now you sit at home on these forums asking pathetic questions about lawyers etc. You say you don't want your daughter to have a medical examination because she's been through enough trauma, when you actually say in your post that she's going through DAILY trauma and abuse because YOU left her there. Why the hell didn't you take her to Canada with you when you separated from the father in the first place? I could never have left my girls for a moment. If the father was prepared to sign for Canadian Citizenship then surely he wouldn't have stopped you taking her at that point?

If you want to be the mother that you should be then get off your backside, get on a plane, get to that house and stay with your daughter night and day if you have to. You haven't said that the father has stopped you from seeing your daughter, so why aren't you there with her watching his every move?THEN you can sort out the legalities. Rocky's post would be the quickest and most effective way of sorting things out as you say you're not bothered about the legalities. Even I am going to find it hard to sleep tonight thinking of your little girl going through that kind of horror, so how you can find time to even comment on the bickering that goes on on this board is beyond me. That girl needs her MOTHER.....


Jan 1, 2002
desperate said:
I chose to spend my time pursuing something that is going to help, and just leave the rest of the members to their afternoon quarrelling.
Unless this is a very distastefull joke, get out of here and do what you need to do. You have received all the suggestions (Good and Bad) that you can expect from this thread. Quit posting and MAKE YOUR MOVE LADY. The next post, I expect from you, is the good news about how things worked out.


Jun 28, 2003
Thank you for editing your post

helpmann said:
I don't think its possible for me to behave any cruder than your display earlier. Yeah, foul language is childish and impolite, but to call a woman, who says her child is being sexually abused, a liar, takes the cake.

-Helpmann :laugh:
Let me be the first to thank you for removing my crown. Perhaps we can be more helpful in the future to those that might or might not need help .
I supect that we will never hear from this lady again but that's my cynical nature.
Lets see how it all plays out.
Ta Ta
Formerly AKA Miguel's namesake.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
I hope to God that child receives the proper counselling........Wowow if this is true.........Sharlene your right!! Not to knock you desperate...but why did you leave her in July??? I'm very PC about this because I feel i'm no one to judge.......

I went through a sitation no where nearly as son 6 told me his fathers novia cursed at him.......and refused to let him speak to me........
I immediatly called the US embassy......made a report and sent for my son......(I didn't want to deal with his father) I know this is NO WHERE NEARLY AS BAD but........its no way I could place my head on a pillow until I knew my son was somewhere he felt safe..........

I didn't deal with lawyers.........I have instilled the fear of death in my son's fathers heart long ago.........I would die for my boy.......He's my everything!!
