The Other Side of the Sankie Coin - The Customers...


New member
Apr 28, 2006
suitelady said it all!

Suitelady, you are absolutely 100% right--women, for the most part, think it is a cultural difference--no question. Sankies know what works, what to say, what to do.......they all talk to each other and find out what works.


.............. ?
Sep 23, 2002
I read the article and I don't believe their reference to the term sankie is the same reference we make.

Sex tourism is about an agreement between parties. It is about exchange of sex for money or some other form of payment.

It is not about being gullible, naive, ignorant, needy or vulnerable. IT is not about intent to gain money by intentionally misleading a person.

Sex tourism has specific intent by both parties. Being sankified only has specific intent by one party.


Jul 31, 2005
I believe that they are talking about both. Some women pay up front and some just pay for drinks, taxis, cabannas,etc. He does talk about Sankies in the article as well.
Sep 19, 2005
back when I grew up, they had a different name for a woman sex TOURIST.

but they never had a similar name for the male sex tourists

THEY were bad huh?

ha ha ha ha



New member
Oct 17, 2006
I think for some women when they go to the DR they aren't expecting to meet someone , and /or fall in love. Sometimes this just happens and they believe they have a genuine relationship, knowing very little about "sankies" and what they do. You may call them naive or guillable, but that doesn't change the fact that when everything is found out they(the women) are devastated.
I'm not just talking about a "sankie" who gets the women to buy them gifts or send them money. I'm talking about the ones that carry on a relationship for 3 or more years with a woman and to find out it was all done for the ticket out.

tk toronto

New member
Sep 7, 2006
Wow, that is a very interesting article! I've been working on my thesis, but more on sex traffic, not sex work, interestingly enough with Kamala Kempadoo who was quoted in the article.

I thought the article was great, but I think they need to distinguish between the countries as I think the men in different countries may approach the situation differently. For example, for Dominican sankies, it's about the Green Card/citizenship, but is that the same for people from Barbados or Martinique or any other island? As well, I was reading about payment, like in Jamaica I think it was, $150 a night with oral or something, but that may not be the same in all countries. For example, in the DR, payment takes the form of paying for nights out, which isn't cash in hand that day.
Just from reading this, I just might change my thesis to only deal with sex work rather than comparing sex work and sex trafficking.
Great article!


Can I just point out that the author of the article refered to the DR as the "Dominican", I'm surprised no one noticed and started a riot. LOL!


Mar 8, 2004
it's the scams of making these women think they are in love

Let?s take a real hard look at the Sankie and Jineterismo types in the DR. Really there is little difference in them and most men worldwide. For many of us men we are willing to do or say anything to use a woman. We are for the most part an arrogant bunch of childish bastards who learn to play women at a very early age.

As children we played our mothers every time we were in trouble because we knew she is soft hearted and had a moral obligation to love us no matter what. As we matured and became sexually active we learned the three most powerful words ever said ?I love you?. That phrase got us directly to the sweet spot. Everyone wants to be loved, or at least told they are loved. Love is the most powerful force of nature.

Why is it so hard to believe that so many men and women fall in love with people who deceive them? It happens everyday, not because we are weak, not because we are stupid, but because we need the almighty feeling love brings.



Jan 2, 2002
As children we played our mothers every time we were in trouble because we knew she is soft hearted and had a moral obligation to love us no matter what. As we matured and became sexually active we learned the three most powerful words ever said ?I love you?. That phrase got us directly to the sweet spot. Everyone wants to be loved, or at least told they are loved. Love is the most powerful force of nature.


You're all rotten :laugh:

except my sons of course


Mar 19, 2006
Wow, that is a very interesting article! I've been working on my thesis, but more on sex traffic, not sex work, interestingly enough with Kamala Kempadoo who was quoted in the article.

I thought the article was great, but I think they need to distinguish between the countries as I think the men in different countries may approach the situation differently. For example, for Dominican sankies, it's about the Green Card/citizenship, but is that the same for people from Barbados or Martinique or any other island? As well, I was reading about payment, like in Jamaica I think it was, $150 a night with oral or something, but that may not be the same in all countries. For example, in the DR, payment takes the form of paying for nights out, which isn't cash in hand that day.
Just from reading this, I just might change my thesis to only deal with sex work rather than comparing sex work and sex trafficking.
Great article!


Can I just point out that the author of the article refered to the DR as the "Dominican", I'm surprised no one noticed and started a riot. LOL!

The DR sankies are not all about the visa or greencards, its about getting anything to enhance their lives, money, gifts etc... most sankies are happy doing what they are doing there, living for free on the resorts and being funded by the tourists.

One sankie I know has so many toys, MP3's, Chanel sunglasses cell phone of course, computer, motorcycle, designer clothes,the other sankies think he is rich, and respect him. All items were donated! He loves his life there.


.............. ?
Sep 23, 2002
That is correct as well. Many many sankies go for the "little" treasures along the way. THey may have 3 - 4 - 5 and more women on the go at any given time. They may also have their "local" wife as well. They are looking to improve the quality of their lives whichever way they can. And they may or may not enjoy the ride.

For many the long term goal is a visa out of here. For others, they don't want to leave but they do want as much material gain as they can gather, vehicle, clothes, electronics, house/apartment, furniture.

In my opinion the difference between sex tourism and being sankified is intent.

Women don't intend to get sankified. That is unintentional.

Some do intend to go on vacation and find a willing local to help them out! That is a sex tourist.

A sankie may fulfill both functions. One is honest and straightforward the other is not.

In my opinion most women do NOT come down here as sex tourists. They get sankified.

Men on the other hand - many more come down here as sex tourists. But some get sankified by the women here.


Mar 19, 2006
In my opinion most women do NOT come down here as sex tourists. They get sankified.

Men on the other hand - many more come down here as sex tourists. But some get sankified by the women here.

I think this pretty much sums up men and women sex tourists.
This is probably 99% accurate.

tk toronto

New member
Sep 7, 2006
The DR sankies are not all about the visa or greencards, its about getting anything to enhance their lives, money, gifts etc... most sankies are happy doing what they are doing there, living for free on the resorts and being funded by the tourists.

One sankie I know has so many toys, MP3's, Chanel sunglasses cell phone of course, computer, motorcycle, designer clothes,the other sankies think he is rich, and respect him. All items were donated! He loves his life there.

Forgot about that, thanks for the correction


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
A swami sankie? ...

One sankie I know has so many toys, MP3's, Chanel sunglasses cell phone of course, computer, motorcycle, designer clothes,the other sankies think he is rich, and respect him. All items were donated! He loves his life there.
He must be the master sankie .... any chance you could introduce me? I need some tips to enhance my life. I wonder who would be so generous to donate a motorcycle ... she's gotta be one rich chick. :bunny:


Mar 19, 2006
He must be the master sankie .... any chance you could introduce me? I need some tips to enhance my life. I wonder who would be so generous to donate a motorcycle ... she's gotta be one rich chick. :bunny:

It doesn't necessarily mean he has one rich chick, there are several, from what I understand he is a few bucks short of buying a car.

I don't think you need tips from an actual sankie, people here have lots of advice.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
.... I understand he is a few bucks short of buying a car.
.... people here have lots of advice. ... I'll start a thread to solicit said advice, thanks ;)
Good for him and good luck to the kind and caring lass(es) who donates to his auto fund ... may they live happily for eternity. :bunny:


New member
Jun 13, 2006
I met some girls from wales that were more than happy to provide for thier Sankies when they were there and aslong as they spent thier time with them seems to me these girls are just after sex.


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
planner, HB, audrav are all right on.....
What we as North Americans and Europeans need to learn is that sex to a Dominican is something they do for fun or profit whereas we tend to equate sex with love.
For a Dominican love is not involved in the sex least when there is "profit" involved. I've witnessed Dominican couples agreeing that it is okay to have sex with 'tourists' for money or gifts as long as they remain faithful to each other when it comes to other Dominicans.
In plain with a tourist is just a paying job whereas sex with another Dominican is grounds for divorce!!


.............. ?
Sep 23, 2002
MommC - that is a fabulous summation!

In plain with a tourist is just a paying job whereas sex with another Dominican is grounds for divorce!!

That is very true! I have seen it.


New member
Jun 1, 2002
His response would be "how many times?".

Seriously, the second time we visited the DR we stayed at a hotel in Playa Dorada and a group of girls from Canada rented one of the animacion workers for the really wasn't a big deal...just doing their "job".....

I don't what their reaction would be if you walked up to one of them (animation team) and asked how much?

The romance thing makes it seem more enticing.