Vin Diesel to film in DR


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
amiestilo said:
This is my first visit to this forum. Please excuse me for not knowing all the members.

The comparison above is obviously presented to be provocative and incendiary, and it is.

A good joke is by nature rooted in reality. There is truth in humor. But there may not be humor in truth.

Certainly we can all acknowledge the deficiencies and inadequacies of the Dominican culture. (Clearly we have our work cut out). But we can just as easily name the shortcomings of any other culture. This is an easy task. The real question here is, in the absence of entertainment, what purpose does it serve? Perhaps the answer is to bring awareness to the problem and possibly do it with a little humor?

Still, good humor and light heartedness are not the issues. The issue here may be that this is not only a matter of the perception of a culture, but of its reputation.

The simple truth is that our words, behavior and character are on display, for all the world to see, whether we intend them to be or not. How do you wish the world to look upon you and your culture? A more important question might be, what is your reputation worth, to you?

Much respect to all here?

Good post!

BTW, Welcome to DR1!!!
May 31, 2005
Cleef said:
Those same people that come to a site, read something that's been "generalized" and let that sway their opinion (or change the path of their destiny as you're referring to) are extremely demented to begin with.

They should unplug the computer, ship it back to the JC Penney catalog warehouse, and take a long walk off a short pier.

Are you f'ng kidding me Dragonfly? Do you station yourself on poppy plants?

How about a sliver of goddamn common sense? Is that too much to ask?

This board has been infiltrated with such a humongous crop of dipshits lately. I simply can't believe some of the mind daihrrea that comes from some of you.

Yes, put sticky's everywhere warning people of those ferocious storytellers (people who tend to live in THIS world - REALITY!).

You all, who are so profoundly offended by CC (and me too hopefully) need to seriously get a grip. This board serves an innumerable amount of functions for a wide array of people. But you bible-thumping do-gooders need to build a "virtual" site where you can pet each other in your virtual worlds, lightly stroking each others esteem.

All dragonfly's are stupid, lazy and good for nothing.

A generalization? Perhaps.

Get over it.
Don't say that I have **** in my head when you have it coming out of your mouth. You don't know anything about me to talk that way. I shouldn't even be wasting my time posting this. Screw you!


May 12, 2002
Criss Colon said:
Take a drive through "The Heights" on a Saturday night,which I did last June!
Must make you PROUD to be a "DOMINICAN"!!!!????
Cris Colon.....................The Shining Star of The Carribean"!
I did not know that every Dominican lives in Washington Heights.

Much more saddening would be if it was the dominicans "the addicts" buying drugs. Just tell me who are mostly their usual buyers.

And for all those of you who think that VIN DIESEL is a bad actor; I would love to be a bad actor just like him, beeing one of the worst actors but still most acclaimed as well as MAKING MILLIONS.

I bet he is enjoying his bad acting all the way to the bank.
It pays to be a bad actor then.


Feb 24, 2002
Right on.

Mr_DR said:
And for all those of you who think that VIN DIESEL is a bad actor; I would love to be a bad actor just like him, beeing one of the worst actors but still most acclaimed as well as MAKING MILLIONS.

I bet he is enjoying his bad acting all the way to the bank.
It pays to be a bad actor then.
If Ben Affleck can do it, anyone can.

No wonder Hollywood is going down the tubes.

Cartman from South Park is a better actor.


Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Conchman said:
As long as he's a better actor than Keneu Reeves, he's fine with me.

Amen. He sucks worse than everyone.

As for making money...that isn't always a reflection of talent. Diesel, Reeves etc. have all found their markets. Good for them. I would love to have that kind of financial success. But they still suck.



Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
rellosk said:
Yes, but do they sw....... never mind. :eek:

Affleck definately...he's a Neverland Rancher if I have ever seen one.

Vin Diesel is a manly man. He probably gets a lot of girls but would have trouble spelling their names.



Jun 19, 2003
vin diesel = i send evil


and what with this thread being somewhat loosely connected with petroleum (diesel) and an angry fat man (with first name initial 'C').

criss colon = oil 'n' cross C



........................................= eh! chic nob? = which sounds like something terrible you find after having the misfortune of picking up a 'ladyman' from singapore.

oh. what a sad post this is.

"CC","I like it!"............except that it is "Ladyboy",not "Ladyman"! At least when I was there!
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Ifb My "Rantings" Regarding "ALL" Dominicans,Serve No Purpose......

other than to have drawn "Amiestilo" into DR1 and this Thread,it has MORE than served it's purpose,however misguided that might have been!

"Amiestillo",as you can see, "WE WANT MORE!"

It appears that you may be a Dominican.If,indeed,that is true,I will have to go back and "Re-Calculate" some of my "Generalizations"!
I may now have to begin my posts regarding the idiosyncracies of the Domincan People with;"All",minus "ONE" Dominicans....................

By the way,"Loved" that post regarding my children and my wife! I could not have written anything that could begin to prove my point about "All Dominicans" not accepting criticism without resorting to childish name calling!

"Welcome" ...."Amiestilo"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To those who feel the need to Point Out" my "History" in the DR,on DR1,and that of my "Family" relationships,although I do in my "Heart-Of-Hearts" thank you,it is TOTALLY not necessary.Those who attempt to make me feel "hurt" just make me "smile", wonder,and shake my head!


New member
Jun 4, 2004
Lmao@Vin in the Ja Rule concert.




New member
Jan 9, 2006
Criss Colon said:
It is about looking for the "Dominican Dream"in the USA! Not looking for the "

The "American Dream" is: Work hard,save your money,buy a house,educate your children, stay out of "Trouble",retire to the "Shore"!

The "Dominican Dream" in the USA is:Use your cousins "Pasaporte" to go to "Nueba Jork"!Get on "Welfare", if Female,have a "Kid-A-Year"for 6 years with 12 different guys, and get MORE Welfare.If Male,sell drugs,get shot,and/or imprisoned,get deported to DR,get another cousins "Pasaporte" go back to "Nueba Jork", repeat as needed!

It's Bal Buena get it right!. Geez the nerve on some people being judgemental and generalizing. there are many hardworking dominicans living in the us acting as a genuine part of the community. I'm talking about Doctors, Lawyers, even in the stupid army fighting for a War that is not even ours.

Your comments are so close minded and clearly your thought process is just as lazy. So before you make an assumption, look outside your apartment building and then come back with something with some substance.


*** Sin Bin ***
Jun 7, 2004
I'm starting to like this guy

Criss Colon said:
Vin came with another "Big Star","JuRule".Looks like they can't get laid in the US Either!!!Vin said he can do things in the DR that he can't in the US!

I have met some intelligent,well educated,hard working,honest,"God Fearing" Dominicans (And You BOTH Know Who You Are!!!)

I married my wife because she was the first beautiful,sexy,17 year old I could find that would marry an poor,ugly, fat, bald ,guy 30 years older than her! Whats your excuse????

If Dominican Immigrants are offended by my "Dominican Dream" post,it is for two reasons,
#1,Domincans NEVER accept criticism!
#2, The TRUTH often strikes home,and "HURTS!!!!!!!!!!
Take a drive through "The Heights" on a Saturday night,which I did last June!
Must make you PROUD to be a "DOMINICAN"!!!!????
Cris Colon.....................The Shining Star of The Carribean"!

After a year of off and on visits to this site, I'm finally starting to like this guy!!
:rambo: :rambo:


New member
Dec 21, 2005
u kno CC nobody likes 2 be critisized or watever u spell it like and they won't like it either if u critisize bout their country.......