Why cant Dominican people see their golden oppertunity?

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New member
Mar 6, 2004
I showed your Country two three old Americans

In year 2000 I showed your Country to three old people from the internet
They now relocated and are retired in Sosua. :lick: It was way too easy. They let me stay for free everytime I come. They love it there. No stress they say.
They never heard of Dominican Republic. That's what started the tourist
Idea too funny. Sometimes things are so easy they seem hard. It's not what you know but who you know my friend. :smoke: Next January they are bringing their friends to Boca chica. They are going to be staying in the La Concha I think it's called. Five people that would have never come to Dom Rep if I didn't toldl them and it only took a few minutes.
Oh I have a clue. I'm coming my friend. Slowly but surely.
I'ma comin. And I'm making money in the sun.
Come on now...where's the love. Can't we all just get along. :surprised
This is very interesting and fun. Now who out here can see the light.
Get it Sun light. :lick:
Ok who's next.
John :smoke:


New member
Mar 6, 2004
oh yes I forgot.

Criss Colon said:
I have been visiting here since 1984,and living and working here 24/7 for the last eight plus years.You really don't have a clue! Thats all that needs to be said!!!"Not A Fukking Clue"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cris Colon

Colon in my country means (BUTT)
John :smoke:

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Your anecdotes are all well and good!

As those of us who live here will tell you, the year 2000,is NOT the year 2004! Now,HOW MANY HOURS HAVE YOU ACTUALLY LIVED IN THIS COUNTRY??
Loved your "Colon" joke! Wonder why nobody else ever thought of that?? Cris "Butt" Colon
There is not comparison between DR and the States

pati said:
I don't know where you're doing all this so called research but you can buy a house in the states for $50,000. It may not be in the most prosperous areas but then again $50,000 for a house in DR is not going to land you in a wealthy area either.
Yes, you can buy a house for 50,000 in the state. There are nice houses in Killeen, TX for that amount and it have pretty low crime or property crime rates. Now about buying a house on the DR with that: YES you can buy a nice apartment with that money in a safe place (I don't know if is because most of you are "gringos" that have been to a couple of cities in the DR like bavaro, La Romana, Punta Cana or SDQ where the cost of living is pretty high, but believe me, there is life beyond thosse places. You can buy a beautiful house with that money in Santiago per say and yes, you can live in La Zurza, Los Cerros de Gurabos o maybe even a nice apartment in Las Trinitarias where only the RICH and Famous live, ok I made that up, LOL )

Now, just think about this: If you are a retiree and have a $50,000 where do you think that you are going to get a better and BIGGER house with that money?
In Miami with all the crime and the expensive cost of living?
in the DR where you can live a nice quiet life in a pretty big house with maids that cook your food, wash and iron your clothes, take care of your house and still have money to pay for a "guachim?n" (watch man) to watch your house and basically be a chauffer and drive you everywhere you need to go? Keep in mind that in the dominican workmanship is pretty inexpensive so you can pay about RD$5,000/month (about $100.00) to each one of the above so they can do everything for you.
I don't know you, but I love not HAVING to do anything in the house and just having people to do it for me. :nervous: (Yes, I am lazy when it comes to those things and I know it)
:bunny: Virginia Gomes :bunny:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
No offense Virginia but Florida is not expensive by any means.Miami is not the only place in Florida. It's not even the nicest, but anyway.

If you read what you quoted from me again you will see I wrote. You can buy a house in the US for $50,000. It MAY not be in the most prospous area. I never said you can not find a nice house in the US for $50,000. Mr Americanman is the one saying you can't buy a house in the US for $50,000.I'm not the one trying to con elderly people out of their money by telling them their going to live in the lap of luxury in DR and if they stay in the states they will be destitute.

As far as an apartment in any area in DR. Apartments weren't what I was looking for nor would I say I was necessarily looking in a gringo area. But if the only areas are gringo areas than I guess that's where I would want to be.I don't claim to know all of DR. That's why I read this forum and I ask questions. What I am saying is that unlike Mr Americanman I'm not getting all of my information from some website. I have been out there. I have been to many areas in DR.I know what I consider nice and I know I have not seen any evidence that $50,000 is going to put me in the lap of luxury in DR.I personally find it irresponsible to try and and convince elderly people that they will live better,safer and receive better medical benefits in DR because that's just not true.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
This thread has gone from interesting to depressing. For those folks looking to see why people live and/or like the DR -- go to a thread I just created called The Best of the DR! It's in the living section of this website. Enjoy!! Contribute if you want to but please, don't make it depressing.


New member
Sep 25, 2003
Dont like it?then----

My god , you people. If some one has the spirit to do some thing ,let them do it. In fact encourage them. If you dont like to be in DR , then do not go there. pretty simple. We are in the process of planning to move to DR, some days I am so excited then I start reading this @#%* and wonder.
Like I said earlier IF YOU DONT LIKE TO :tired: BE IN DR THEN DONT GO THERE.


New member
Feb 3, 2004
I don't believe anyone is saying they don't like DR. What we or should I say what I am saying is, DR is not a place for an elderly person to just throw caution to the wind and move to. DR is not a place where you can live like a KING/QUEEN on $50,000 as suggested.To suggest that DR's crime rate is lower than in the US and to suggest an elderly person can receive better medical in DR than in the US is doing the very same people that Mr Americanman claims to want to help an injustice. Can someone live out their dream in DR, of coarse. Can you do it as cheaply as some are implying, that's unlikely.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
All togther perfectly said!

That is just what I have been trying to say. :cheeky:
Of course never say never. You may just find a home in Texas for $50,000 USD. All I'm saying was to compare the two. What does Lets Say $100,000 USD buy in each country and lets compare. :glasses: I understand that I'm just not wording this right but my goodness Virginia is right on the money. :bunny:
Try to follow us on this. First of all I know Dom Rep is having a very hard time with so many different issues. Man oh Man :ermm: More money needs to come in. By the way Gringo is a very cool word here in the States. You can make it my nick name if you like. Any way I wish I could talk you all in person my words would come out right. Americans when they get old really don't want to do to much anymore. They want to relax. ;) I see a lot of people are surprise that they would choose a poor nation to do this in. SURPRISE :confused: Let me say that when Americans hear the word Caribbean we picture ourselves in the sun, you have plenty of that. In a tropical setting, you have plenty of that. In a nice hotel mybe all inclusive you have that. Some people don't like all inclusive.
When we come to your country yes we see poverty. That doesn't mean we think bad of your people or your Country. My first time there I fell in love with the Island and have told many people of it. When I come to the Dominican Republic I am looking for a place to live because the money I will have will allow me to live in a beautiful land for far less than in the States and all in all besides the trash and the traffic and some other things this all can change. And it can. Just don't say you live in Never Never Land
Many Americans don't know this. Have you every seen the cartoon by Dr.Suse called "Horton heard who?" The Whos were a tiny speck of dust that had little people in it. The big normal People didn't know, they just thought it was a speck of dust and were going to destroy it. But Horton knew these people existed and told them if they didn't want to be destroyed they were going to have to scream at the top of their lungs all together, that they were here. They listened to Horton. The big people heard the screams of the tiny little people coming from within this speck of dust shouting
"WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE ! WE ARE HERE! " The speck of dust was saved and the people prospered and lived happy ever after.
I will have about $188,000 USD and about $1,100 USD a month in a little over a year from now. In about three to four months I will be in Dom Rep preparing my plans. This money is going to be spent in your country! What I'm trying to say my friends is just tell more Americans and show them the beauty and the power of the $USD in your country and what it can buy. WE DO NOT SEE ANY ADVERTISEMENT OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IN THE U.S.A. If it's there I have never seen it EVER!. People and that's many people don't know about you. A travel package for one week costing about $1,500 can show a person a great time in your country. This is a low number when traveling over seas. Now lets not come back with something saying "oh no I can find you a place in BLA BLA BLA where it's half that."
F%*&! that! The world is a big place. You are only 100 miles away. We like roomservice. I guess we are lazy, but we will pay for it.
This is the opportunity I'm talking about. The more people who see the beauty the more will say UMM l like to check this out. The more money that will be spent in the Dominican Republic.
Did I say it right this time? :tired:
John :smoke:


New member
Mar 6, 2004
You're a good sport

Criss Colon said:
As those of us who live here will tell you, the year 2000,is NOT the year 2004! Now,HOW MANY HOURS HAVE YOU ACTUALLY LIVED IN THIS COUNTRY??
Loved your "Colon" joke! Wonder why nobody else ever thought of that?? Cris "Butt" Colon

Hey Cris I thought you were going to let me have it for that one.
Take care.
John :smoke:


Aug 6, 2003
Cost of living

Time for my two Cents. I am from a town with a population of 950 in West Virginia. I retire in 442 days and my pension will be right at $1500 a month. My cost of living to be in WV will be about the same as it would to live in the DR.
The difference will be I will have steady power and stable fuel supply in WV and in the DR I will be warm. I do not really see the DR as being cheaper I just see that my style of living will be so much higher than the locals I will be perceived as rich. In West Virginia my style of living would be on par with everyone else so I would be able to blend in.
I would still rather live in the DR.
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New member
Sep 25, 2003
Finally We Are Getting Some Where

My point exactly. But do we need to tell every one in the States to move there?ha,ha
Lets just it keep our little secret. speaking for our selves, We have enough cash to buy a house then we have enough money each month to live the life in away to which we are accostomed to( met. life sales line)eh,eh, Worked for met life a very long ago.)
and still be able to come home a couple of times year. May be not every one can afford to do it. We shall see,if we can afford to do it!. Nothing ventured ,nothing gained, as some one said one time.


Aug 6, 2003

I like the warmth. I also like trying to live in a place where I know nothing about anything and have to learn again. Maybe the its not just a job it an adventure theme my current job used to have.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Mr_AmericanMan said:
This fourm is for people with hope. QUOTE]

I search and searched and couldn't find anything on DR1 saying that it is a website about hope! A very wise man once said: "Hope is the analgesic of the ignorant"
I wish you all the luck in your move to the DR. I hope you have really found your paradise. Its just that I look at the $ numbers you mentioned that your bringing and I think that there is now way I would live like that. I prefer a different life-style. But thats you am I am me. Perhaps you should read some of the threads about the economic situation in the DR. Some of the posters there are quite knowledgeable. Nobody is perdicting that the DR economy is going to improve anytime soon. In fact most believe it will get worse(I am one of those). Argentina is the one word that seems to come up alot.

Personally I don't want the DR to try to attract US retirees. One of the reason that they have so much money is because they don't spend any. Anybody in marketing will tell you that seniors don't spend money like younger people(Except for Medical). I would like the DR to go more upscale Like Casa de Campo. Less number of people but spend more per-capita. More "bang for the buck". Plus it is generally a better class of people.

As i ahve stated before I have a long and stong connection with the DR. I understand it better than you do and proboby ever will. There are many things I love about it and many things that really just P*ss me off. If you move there you will understand what I mean.


New member
Feb 3, 2004
I don't oppose creating more tourism in DR. Nor do I oppose people retiring to DR. I would love for more revenue to be brought into the country. The more money the better the economy, the better the economy the better my DR based business does.I want the Dominican Republic and it's businesses to flourish. I just don't feel that the only way to achieve that is by victimizing and exploiting people.Forgive me for having a conscience.

If you want to vacation in DR, great. It's a beautful country. If you want to retire in DR and you know all the FACTS about the country, great.

What I am opposed to is inciting fear in the elderly in the states and using FALSE statements like "lower crime" and "better medical" can be found in DR in order to make a buck.

Now, call me naive but I don't believe deception is the only way to make money.Maybe life hasn't been that cruel to me yet but I still feel money can be made honestly. And from the numbers that Mr Americanman has put forth it looks like hell has been hit hard by inflation as well. The devil doesn't seem to be paying much for souls these days.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
All I want to hear from you "Mister America",is

How many "HOURS" you have actually spent in the DR???? You have avoided that question for days!CC

Your "Colon" equals "Butt" thing "Has Wiskers"!


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Keep steppin my friend

Tony C said:
Mr_AmericanMan said:
This fourm is for people with hope. QUOTE]

I search and searched and couldn't find anything on DR1 saying that it is a website about hope! A very wise man once said: "Hope is the analgesic of the ignorant"
I wish you all the luck in your move to the DR. I hope you have really found your paradise. Its just that I look at the $ numbers you mentioned that your bringing and I think that there is now way I would live like that. I prefer a different life-style. But thats you am I am me. Perhaps you should read some of the threads about the economic situation in the DR. Some of the posters there are quite knowledgeable. Nobody is perdicting that the DR economy is going to improve anytime soon. In fact most believe it will get worse(I am one of those). Argentina is the one word that seems to come up alot.

Personally I don't want the DR to try to attract US retirees. One of the reason that they have so much money is because they don't spend any. Anybody in marketing will tell you that seniors don't spend money like younger people(Except for Medical). I would like the DR to go more upscale Like Casa de Campo. Less number of people but spend more per-capita. More "bang for the buck". Plus it is generally a better class of people.

As i ahve stated before I have a long and stong connection with the DR. I understand it better than you do and proboby ever will. There are many things I love about it and many things that really just P*ss me off. If you move there you will understand what I mean.

Keep steppin my friend your the one still living in never, never land :surprised .. I have been here in the post just a little while and have gotten good emails from positive people. Americans making money in your country leasing their guest homes out to visitors. Oh my god this just can't be ehh! :tired: You bore me with the negitive talk. Way too much. Bla, Bla NEXT :dead:
You have a little mind my friend. I have contacted your Caso Campo in reguards to attracting a certian age group, they like it. One step at a time. But thats cool Never never man. You just know way too much for me. Ohhh I'm not worthy. :tired:
Some people can't make Chocolate out of ****. Some people don't even know what that means. It's the little brain sindrome I find so many people have here. Step out the box you live in Son. If you really think you need more money than what I said earlier I really feel sorry for you. I guess that puts me way a head of the game. Oh yes I forgot I don't know a thing about your complicated country. Shucks :bored: That's right $188,000 USD can't get a marketing companying going in your land with a $1100 USD a month to pay bills. Now I truely understand why all the other major Islands around you are kicking you all in the pants when it comes to tourist. Advertising to the public. I'm not saying their country is doing well. Most people spend more than they make. Look at my stupid country. Do you know what that means? Oh that's right you will always know more. Well your tourist industry sure isn't doing it here.
I have some friends living in Sosua who for only $50,000 USD bought a house with guest homes on the property and they make enough money off that from the Europeans coming in the winter. It pays for their bills the whole year fool!
They rent out a little one bedroom place for $290 USD a night. People from Japan would think that's chump change. But you probably don't know who they are. Any way....
If you need a web site to find hope you really SUCK man :eek:
Well that's enough for you. Time to kick you to the curb Mr. Negitive Man.
You're like sand in my sheets, gum on the bottom of my shoe, a bug in my soup.
Depressing . Be gone :dead:
John :smoke:


Mar 22, 2002
Mr. American Man

One word of advice. If you are so interested in doing buisness in the DR, I suggest you take a step back and listen to what some people have to say. You are so busy yapping, you will never hear anyone. You popped in here out of nowhere and are stepping on some pretty big shoes. Give your fingers a rest. Word to the wise.


Mr. Chunky Skin
Dec 17, 2002
Larry said:
One word of advice. If you are so interested in doing buisness in the DR, I suggest you take a step back and listen to what some people have to say. You are so busy yapping, you will never hear anyone. You popped in here out of nowhere and are stepping on some pretty big shoes. Give your fingers a rest. Word to the wise.

Geez Larry, give the guy a break. Think of the entertainment value we can have watching him sell pencils on the corner for a ticket home.


New member
Mar 6, 2004
Not what you say, but how you say it.

Larry said:
One word of advice. If you are so interested in doing buisness in the DR, I suggest you take a step back and listen to what some people have to say. You are so busy yapping, you will never hear anyone. You popped in here out of nowhere and are stepping on some pretty big shoes. Give your fingers a rest. Word to the wise.

Give me advise my friend. Constructive advise. No problem. Don't tell me I can't do anything cause I'll just do it. You should know us Gringos. That just motivates me do it. Hearing people come up with negitive junk that has nothing to do with what I'm trying to say or do. Explain why, give some facts. I see people in here talking and trying to compare your poor with our poor. What is this about? Not what this fourm is about. I think you should contact some of your biggest Hotels on the Island and see who owns them. Do you think he or she is Dominican? I know you find out. Go back to the first page. I have some pretty big feet and a lot of shoe polish. Sorry if it hurt. I cleans their shoes but I charge for that. ;) Some people out here can't take a strong mind. They try to bring a person down. It shows in here with some of the foolish negitivity and reaction. It's cool cause I love to respond any way. I'm still coming. I gave my my old friends the idea to rent out their guest house and showed them how to do it. I'm going to do this myself.
They to like so many of you were in never never land. Now I use their car for free when ever I come to town. I already have someone in your country who is going to design a web page for me. It's going to highlight all your Countries hot spots. This is going to go to a lot of large business I have contacts with here in the States. Most these people don't even know you exist. They think of Haiti when they think of Dom Rep. This web site is going to cost only a fraction of what it would cost in the States.
I found a taxi man who I have talked to who is going to do the driving all over for a salary agreed on already. I have one Hotel who will pay for advertising once I bring one person to their Hotel to prove it can be done. This is going to happen when I come down. I'm bringing a friend.
I'm already doing it my friend. It is already in motion. I'm just trying to show you your country has some pretty fantastic opportunities.
So if you have some factual information on why tourist can't come to your Island speak up and I will listen. How many hours have I spent in your country? I spent a lot of time :laugh: You want to stamp my time card? :laugh:
Im taking my time and taking it slow. Fact is the Dominican Republic is a UN TAPPED OIL FIELD! And so many of you can't see it. So sad. :cry:
It's all good. You can be mad at me if you like. Some times I like to speaks to walls. You're still all good people. I wish you much happyness and joy in your life.
I aint mad at ya ;)
Take care be there soon.
John :smoke:
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