Whats my DDD saying thread? For all of us non Spanish Speakers.


One thing every Romance seeker should be aware of, is the tiny detail that these girls you see around the tourist areas are NOT only thinking of you.

To survive here you must not use your heart in any way. You will find out soon enough.

To be prepared of what is coming, i reccommend "the rosetta stone", spanish classes on your pc. (ebay have for sale)
Then you know more when you are coming down here.- And you can talk to here...

Maybe then she decides to just think of you.


Dec 16, 2011

To be prepared of what is coming, i reccommend "the rosetta stone", spanish classes on your pc. (ebay have for sale)
Then you know more when you are coming down here.- And you can talk to her...

But then he might not share those intimate professions of love between them with us anymore :(


Jul 27, 2011
no no, she is not the dentist.. she is a sweet country girl. now living in the city. I'm treating her very well.
but you didn't answer the translations, and you are one of the few that know Dominican Spanish thoroughly.

That`s standard Spanish!


Dec 16, 2011
I am sure The OP has a terrific PESOnality!
But she is a Dentist not a Sosua crackhead! Where else in the world can a man get a female Dentist to fall in love with him and not even understand what she is communicating? Gotta Love The DR :)
Dec 26, 2011
But she is a Dentist not a Sosua crackhead! Where else in the world can a man get a female Dentist to fall in love with him and not even understand what she is communicating? Gotta Love The DR :)

This is not the dentist. This is the dentist's rival. He can't be that thick that he doesn't understand the messages. He just wanted an excuse to tell DR1 that a Dominican girl says she likes him. ;)

And he's calling her the DDD?


Dec 16, 2011
This is not the dentist. This is the dentist's rival. He can't be that thick that he doesn't understand the messages. He just wanted an excuse to tell DR1 that a Dominican girl says she likes him. ;)
Wow, now I'm really impressed. So he just shows up and starts miming and the women flock to him?
To her defence it could be she is tired of the way she has been threated by the locals, and now she want a man that can offer her something different.

So she meets this guy, and she likes him because he is different. She knows it will take time before he manage to speak the language. But she is willing to take the chance. Nothing to loose anyway, and with a little patience and diplomacy real love can develop. Today it is only words- but later it could be she really likes him for the one he is.

If she dont like him, she can always find another, or return to what she is used to.

It is the same way in civilized countries. Every girl want to marry the richest guy in town, not because he is the most beautiful, but because of the amount of perks included in a marriage.

If you have a daughter, who do you want her to marry? Jose the useless violent motoconcho, or Martin from US that treats your daughter like a princess.....

Just trying to see this from another view.
Dec 26, 2011
Wow, now I'm really impressed. So he just shows up and starts miming and the women flock to him?

Now that I think of it, never met a Dominican girl that wasn't a sucker for a good mime. Most have Charlie Chaplin posters in the bedrooms. Some, on their ceilings. This guy's really tapped into something.


Dec 27, 2010

One thing every Romance seeker should be aware of, is the tiny detail that these girls you see around the tourist areas are NOT only thinking of you.

To survive here you must not use your heart in any way. You will find out soon enough.

To be prepared of what is coming, i reccommend "the rosetta stone", spanish classes on your pc. (ebay have for sale)
Then you know more when you are coming down here.- And you can talk to here...

Maybe then she decides to just think of you.

True enough, and hasn't that sentiment been spoken a Million Times on DR1? But there is one big difference between me and a million scorned expats and tourists who are heartbroken when they found out there DDD was not completely faithful and the relationship was not totally based on a mutual respect, I GOT GAME. Thanks to the encyclopedic knowledge from posters,
Rice and Beans, Pollogringo, Berizin, Dr. Badpiece, Tambo, DV8, Robert, and many others I'm going to enjoy as far as I can
take this, and ride it out as long as I can without being devastated when I find out her primo is really her boyfriend or
something like that. I make her laugh, and we have fun together, and now I'm living my life as opposed to worrying about
being hurt.

Someone had a great piece on understanding "poverty Culture" and the one mistake in the relationship was expecting "fidelity" or expect "infidelity". Not an issue for me at 40 years old.
In the meantime I have a beautiful sweet girl waiting to see me again in October who is the most affectionate one I have met.
Her Child like affection is incredible, why would I want to "blow that up" and not enjoy it again. In the meantime she writes me
love letters. Its all good for "Contango's Ego". She doesn't have to be 100% faithful.
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2011
You're doing it again. You're acting like you found a good one and showing a little vulnerability and then you quickly couch it all in dismissive terms as a defense mechanism.


Dec 27, 2010
You're doing it again. You're acting like you found a good one and showing a little vulnerability and then you quickly couch it all in dismissive terms as a defense mechanism.

No not really, I think you are reaching a bit there, without really knowing me exclusively or my vulnerabilities. I like this girl, I'm treating her well, she has treated me well, and my eyes are wide open. I'm willing to risk the outcome. Wasn't it you who said, "I refuse to write off every chica as intersada and self seeking".. My point is I want to ride it out as long as I can.
You're doing it again. You're acting like you found a good one and showing a little vulnerability and then you quickly couch it all in dismissive terms as a defense mechanism.

Jebus Pollo, let him be. He has just told you he is along for the ride. And if something good comes out of it, he wins.

No need to continue to hit those who clearly tells you they dont want to continue this discussion. Anyone who has studied mentalhealth should be aware of these signs.

Don't use wise words to hurt, use wise words to be helpful.