Reminder Notice to carry documents


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
DGM has today posted a notice to all foreigners residing in the country with temporary or permanent residency, and asks that they ensure their documents are up to date and that you carry them at all times in accordance with the law to avoid any inconvenience.

Suspect all residents do, but take note of the reminder.

Los extranjeros autorizados a permanecer en el pa?s, est?n en la obligaci?n de obtener y mantener vigente y portar sus documentos de identificaci?n migratoria, que deber?n mostrar a la autoridad competente, en este caso la DGM, cuando esta lo requiera?, expresa el comunicado.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Sunday I passed two DGM officers on a motorbike cruising around in the city of Santiago.

A little bit later as I was exiting the bakery, they had pulled up to a Haitian vendor walking down the street and were asking him for his documents. As I drove off the guy was going through his pockets, I should have stayed to see what happened. Being on a motor bike, the DGM sure wasn't going to be transporting.

Maybe I should carry some documents:



Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I was stopped and my cedula solved car papers, nada

I found that the doc that has the pic catedral primera america santa maria la menor facilitates most things.....
If not I use the one with fransisco del rosario sanchez, juan pablo duarte, and matias ramon mella.....
And if i am guiltythe mirabal sisters do their trick.....
And if i have been really naughty, a combination of all above ;) ;) ;)

But thanks to the OP for reminder us, i do try to carry my cedulas with me.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I saw a DGM cruising the back streets of Santiago this afternoon when walking home.
Walked directly in front of them while crossing the street.
No one stopped me or asked me anything but I did notice one Haitian and a motorbike in the


Jul 4, 2012
I saw a DGM cruising the back streets of Santiago this afternoon when walking home.
Walked directly in front of them while crossing the street.
No one stopped me or asked me anything but I did notice one Haitian and a motorbike in the

You did no say what they do if you dont have them on you. How do they know you are not a tourist with your passport in the hotel safe. I have lived here for more than 40 years and never had a problem, are they now trying a new trick to get money for saint NICK. As the British say I NICKED it!


Apr 29, 2014

If you are out in public the rule in the DR has always been, carry your documents to prove who you are and your status in this country. It is prudent not to carry the original, but in the end, if the authorities want to see it and you don't have it and an alternate arrangement cannot be reached, expect to have to make a phone call for someone to get it and bring it to you.

Even in North American and certainly in the UK these days, when lawfully asked for ID by the cops and you can't immediately provide it, you will be detained until you can. Just because someone is on vacation in the DR and it may be inconvenient or the Govt hasn't provided an easier option, doesn't give anyone an automatic pass.

I'm not a big fan of random stops or conversations with the Govt, but I accept that they do happen and if it happens to me and I want to be away quickly and cheaply, I have to be prepared to identify myself.

That is just the reality, and guy asking doesn't care that I don't agree.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
I guess it happens, never scene anyone being stopped and asked for there papers or i.d
When waking the only thing I carry is pesos , I bet that works better than an i.d or cedula


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
You did no say what they do if you dont have them on you. How do they know you are not a tourist with your passport in the hotel safe. I have lived here for more than 40 years and never had a problem, are they now trying a new trick to get money for saint NICK. As the British say I NICKED it!

Comes with the territory. I always carry my documents on me. Usually in denominations of 500. Most of these idiots are to
stupid to keep a enough gas in an engine to complete an entire shift. Not wasting my time worrying.


Just A Few Words
Oct 27, 2014
What about those of us who do not have temporary nor permanent residency. Should we be carrying? A passport or anything? No tourist card in this country as is required some places.

First of all, you should never carry your actual passport. Make copies of the picture page and carry that. If you have the migracion sticker in your passport, make a copy of that as well. NEVER carry originals!

It has nothing to do with the DR or its fluid directives. It's just something you do when you are out of your home country for whatever period of time.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
I guess it happens, never scene anyone being stopped and asked for there papers or i.d
When waking the only thing I carry is pesos , I bet that works better than an i.d or cedula

Neither have I until this past Sunday in Santiago.

No way to know if they were genuine DGM either, that thought crossed my mind when I saw them on the motorbike.

Who has the nerve to ask them for proof?


Aug 23, 2012
I guess it happens, never scene anyone being stopped and asked for there papers or i.d
When waking the only thing I carry is pesos , I bet that works better than an i.d or cedula

I've been stopped. I was walking from a bar hailing a moto and 2 bikes pulled up, total of 4 officers (forget if they were politour or PN). Searched me for drugs and weapons, and in the process asked for my papers. The photo of my passport in my phone satisfied them, though it'd be disgustingly easy to photoshop my face on someone else's US passport and keep that in my phone.

They were professional and courteous, and apologized for stopping me when they were done. If my Spanish were better, I'd have apologized to the one guy for having to handle my smelly socks (I'd been dancing for quite a while). But really, served him right for making me take them off in the first place.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
I've been stopped. I was walking from a bar hailing a moto and 2 bikes pulled up, total of 4 officers (forget if they were politour or PN). Searched me for drugs and weapons, and in the process asked for my papers. The photo of my passport in my phone satisfied them, though it'd be disgustingly easy to photoshop my face on someone else's US passport and keep that in my phone.

Biggest fear, for me, is them planting drugs on me. Their words against mine. Once they start searching, anything is possible. :(


Aug 23, 2012
Biggest fear, for me, is them planting drugs on me. Their words against mine. Once they start searching, anything is possible. :(

I imagine that if I'd copped an attitude about it, thing could have been a lot more complicated. But in just under 2 years, that's my only legit run-in with the law, so I count my fortune as good.


Oct 29, 2010
Even in North American and certainly in the UK these days, when lawfully asked for ID by the cops and you can't immediately provide it, you will be detained until you can.

I know this is supposed to be DR related but I can't let that one go. As a UK citizen I can tell you that you do NOT have to carry ID there. We are not even issued with and ID card! If you are stopped by the police while driving and don't have your licence you are required to produce it at a police station within a few days.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Sorry, per the boss man, DR related please.

drstock, we letting yours sly. No more OT please...........................

Carry on...................