german tourist murdered on the malecon in POP

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Oct 15, 2015
Terrible tragedy. Rest in peace, Herr Gunter.

My girlfriend is very upset by the news as we live in Puerto Plata and she borders on paranoid about my safety. This news gives flight to her fears.


Nov 18, 2002
I don't know which Dominicans you are talking to, and cannot speak for them. The vast majority of Dominicans who talk about wanting to move elsewhere have NEVER actually lived anywhere else (and most have NEVER even visited elsewhere). Hence they have no basis to compare. Anywhere, that has NOTHING to do with this very sad but very specific tragedy.

I have no problem at all with those who come to believe that the DR is NOT for them, and decide to move on. There are almost 200 countries to choose from, and if you have a developed-country passport you can probably get in most. If you are in that group, best wishes to you as you search for a new home.

Like I said, middle and middle high class. They travel.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
He was deported from the States so he wasn't an angel

We have a case like that , here in Abreu.
Two brothers were released from a US prison - after 10+ yrs -
Picked up at the airport and a weekend long party in their honour.

Great, two ex-cons return.
They learn a lot in those jails......... smarter crooks now

I hate to be cynical, but...........


Dec 5, 2013
I don't know which Dominicans you are talking to, and cannot speak for them. The vast majority of Dominicans who talk about wanting to move elsewhere have NEVER actually lived anywhere else (and most have NEVER even visited elsewhere). Hence they have no basis to compare. Anywhere, that has NOTHING to do with this very sad but very specific tragedy.

I have no problem at all with those who come to believe that the DR is NOT for them, and decide to move on. There are almost 200 countries to choose from, and if you have a developed-country passport you can probably get in most. If you are in that group, best wishes to you as you search for a new home.

I also think it was mentioned that it?s the middle class in question, so not vast majority.

Our social circle belongs more or less to this as well, and breaking it down:

One family friend works in DR but knows several languages, brother has business in Spain, considering moving. Second person currently in the Switzerland working in a hotel. Third in Canada (still) cleaning in an office, but has university degree and wants to work towards something better there. Fourth has three sisters and father in New York, starting life there. Sixth had a barber shop in a barrio, first worked on a cruise ship for a bit, now also in New York.

Secondly, I disagree, the two things (Doms leaving and this accident) have to do with eachother, as it?s the perceived security that partly lowers the "rating" of the country. There was a series of attracos nearby where my wife?s sister lives a few months ago, and as a result they are not fans of getting out of the house that much anymore. They are, however, 5 people with heavy business connections exactly where they live and zero family outside the country, so they cannot just abandon everything.


Sep 27, 2006
there is a wanted picture on facebook now of the second boy



Jul 2, 2015
Puerto Plata is quickly on it's way to hell in a hand basket! In order to fix a problem, you must admit there is a problem! and judging by the way Dominicans react to any sort of constructive criticsm, I do not think it will get any better. Elections are this year and for the most part the government is busy with that! How many democratic countries do you know of where the minister of internal security Monchy Fadul, has the balls to get on national TV and say that: Crime is just a perception of the Dominican mind! If that is not total denial, then I can see why the country is out of control.....I truly feel bad for that tourist and his wife. The odd thing is that not even 24 hours later, another couple of tourists got their chain snatched in P.P. And get this! They were with a tourist guide! Are you freaking kidding me???? I wonder if there is simply more than meets the eye here and perhaps someone or someone's do not want P.P. To prosper???? Here is another juicy story about a famous Dominican who was just robbed for the second time and she describes how inefficient the cops were in handling her complaint..,,,I see why most folks do not even bother to report crimes in is too much of a hassle!


Sep 7, 2012
I think that the time has come to bring back public executions. I felt this 7 years ago when a friend of mine (special police) was gunned down outside his apt. in Hainna in front of his wife and daughter, for his gun.
Find the other thug involved and string him up in Parque Central in Puerto Plata so that all the soon to be or wanna be thugs can see Jose or Miguel from down the street as the birds start to feed off of his body and maybe, just maybe at least some percentage of them will think again.


New member
Jul 16, 2014
It's a terrible tragedy, but let's not get carried away. The Dominican police just caught a band of thugs only a few weeks after their crimes happened (and by all indications they are the right ones). Apparently crime stats are now yet another taboo (unless unfavorable to the DR) but the stats clearly show the crime situation is other similar destinations is much worse. Hence, the police can't be that bad, can it?.

There are street thugs everywhere (specially in tourist areas), and often they act in broad daylight. It is their M.O. There are much fewer "targets" at night, for obvious reasons. Of course they fear authorities, but they just assume they will make a quick escape and get away with it (just like we assume that bad things will always happen to someone else). It's human nature.

Tell that to the mans wife.
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