Coronavirus - In the DR

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Jan 21, 2006
From some new regulations as mentioned above by the US Embassy in the DR:

- Cell phone use is not permitted inside the airports.
  • Starting January 1, all passengers are required to fill out an E-Ticket when entering or exiting the Dominican Republic. For each entry and exit a new E Ticket is required and the code generated upon form completion can be presented at the airport on a digital device.

What's up with banning cell phone usage at those airports? The government not wanting to show what is going on?

And how do you show the new digital only sign in document if you don't have your cell phone on to show it?
Yet another only in the DR thing where one hand does not (want to) know what the other is doing.
Maybe reduce the amount of talking in the airports with the idea that speech spreads the virus?
Some Dominicans yell when on the cell phone.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
From some new regulations as mentioned above by the US Embassy in the DR:

- Cell phone use is not permitted inside the airports.
  • Starting January 1, all passengers are required to fill out an E-Ticket when entering or exiting the Dominican Republic. For each entry and exit a new E Ticket is required and the code generated upon form completion can be presented at the airport on a digital device.

What's up with banning cell phone usage at those airports? The government not wanting to show what is going on?

And how do you show the new digital only sign in document if you don't have your cell phone on to show it?
Yet another only in the DR thing where one hand does not (want to) know what the other is doing.

Cell phone usage restriction is being placed so people don’t remove their masks to unlock their cell phones and/or whilst talking on it.

As for those with no cell phone to produce the digital code, it can be printed after downloaded as pdf or screen printed to your printer 🖨, files which can also be emailed to a friend or copy center with the print facilities.
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
I find it interesting that some of you are talking about Covid in the DR , and you barely know 20 people who even HAD it ? ..If this is an example of the DR as a Whole... They are doing GREAT ..
You Commuters and Snow Birds to NYC for example, I know for a Fact if you were challenged to , you could easily come up with at least 100 people each you know directly, or through your FB connections or family alone .

I know 2 people who literally died this past week alone . one Visited the DR, he is German .
the other is the mother of a person I know personally . 2 deaths , one week ( but thats not directly DR Related, comparison purposes only ... Mods please dont delete)
Point is ... if the Infection rate is that low in the DR , that you are still only counting dozens " infected" and no one dying ? in your Circle of Friends, and associates in the DR .. that is a really really LOW infection Rate ..
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
My family members don’t ride motos in the DR.
I rode my fat boy in the states only.

Here is a 💀 wish

I think maybe you are missing the point .
Death is RANDOM.. no matter what you think. no matter how much Control you think you have
If its Covid, on a Moto , lightning , a shooting, heart attack . one way or another it will be our turn one day.

... Only people who Commit Suicide CHOOSE the exact time of their Death .

it boggles the mind how some people dont want to accept that simple fact of life .
and yes of course we all Cherish our Time with our Loved ones .. and want to protect them .
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Sep 7, 2012
I know two here in Jarabacoa, and 4 that died in NYC. Right now my wife's cousin Pedro has it in NY, along with the four other guys he shares a house with. I know probably 20 plus people that have had it and survived without being hospitalized.
I am sorry for your loss but I have to ask, did they die OF or WITH covid because I am not new to the DR and even tonight I asked my son's inlaws if they knew anyone that died of covid and not ONE did? I would still like to see solid numbers of people that died from influensa over the last 3 years compared to 2020. My guess would be VERY few this year because now every death is Covid.
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chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
All the comorbities aside two simple and cheap things can protect you from the Wuhan virus. Zinc and Vitamin D.

Check out the report on the Vitaman D study :

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Jul 10, 2004
Cell phone usage restriction is being placed so people don’t remove their masks to unlock their cell phones and/or whilst talking on it.

As for those with no cell phone to produce the digital code, it can be printed after downloaded as pdf or screen printed to your printer 🖨, files which can also be emailed to a friend or copy center with the print facilities.
Damn, so I activated a smart phone for the first time for nothing.,,, Go figure.


Jul 10, 2004
Don't worry about an new variants to CV19, the vaccines will work just as well on them.
So "THEY" say. And it may be true. Only time will tell. I see things loosening up at the end of 2021.

Any actual updates on vaccines being delivered to the DR? Actual vaccines in the country?


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
All the comorbities aside two simple and cheap things can protect you from the Wuhan virus. Zinc and Vitamin D.

Check out the report on the Vitaman D study :

20 minutes a day is what they say you need. I don't know if it's direct or indirect sunlight, but still it doesn't sound like much. The problem of course is 2 feet of snow and below freezing temps. Add some ice to that and I can see why people won't go outside.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I am sorry for your loss but I have to ask, did they die OF or WITH covid because I am not new to the DR and even tonight I asked my son's inlaws if they knew anyone that died of covid and not ONE did? I would still like to see solid numbers of people that died from influensa over the last 3 years compared to 2020. My guess would be VERY few this year because now every death is Covid.
The guy down the street was diagnosed with covid via symptoms and test, he was treated at home for several days then hospitalized. He developed severe pneumonia and I believe that caused him to die, The pneumonia was caused by the covid. The other person (Lirio) died in hospital as well, and he was well known here in Jarabacoa as he had a TV show. My wife has known him since she was a little girl as they grew up on the same street and were in the same class. Yes he died from covid. Doctors , at least here , seem to know the difference fairly quickly between the flu and covid. There is a nasty head cold making the rounds right now as well.
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Sep 7, 2012
One death is one too many for us as Dominicas who love ❤️ and enjoy our elders in the family nucleus!
I guess in that case the D.R. should stop all motorized vehicles from being used. One sure thing about life is death. The damage being done by the shut downs is far worse than the virus. Death rates are very low and more people die of numerous other ailments than this virus, and yes I realize some of those are not contagious. The education system in the D.R. was, in my opinion one of the biggest problems and now it has gone from very bad to much worse. Great idea teaching via lap tops or T.V. when a good amount of the population doesn't have internet and/or electricity much of the time. The president is talking up tourism at the same time instituting this horrendous toque de queda. Good thing that packing 6 people in a concho only spreads the virus after nine p.m, and let's keep arresting people and sticking them in small confined areas until they pay up and then send them back into the population. You would be hard pressed to think up a better plan to spread the virus. The insanity and inconsistencies are too many to number. The elderly and those with pre-existing conditions should take extra care and all others should be allowed to continue living. Life without freedom is not life!


Sep 7, 2012
The guy down the street was diagnosed with covid via symptoms and test, he was treated at home for several days then hospitalized. He developed severe pneumonia and I believe that caused him to die, The pneumonia was caused by the covid. The other person (Lirio) died in hospital as well, and he was well known here in Jarabacoa as he had a TV show. My wife has known him since she was a little girl as they grew up on the same street and were in the same class. Yes he died from covid. Doctors , at least here , seem to know the difference fairly quickly between the flu and covid. There is a nasty head cold making the rounds right now as well.
Bob, I am aware that there are some people that are dying from the virus however I think the % is very low. Obviously the loss of a loved one for any reason is very difficult on family and loved ones but I contend that the shut downs are doing much worse to the populations than the virus itself.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Bob, I am aware that there are some people that are dying from the virus however I think the % is very low. Obviously the loss of a loved one for any reason is very difficult on family and loved ones but I contend that the shut downs are doing much worse to the populations than the virus itself.

We know that very well, but our healthcare system is not sustainable to the tune of a high rate of hospitalization required for an open doors policy at the moment.

This is not about the mortality rate being low enough, is about the hospitals and care facilities being able to operate without collapsing 100%.

After all people still will get sick from other non-covid issues and will require attention at the same time.
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