DR calls for dialogue, not war in Russia-Ukraine conflict

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william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Here's some DR info -m shocking to me

Perhaps it shoud be in the Inflation thread

Presidential Spokesperson: Conflict between Russia and Ukraine will exacerbate international price crisis

https://eldia.com.do/gobierno-trabaja-e … n-ucrania/

The spokesman and director of Government Strategy and Communication, Homero Figueroa declared this Thursday that the Dominican government is working on the necessary measures to reduce the impact that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will have on the local economy.

Through an official statement, Figueroa indicated that this is a moment that once again calls for the unity of the entire country.

“That is why we ask political actors to exercise responsibility in handling the issue of prices; to the productive sectors to share the sacrifices; and to citizens, to trust that their authorities will do everything necessary to guarantee the least possible disturbance in everyone's life. As always in the past, we will overcome this challenge and come out stronger”, he explained.

He specified that every global event is also local and that the post-pandemic international inflation that affects us will now be more intense and lasting due to this conflict.

He considered that the Dominican Republic cannot feel distant or alien, since we are a net importer of oil, natural gas, soybeans, sorghum, wheat and corn that will reflect immediate price increases.

"Furthermore, we import 36.5% of the iron and molten steel that we consume from Ukraine," Figueroa reported.

He explained that Russia began a military operation against Ukraine and that the Ukrainian government has asked the international community for help; and Western powers have reported that they will respond decisively to hold Russia accountable for military action that will cause much human suffering.

"The harsh statements from all sides portend a possible conflict that could be on a large scale," he said.

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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
The Pandemic, the taking of freedom from Canadaians, questionable election integrity in the US, war in Ukraine, China threatening Taiwan, cyrpto currency crackdown, war on fossil fuel, Climate Change hype, floods of illegal immigrants into Western Countries, rising taxes, rampant inflation, government debts exceeding GDP.
All makes you wonder what is the next shoe to drop?
Suspecting government seizure of personal assets may be coming soon. Better be ready - it is not that farfetched


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Does anyone else wonder about the timing of this? First the world is brought to its knees by the pandemic which a lot of people think was started deliberately. Countries are just getting back to normal, literally yesterday in the UK they lifted all remaining Covid rules, and then bang on cue Russia starts a war which is likely to have a huge impact on commodity prices and so send inflation spiralling in most countries. Just seems like Putin waited for the all-clear before he decided to do this.
Add to this the fact that Russia supplies 35% of Europe‘s energy needs, some of those at lower than world prices. He has countries like Germany by their cojones. The biggest evidence of his timing and intent was his visit to China during the Olympics when all other foreign politicians were shunning China. China cut a 30 year, $120 billion deal with Russia for energy supplies. Instead of dividing China and Russia, the West has united them. What’s happening in the Ukraine is just the tip of the iceberg for the political initiatives of an emerging new world order. Forget about the Great Reset. It’s been preempted by the Putin Reset.

China has to walk the razors edge here. They have vested interests in Europe, even the Ukraine and have to maintain dialogue with the West while remaining an ally of Russia. They are major money lenders to European and Western nations. That’s gives them some political clout to smooth ruffled Western and European feathers to take some of the heat off Putin.

It’s comical to watch European and Western leaders speaking with forked tongues. Reminds me of the old Cold War days with Kruschev banging his shoe on his desk at the UN general assembly meetings to get attention. Tweedle dum (Biden) and Tweedle Dee’s (Trudeau) umbrage at Putin is laughable. I sleep really well at night knowing we have such political adept leaders to depend on in times of international crisis. Not!

Putin made a brilliant move when he stepped in and sucked up the power vacuum when the USSR dissolved. He did this during a total state of chaos. The Ukraine invasion is another example of his political savvy. His end run around Europe and the West to make China his ally is another smart political move.

Anything he does is well planed.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Here's some DR info -m shocking to me

Perhaps it shoud be in the Inflation thread

Presidential Spokesperson: Conflict between Russia and Ukraine will exacerbate international price crisis

https://eldia.com.do/gobierno-trabaja-e … n-ucrania/

The spokesman and director of Government Strategy and Communication, Homero Figueroa declared this Thursday that the Dominican government is working on the necessary measures to reduce the impact that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will have on the local economy.

Through an official statement, Figueroa indicated that this is a moment that once again calls for the unity of the entire country.

“That is why we ask political actors to exercise responsibility in handling the issue of prices; to the productive sectors to share the sacrifices; and to citizens, to trust that their authorities will do everything necessary to guarantee the least possible disturbance in everyone's life. As always in the past, we will overcome this challenge and come out stronger”, he explained.

He specified that every global event is also local and that the post-pandemic international inflation that affects us will now be more intense and lasting due to this conflict.

He considered that the Dominican Republic cannot feel distant or alien, since we are a net importer of oil, natural gas, soybeans, sorghum, wheat and corn that will reflect immediate price increases.

"Furthermore, we import 36.5% of the iron and molten steel that we consume from Ukraine," Figueroa reported.

He explained that Russia began a military operation against Ukraine and that the Ukrainian government has asked the international community for help; and Western powers have reported that they will respond decisively to hold Russia accountable for military action that will cause much human suffering.

"The harsh statements from all sides portend a possible conflict that could be on a large scale," he said.

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He’s stating the obvious Bill and some of what he is predicting will not happen. NATO including the US will never put enough boots on the ground to mount a successful defence against the Russian forces invading the Ukraine. This would would launch WW3. I doubt is it would entail the use of nuclear weapons but the long term political and economic cost of such a war would be too costly for Wsetern and European nations to bear.

The DR government is just a pawn on the world’s chessboard. It’s not surprising they are concerned about increased prices for basic resources. The DR is so heavily in debt to other nations, prolonged price increases for major commodities could bankrupt the country. The DR could turn to the US and Canada to supply most of these commodities but they would have to pay the going rate. Canadian farmers and oil suppliers are poised to do extremely well if the conflict does create the economic conditions its expected to create.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
He’s stating the obvious Bill and some of what he is predicting will not happen. NATO including the US will never put enough boots on the ground to mount a successful defence against the Russian forces invading the Ukraine. This would would launch WW3. I doubt is it would entail the use of nuclear weapons but the long term political and economic cost of such a war would be too costly for Wsetern and European nations to bear.

The DR government is just a pawn on the world’s chessboard. It’s not surprising they are concerned about increased prices for basic resources. The DR is so heavily in debt to other nations, prolonged price increases for major commodities could bankrupt the country. The DR could turn to the US and Canada to supply most of these commodities but they would have to pay the going rate. Canadian farmers and oil suppliers are poised to do extremely well if the conflict does create the economic conditions its expected to create.
Absolutely and Putin calculated this into his decision. In war or conflict somebody always profits. The only hope is that the Russian people rebel.


Nov 2, 2006
Absolutely and Putin calculated this into his decision. In war or conflict somebody always profits. The only hope is that the Russian people rebel.
Sadly Putin's propaganda machine is very well oiled. Most domestic citizens love him. It's only until they leave Russia and are exposed to outside media, information and cultures they realise what a dictator / despot Putin actually is.

But.......many Russians have been accustomed to their new Western way of life. When they can no longer have a McDonald's lunch washed down with a Starbucks coffee and drive to work in their shiny BMW's , their opinions may change.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
He’s stating the obvious Bill and some of what he is predicting will not happen. NATO including the US will never put enough boots on the ground to mount a successful defence against the Russian forces invading the Ukraine. This would would launch WW3. I doubt is it would entail the use of nuclear weapons but the long term political and economic cost of such a war would be too costly for Wsetern and European nations to bear.

The DR government is just a pawn on the world’s chessboard. It’s not surprising they are concerned about increased prices for basic resources. The DR is so heavily in debt to other nations, prolonged price increases for major commodities could bankrupt the country. The DR could turn to the US and Canada to supply most of these commodities but they would have to pay the going rate. Canadian farmers and oil suppliers are poised to do extremely well if the conflict does create the economic conditions its expected to create.
In reality the US and Israel airpower could defeat Russia's without suffering many, if any losses. Ever wonder why their most advanced anti-aircraft missles and SU-57s can't shoot down Israeli or US planes in Syria?
Remember the SU-24M shot down easily by Turkey and a SU-25 downed in Syria by US a supplied man-Pad.
Or in 1982 Israel shot down 88 Russian MIG-21s & Mig23s in one day with no losses of their F15s and 16s. This lead to Assad asking "What kind of junk are we buying from Russia?"
Avionics is the key and Russia is still a decade or more behind. (hopefully China too)
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Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Absolutely and Putin calculated this into his decision. In war or conflict somebody always profits. The only hope is that the Russian people rebel.
Given Putin’s propaganda and political enemy control tactics he learned well as a trained KGB cold blooded killer, I highly doubt a Russian rebellion will happen. Putin will push a bit further into the Ukraine, stay for a while, then pull back to the two independent states to achieve his goal of no NATO presence in the Ukraine. He has more than enough military resources to quell a home rebellion and no compunction about using them to kill his citizens.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
In reality the US and Israel airpower could defeat Russia's without suffering many, if any losses. Ever wonder why their most advanced anti-aircraft missles and SU-57s can't shoot down Israeli or US planes in Syria?
Remember the SU-24M shot down easily by Turkey and a SU-25 downed in Syria by US a supplied man-Pad.
Or in 1982 Israel shot down 88 Russian MIG-21s & Mig23s in one day with no losses of their F15s and 16s. This lead to Assad asking "What kind of junk are we buying from Russia?"
Avionics is the key and Russia is still a decade or more behind. (hopefully China too)
I agree with most of that but your last statement may be correct. China has their own and other nations stolen avionics disruption capability. If they export it to Russia, the outcome might be very different. I can see the US using surgical drone and stealth bomber strikes to assist Ukrainian forces to keep advancing Russian forces in check. Nothing beyond that. US F-35’s just arrived in Romania to support Ukrainian forces.
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Active member
Mar 7, 2004
International help on the way from Austria and Germany

"The German federal government is sending 5,000 steel helmets, the city of Vienna FFP2 masks to the Ukraine"

Ukrainians are lucky to have so good friends who know exactly what they need most in difficult times.

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Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
At this point, its life and democracy vs money and commodities...... i think we all know what the West will choose, sadly.
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Apr 20, 2015
International help on the way from Austria and Germany

"The German federal government is sending 5,000 steel helmets, the city of Vienna FFP2 masks to the Ukraine"

Ukrainians are lucky to have so good friends who know exactly what they need most in difficult times.

Germany has a major conflict of interest.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
The Reichstag has sold its soul to Putin. How fitting. Guten Tag!
Germany has not forgotten what the Russian army did to German soldiers when they finally entered Berlin. They took no prisoners and walled off a large part of the city. They don’t want Russian forces encroaching on their borders now.


Aug 26, 2012
Penn will twist this conflict for sure. He embraces all anti American commies, Putin, Chavez, Castro.

Do you really believe that Sean Penn is about to embrace Putin?
For a guy that is about to embrace Putin (as you suggest) he sure seems to be getting along well with President Zelensky.
Is it possible that you have it all wrong?

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