We have not gotten any water from the city for well over a month.
Sorry to hear that CB. We didn't have city water for 3 years. We installed rain gutters with downspouts to Leaf Catchers that takes out the larger stuff. Then into a First Flush system with PVC pipe that takes the first XXX gallons of dirtier water and when the pipe is full, diverts the cleaner water to our cistern. 1" of rain = 4,000 gallons in our case. 0" = 0 gallons.
Both these items are cheap, easy to install and found on Amazon.
Our cistern pumps water through a couple of filters an a UV system so we have safe drinking water from all indoor faucets.
We also got a permit for our own well on our property. Had it drilled on a Sat... just in case "someone" was around. We are 60' above sea level and drilled only 35' but the water is very salty with lots of other "stuff" in it. Valve system to water lawns via well pump or goes thru a separate system with a large filter, UV and RO systems and is 99.5% pure into the cistern. I'm guessing that you would have to drill a little deeper.
Water company says that we owe them over DP $250,000 for those 3 years of not supplying water (adding more every month since) and want to know where we get our water from. We don't answer at all other then to talk with our atty or GOD and just walk away from them. We had our atty. serve them papers within 6 months of no water voiding the contract on several grounds but they still refuse to accept that. They keep billing. We don't care. Waiting for them to have God direct us. lol
Good luck. Sorry to get off subject here.