2019 Hurricane Season



As Jimmy Buffet used to sing about Florida:

Now most of the people who retire in Florida
are wrinkled and they lean on a crutch.
And mobile homes are smotherin' my keys;
Well I hate those bastards so much.
I wish a summer squall would blow them
all the way up to fantasy land.
They're ugly and square, they don't belong here.
They look a lot better as beer cans.

Guess he got wiser with time - he lived in Key West for years -- now spends his winters here in Palm Beach...
12. Where does Jimmy Buffett currently live?

Jimmy owns a house in Palm Beach Florida and another one in the Hamptons on Long Island. Jimmy sold the home that he owned in Key West Florida in September 1998 for $900,000...."



My nephew in Puerto Rico - down in Cabo Rojo on the SW coast- reported in this PM that all the gas in the gas stations is gone ... and no water for sale.. He says folks are in a bit of a panic....

But he is cool about it.. Points out that both IRMA and MARIA were Cat 5's when they hit last year.... He was alone in his house - without electricity or water for WEEKS

Say what ANYONE might about the FEMA response in Puerto Rico - they were there in place down in Cabo Rojo Before MARIA - and were there within 2 twos giving out Water and MREs. There was NOTHING on the shelves at any of the stores - as Walmart;s etc had not been able to restock between the two hurricanes.. So even sending $$ was not of that much use. I kept sending small priority mail boxes - filled with the stuff that folks on various FB groups suggested - "Batteriers" - said my postal delivery woman - herself from Cabo Rojo - "the entire island is OUT of batteries"

Matt (nephew0 is now a "Vet" and Very. Cool. Comments on how very much they need the rain - since the SW is an arid desert region - much like the SW of the DR-- around Pedernales...

After IRMA and MARIA - --well-- a Tropical Storm?

Don't remember how bad those two storms were for the DR?
Y'all were sorta running/ offering rescue services as I remember...


Here you can watch live how Dorian gets its azz kicked.
Most of its former stuff is cutt of from the center, left behind on the east of the windwqrd islands lingering there without a control center.
At this moment Dorian does not move much stuff around.


Thank you MikeFisher you are the best. Spelling no problems I can understand and not important for me. I appreciate the info.



Would this Dorian effects POP airport this Friday afternoon/evening... !?

I'm hoping it passes NC by then and any water recedes...


I am glad Dorian listened to me and followed the eastern pressure contours!


Dorian is a no show for DR.
A bit later today it will land on SCentral/SE PR.
No need to porepare the boats over here, my Saona Tours i already changed to sunday and ahead, so the reminder of this non stormy week will be used for family pleasures, like a few days off.


Dorian is a no show for DR.
A bit later today it will land on SCentral/SE PR.
No need to porepare the boats over here, my Saona Tours i already changed to sunday and ahead, so the reminder of this non stormy week will be used for family pleasures, like a few days off.
I hope for at least a day or so of decent rain.


I hope for at least a day or so of decent rain.

Maybe some will get rain of ut to reach our soil, but i don't think there will be much powers on Dorian's S and W after thise areas been touching PR.
But as such small system he could regain it fairly quick after leaving PR vicinity on its way to FL/Carolinas, it may be able to send some your way.


Dorian is now SE of PR almost on Hurrivane Force,
70mphr windspeed on its stronger NE quadrant,
Central pressure dropoes below 1000mb already.
But almost all its windpowers are on the NW/N/NE ern parts, the other quadrants still need to get newly build and connected qith the structure.
Such could go quick for a small area to organize.
While Dorian is a no show for DR, its time is not over, it may just be about to really start.
It could become a compact powerful storm on its fiture way.


View attachment 3147

This shows how at this very moment the winView attachment 3147ds if Dorian extend out of the Center.
A very small area with TS winds towards the E/NE of the center, it looks very quiet on the W and S of the Storm, as it is as a whole structure completely out of shape.
But it could quickly get into shape for a big one once the interaction with Land is over, conditions are well in favor for Dorian to upgrade itself many steps up on the Storm Career ladder.


So the upshot is we will be deprived of rain once more time here in Puerto Plata etc?..