A Professional Dominicana as First Lady

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
May I suggest that the fact there has always been nepotism in the DR is not a reason to keep it up.

deelt, as a fan of Leonel's, I just don?t think it would be a smart political move, because it would draw criticism and unwanted attention. Furthermore, there is no reason for her to hold any official post ? as his wife, she will have his ear anyway.

Hillary didn?t get any formal position, and yet was influential.

And yes, ;) = I?m joking. I'm a working mother of two.


Mar 23, 2004
True..but it happens. So my tact is damage control.

On her getting appointed I said it on a political dare, I know it is not required. I believe she, Ana, should be involved in this administration and since accountability is an issue it is a risk Leonel should consider taking. Ditto on Hillary.

Sorry for the shout out. My "literal" interpreter was on. :0) It just that sometimes I do come across some ladies that do *seriously* take this position and it stuns me really.

Bueno...have to get back to work...very busy these days.

Jane J. said:
May I suggest that the fact there has always been nepotism in the DR is not a reason to keep it up.

deelt, as a fan of Leonel's, I just don?t think it would be a smart political move, because it would draw criticism and unwanted attention. Furthermore, there is no reason for her to hold any official post ? as his wife, she will have his ear anyway.

Hillary didn?t get any formal position, and yet was influential.

And yes, ;) = I?m joking. I'm a working mother of two.


Jan 2, 2002
You make a decent point, but I disagree with the concept of zero acountability. Come time for reelection, a wife that is percieved to have done productive things to help the country would be an asset and one who "screwed up" would be a hinderance.

I was never crazy about Al Gore, but Tipper put me over the top. I could never vote for a guy that married her;-)

Tony C said:
Go on and defend Bill and Hillary all you want. As far as I am concerned their actions are indefensible.

All I am saying is that the Spouse(Male or Female) of any President should not hold an imortant post in an administration. I don't care if they are from the left or the right. It is all about accountability. They have none! Try to understand that!