A question for the expat sages of DR1


Mar 4, 2004
Maybe it's not off topic at all.
Maybe it hits the nail right on the head.
When everything is handed to you on a silver platter, expectations are heightened.
Having lower or no expectations, leads to less disappointments in life.
Going in, somewhat uninformed, with a great desire to not fail, might be the one single greatest factor of assuring success.

IF..............you're made of the sort of stuff which actively welcomes this sort of challenge. Some are, some aren't. That's why it's difficult for them to face up to this when it is pointed out on a message forum that they might fit the latter category more than the former. Yet, it's still the kindest thing we can do..............particularly since it doesn't mean they aren't ok people. Just not ok for here.

I just wish that a lot of the advertising hype didn't lead people to expect that moving here & adjusting would be a piece of cake. We know it isn't but if you firmly believe it will be easy you simply can't understand why 'sages' ;) are telling you it isn't.

John Evans

theres so much I'd like to say but my new year resolution wont allow it.I find it quite theraputic to type it then delete it...of course you have to press the right button


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
As someone less than a month away from making a permanent move to the DR, I pay very close attention to what the "sages" say about life in country, and appreciate every electron they post here, and every private conversation I've had with them.

I tip my hat to you all, and thank you with the bottom of my heart the experiences you share with us.


Oct 7, 2003
As someone less than a month away from making a permanent move to the DR, I pay very close attention to what the "sages" say about life in country, and appreciate every electron they post here, and every private conversation I've had with them.

I tip my hat to you all, and thank you with the bottom of my heart the experiences you share with us.

Now that is the right attitude!! A humble approach, verbal appreciation, and the willingness to learn.

May I wish you all the best in your upcoming "adventure", cobraboy. I think that maybe you just may be one of the next successful ex-pats!

Just remember - self-sufficiency is the "buzz" word these days, try hard to learn the ropes yourself for your situation, with minimal leaning on someone's shoulder. You will feel like you have accomplished so much more and also will feel more compelled to succeed.



Jan 1, 2002
Now that is the right attitude!! A humble approach, verbal appreciation, and the willingness to learn.

Well two out of three on the golf course Marlie. The 'verbal appreciation' tends to take a nose dive when he screws up on a shot or two!!! :pirate:

Just remember - self-sufficiency is the "buzz" word these days, try hard to learn the ropes yourself for your situation, with minimal leaning on someone's shoulder. You will feel like you have accomplished so much more and also will feel more compelled to succeed.

VERY true words!! In the past we have given loads of help to people who then tend to RELY upon our words rather than finding out for themselves (then checking back with us for confirmation - which is the wise thing to do). Some now find that our reluctance to impart ALL knowledge & the fact that we give them 'The Means to find out' rather than doing the job for them, a little less 'friendly' ....... although in fact we are being a LOT more kind this way.

So don't expect me to sink your putts for you cobraboy :surprised & there are NO 'gimmies' when WE play together!! :cheeky: ~ Grahame.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Well two out of three on the golf course Marlie. The 'verbal appreciation' tends to take a nose dive when he screws up on a shot or two!!! :pirate:
Or 5 or 12...:eek:

BushBaby said:
VERY true words!! In the past we have given loads of help to people who then tend to RELY upon our words rather than finding out for themselves (then checking back with us for confirmation - which is the wise thing to do). Some now find that our reluctance to impart ALL knowledge & the fact that we give them 'The Means to find out' rather than doing the job for them, a little less 'friendly' ....... although in fact we are being a LOT more kind this way.

So don't expect me to sink your putts for you cobraboy :surprised & there are NO 'gimmies' when WE play together!! :cheeky: ~ Grahame.
No gimme's Grahame. I don't want them. Wanna play square...

But seriously, I do listen to what y'all say, and keep those words in mind as I figure out things day-to-day. However, I DO have an advantage with Alida's family being so widespread.

(P.S...she's gonna start taking golf lessons...:cheeky:)


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
I came to Dr the first time not knowing even where it was located. It was a cheep vacation.
I liked the place and returned a few month later alone to the Capital. It was the best vacation I ever had in my life. Had no clue how to speak Spanish or how to even take a taxi.
So I kept returning and the more I was away the more I kept wanting to come back. I couldn't afford all the vacations so I decided to move. I was bored in USA and this would for sure be an adventure (and it sure has been one).
My dog and I (as it was said here long ago "an old lady and her little dog"..jejej) came to stay with a few thousand dollars.
I stayed 3 years, had to go back to USA for a few years because of medical stuff. The entire time I was there I was so depressed.
So I returned and will stay forever unless something better comes along.
I loved the culture, the people and the way of life. It has not been easy but I love the challenge. Living only on pesos is a real challenge but it is doable if it is what one really wants to do. And this is where I feel most at home.


Apr 28, 2006
With the positive attitude you have you can live anywhere....and be happy. You are one person that can make my day...very nice story.:cheeky:


New member
Jul 30, 2006
A sincere thank you to all who have responded to my questions. WOW! What an interesting group of folks! I am so intrigued by so many of the comments, the revealing morsels and the straightforward genuineness that I am reminded to get more focused on living my own dreams. Again, thank you kindly.

So you see, some people do listen and do so attentively.

Last edited:


New member
Jul 30, 2006
Translation please?

theres so much I'd like to say but my new year resolution wont allow it.I find it quite theraputic to type it then delete it...of course you have to press the right button

Sun and buns, Mrgood? Is that you?



New member
Jul 30, 2006
The countdown is on

As someone less than a month away from making a permanent move to the DR, I pay very close attention to what the "sages" say about life in country, and appreciate every electron they post here, and every private conversation I've had with them.

I tip my hat to you all, and thank you with the bottom of my heart the experiences you share with us.


Given what you said, and taking into account your longtime familiarity with the DR, your business success in the US ( I'm confidently assuming ), I have to resort to the original premise. Why? What is your motivation?

May your dreams be realized,



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004

Given what you said, and taking into account your longtime familiarity with the DR, your business success in the US ( I'm confidently assuming ), I have to resort to the original premise. Why? What is your motivation?

May your dreams be realized,

Interesting question.

My first visit to the DR was in (I think, my memory may fail me) 1987. I went three times, staying in the old El Mirador high in the hills overlooking Sosua. My motive then was partying. It was a different DR, and certainly a different Sosua back then. Heck, El Mirador is gone...

I've traveled to the DR prolly 30 times the last 3 years, for a week-10 days at a time, traveling the country often and being with Alida and her family in Santiago, and bringing my mother and other friends down with me. I begin to miss the DR before I leave each time.

My perspective on the world and my place in it has changed, morphed really, over the years. I have gravitated away from materialism and toward relationships and people. I no longer have a need to change the world or people. I'll just accept them.

I've pondered moving to the DR for a while, knowing I have family in the U.S. I can visit when I want. I see a greater degree of individual freedom and liberty in the DR, as long as you render unto Caesar what he claims. There is little, if any, Nanny State. One must provide for themselves, and know this at a very early age. I enjoy the incredible raw and diverse physical beauty of the country, like a continent unto itself. I enjoy being immersed in the culture. I don't have a problem with the lack of First World conveniences, but know they can be found if you need them.

I look forward to a more simple life. I've been involved in some very complex entrepreneural businesses in my life, and done OK with them. Been there, done that, etc. My recent "detoyification" program has been enjoyable, to my surprise. I'm not going to miss the attention "toys" require, and feel no need at all to replicate them in the DR. I want the simple peace that comes from understanding how important family and friends are, in an environment that nurtues that...and the Dominican culture certainly does that. I'll just have to deal with Grahame, Chip and Hillblly humiliating me on the golf course. I guess you can't have it all...;)

Additionally, we're planning a business that combines a personal passion with opportunity, based in the DR. We'll see how that goes.


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Interesting question.

My first visit to the DR was in (I think, my memory may fail me) 1987. I went three times, staying in the old El Mirador high in the hills overlooking Sosua. My motive then was partying. It was a different DR, and certainly a different Sosua back then. Heck, El Mirador is gone...

I've traveled to the DR prolly 30 times the last 3 years, for a week-10 days at a time, traveling the country often and being with Alida and her family in Santiago, and bringing my mother and other friends down with me. I begin to miss the DR before I leave each time.

My perspective on the world and my place in it has changed, morphed really, over the years. I have gravitated away from materialism and toward relationships and people. I no longer have a need to change the world or people. I'll just accept them.

I've pondered moving to the DR for a while, knowing I have family in the U.S. I can visit when I want. I see a greater degree of individual freedom and liberty in the DR, as long as you render unto Caesar what he claims. There is little, if any, Nanny State. One must provide for themselves, and know this at a very early age. I enjoy the incredible raw and diverse physical beauty of the country, like a continent unto itself. I enjoy being immersed in the culture. I don't have a problem with the lack of First World conveniences, but know they can be found if you need them.

I look forward to a more simple life. I've been involved in some very complex entrepreneural businesses in my life, and done OK with them. Been there, done that, etc. My recent "detoyification" program has been enjoyable, to my surprise. I'm not going to miss the attention "toys" require, and feel no need at all to replicate them in the DR. I want the simple peace that comes from understanding how important family and friends are, in an environment that nurtues that...and the Dominican culture certainly does that. I'll just have to deal with Grahame, Chip and Hillblly humiliating me on the golf course. I guess you can't have it all...;)

Additionally, we're planning a business that combines a personal passion with opportunity, based in the DR. We'll see how that goes.

great answer.



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
great answer.

Somethinjg else, Matilda, that I couldn't get in before editing expired: I want a new challenge in life. Moving to a new country with a new language and different culture will do just that.

I want this on my tombstone: While Living, He Lived :)


Apr 4, 2002
Somethinjg else, Matilda, that I couldn't get in before editing expired: I want a new challenge in life. Moving to a new country with a new language and different culture will do just that.

I want this on my tombstone: While Living, He Lived :)
While were ordering up our [SIZE=-1]epitaphs[/SIZE], I would like mine to read.
"He came, he saw, he tripped and fell"


New member
Jul 30, 2006
To Quote Shawshank Redemption: " It all comes down to one thing, get busy living, or get busy dying". I admire you Cobraboy.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I CAME For The Same Reason STAY!


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
A "Second Thought" About "WHY" I Am Here!

All my life I have been one who "Bends" the "Rules",and YES even "Broke" them from time to time!
The DR has been a "Perfect Fit" for me! Here the "Rules" are made to be BROKEN! To those who say the DR has no "Laws" I say Not So dear friend!!!
the DR has a "Law" about EVERYTHING! They just use "Selective Enforcement"! Which means if you got the Cash,you can do whatever you want!
If you are a "Gringo",or a "Rubio",this just adds to your "Cache" here!
If you speak "Dominican",and are "Dominican "Street Smart",you pretty much do and live as you choose!!!!
Only problem/delima for me is my "Kids"!
What to do??
Should I take them to the US where they will have unlimited "opportunities"?
Whatever THEY are??? Or try to remain here and let them become "Dominicans"?
I believe that it will be less expensive to have a better "lifestyle" in the USA than here. In the US you have "Free" healthcare,education,and opportunities for cultural education/experiences. Here you pay dearly for "All The Above"!
"What to do,What to do"????????????????????