All of you gringos living in the DR, get in this thread NOW...

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Aug 15, 2007
I think I took a wrong turn somewhere...

He's a hoot. He posts crazy a** stuff like this every now and then using this and other aliases such as VacationTime and Nihilistic Love.

Not all quite right upstairs, and I certainly wouldn't want to introduce him to my female friends or relatives at Sunday dinner, but at least he's neither boring nor harming anyone.:glasses::glasses::glasses:

p.s. hope you're feeling better from yesterday. Keep ya head up.



hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
...Not all quite right upstairs, and I certainly wouldn't want to introduce him to my female friends or relatives at Sunday dinner, but at least he's neither boring nor harming anyone.:glasses::glasses::glasses:

Buns is certainly harmless!
He initially had the right idea working on a Chicken Ranch and falling in love with the Rancher's daughter until he found out she was working @ Classico's between trips. Oh well.



Nov 22, 2007
He's a hoot. He posts crazy a** stuff like this every now and then using this and other aliases such as VacationTime and Nihilistic Love.

Not all quite right upstairs, and I certainly wouldn't want to introduce him to my female friends or relatives at Sunday dinner, but at least he's neither boring nor harming anyone.:glasses::glasses::glasses:

p.s. hope you're feeling better from yesterday. Keep ya head up.


Keepin' it so up, my neck is stiff!


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
This thread is not about me so no need to hijack it, I gave the poster my feed back, but I know the few of you like to jump on the people here just to get your thrills in for the day. Feels good don't it. makes you folks feel good inside to kick the people that are down and only hope for the ones that do, that this will happen to you someday. I will never be like any one of you people, i never could do such a thing. I'm disabled! I get SS, therefore I cannot work even If I could. But if I did, I would lose my benefits. My wife? why expose yet another thing that I hold dear to my heart, for you folks would just jump on that ride as well and beat it to death. Poor me?? Bull crap, I don't post here to get sympathy, I post for help at times or try to help others. Love thy neighbor He Say's, some of you will never do that or just can't. Love thy enemies? that's pure hell for some people, so I say God bless you all that seem fit to be little me in my state of health and despair. yes I'm poor worthless person, But My kids and wife love me and who are some of you that judge? I don't do the things some of you do, It's not in me to try and hurt others as long as they do me no physical harm. My DR1 handle, wow! Lets get lower and tell me something that would matter to me. Megabiteme--a real threat, can't read between the lines as it being humor and I thought I misunderstood Rocky-lol

This place needs people like me, i have read some stories like about the kid that needed an operation. here I am making the first bid in helping this person before the thread was closed. At least the heart is the heart and I would help a stranger if it meant that I could not eat for a day. I am an open person so forgive me that I sometimes tell all of my life's story at times. this does not mean that some of you should bash and make fun of one's situation, but whatever makes you feel good I guess that's good for you. I have not seen a post from the creator of this thread yet, so here ya go. This is what this country is made of. people will kick you when your down so you better keep things to yourself. Cris, ann, nothing to say to keep people like this in line? I happen to like most of the people on this site and for the one's I could care less about because of the abuse they post, should be banned from here. Why do you allow such things to continue here. Its just plan old bullying and they hide behind their computers so they are safe.

Anyway, I hope this thread helped the original poster, but I don't see how. this entire thing should be deleted. Although this thread was not about me at all, i did receive a PM from a great member here and he has given me an answer to my prayer. I can't thank him enough for what info he has sent me, and perhaps I will share this story with the few of you who really give a hoot. But for those who seem fit in doing what they do best, i'm sure this too will bother them and it will be yet another beat up the guy that's down thread even when something positive happened. Go figure, some of you will never be nothing when you get older or perhaps you will lose everything that you have and than you will be laughed at as well. Don't worry, you will have your chance! I am a true believer of what goes around will come back to bite you as you have really earned it. So God bless all that hate me and continue having your fun on my behalf, I have sent you the message, but the one that deals with the likes of some of you, can judge you. Good Luck with that! ;)
I was sympathetic after your first post a while back.

I'm losing that. Why? Because ALL I hear is complaints and woe-is-me.

Every minute you spend on a message board complaining about your lot in life is one moment less you have actually DOING something about it.

You're disabled. I am sorry to hear that. But you get...what? $825 a month? And didn't you post you had an internet job talking to people for $6 an hour? Haven't you posted you have a satellite dish? Looking for a diamond ring? A bug lamp?

Dude, everytime I go into Santiago, I take some $$$ specifically for a few folks at intersections who have been disabled from birth. Really disabled. They have NOTHING but a smile. Heck, one blind guy has a young boy leading him through traffic to collect donations from folks. THEY are poor. THEY don't have a decent apartment in SDQ. THEY don't have a satellite dish, a computer, shop for diamonds, and certainly no SSI. THEY don't spend RD$12,000 a month on food. THEY can't get a job paying $6 an hour. THEY have ~zero~ options.

$825 is a ton of money if you live in a small town and live like some Dominicans do, simply. OK, you won't have innerweb, a car, a satellite dish, invertor, etc., but you CAN live peacefully on that for the rest of your life.

I don't mean to sound calloused, but do something to help yourself, for Cripes sake.


Mar 4, 2004
This place needs people like me, i have read some stories like about the kid that needed an operation. here I am making the first bid in helping this person before the thread was closed.

Did you mean this thread?

If you did, very nice of you to help this child. Could I ask you to update us on how you have been able to help and the current situation?

Mods, please bear with me. There is a reason for asking.

You sound awfully familiar. Are you that guy in the wheelchair, wears glasses, who lives in the Romanoff hotel, across from that 24 hour bar?

SunAndBuns, are you talking about the man in Sosua? megabiteme is in Santo Domingo.


[ - Mute Button -] Click!
Jan 9, 2008
You sound awfully familiar. Are you that guy in the wheelchair, wears glasses, who lives in the Romanoff hotel, across from that 24 hour bar?
We always talk and laugh together and you seem very happy. It is going to sound crazy, but you are my role model man. I know your confined to a wheelchair, but you seem like a very intelligent dude that knows his way around. Your fun to talk to, and i think your ****ing awesome. You didn't let your disability stop you from living the dream, you got the **** out of America and live the life every night...I give you credit for that man!
If you are not the guy who I think you are, does anybody know who I am talking about?

Nope not me, but I'm up for that wheel chair race, perhaps some hoops as well.


[ - Mute Button -] Click!
Jan 9, 2008
Did you mean this thread?

If you did, very nice of you to help this child. Could I ask you to update us on how you have been able to help and the current situation?

Mods, please bear with me. There is a reason for asking.

SunAndBuns, are you talking about the man in Sosua? megabiteme is in Santo Domingo.

I'll tell ya what- my address is 71 carmen mendoza, come on over :)

that thread was closed, but I was willing to try and get some help for that person. does this bother you? I'm a sick little puppy my wise ass friend, please come on by the house. I'll give ya a free shot than your wuss ass is mine. stay behind your littlle computer and keep corrupting this site, I'm not going anywhere. It's nice to see the mods doing nothing about any of this, I wonder who owns this site? it must be you! you seem toknow everything about everything, so come on by! you know the police wont help you right? Nice to be so free, now I understand this country, its fun living here because you can do whatever ya feel like doing. I'm all for that now, Lets have some fun..


Apr 4, 2002
I'll tell ya what- my address is 71 carmen mendoza, come on over :)

that thread was closed, but I was willing to try and get some help for that person. does this bother you? I'm a sick little puppy my wise ass friend, please come on by the house. I'll give ya a free shot than your wuss ass is mine. stay behind your littlle computer and keep corrupting this site, I'm not going anywhere. It's nice to see the mods doing nothing about any of this, I wonder who owns this site? it must be you! you seem toknow everything about everything, so come on by! you know the police wont help you right? Nice to be so free, now I understand this country, its fun living here because you can do whatever ya feel like doing. I'm all for that now, Lets have some fun..
What has Lambada ever done to you?
Where does all this violent threat stuff come from?
Lambada was simply asking you if you had any new info about the kid's progress.
She even mentioned that it was nice of you if you helped the child.
I really don't get this, Anthony.
It makes no sense and is strictly against the forum rules to make threats.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
It's nice to see the mods doing nothing about any of this, I wonder who owns this site? it must be you! you seem toknow everything about everything, so come on by! you know the police wont help you right? Nice to be so free, now I understand this country, its fun living here because you can do whatever ya feel like doing. I'm all for that now, Lets have some fun..

Actually I'm one of the owners of this site.

We don't do threats on DR1.

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