American dating a dominican woman 101

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Mar 3, 2014
Later from you guys I learned what it was about but when I went, it was about music, drinking and people dancing. In this city, I did not see anything else to do before midnight. That was the only thing happening. I don't know if it's a hooker spot but pretty much everywhere is at night so read that post I put up about it. I would of said where are the cheap girls if I was looking for sex.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me, the endless supply of guys who just don't get it!!!!.... Plain and simple mr Joe, you have two things she wants....1-a source of $ and 2- You are her ticket out of here with a green card. As long as you understand that and are fine with it, its all good. Your lease on this chica if you follow that route has a 36-to a 60 month duration. don't kid yourself.
Sorry to be so blunt about it, but its the way it is, once she crosses the pond and gets her papers... she will outgrow you my brother.... different culture, no commonalities, or affinities.... enjoy it while it last. just keep it real.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me, the endless supply of guys who just don't get it!!!!.... Plain and simple mr Joe, you have two things she wants....1-a source of $ and 2- You are her ticket out of here with a green card. As long as you understand that and are fine with it, its all good. Your lease on this chica if you follow that route has a 36-to a 60 month duration. don't kid yourself.
Sorry to be so blunt about it, but its the way it is, once she crosses the pond and gets her papers... she will outgrow you my brother.... different culture, no commonalities, or affinities.... enjoy it while it last. just keep it real.

That pretty much sums it up.
May 29, 2006
Another thing is once she gets to the US, there will be no shortage of non-Dominican men... Enjoy being the big fish in the small pond.


New member
Mar 3, 2014
I haven't read everything yet I'm at work but I just want to get some this misconception out of here. I know a lot of Americans have the reputation of going to this country and giving girls money and that's fine but I do not give girls money in any country. I'm not rich and work for every cent. What I do is take them out, show them a good time, hey you might even get a gift from me. That's it. I will pay for the good time not their bills. As an American, I never understood going to another country and giving money when you can do that in American.


May 3, 2000
I think a lot you have some good advice and some have been burned by these women. I'm not anywhere near marrying her. I just wanted to know if this is worth investing my time. (2-3years before proposing) Not that I am. I met girls in this country that just want you for your money but I feel their are some that just tired of the Dominican cheating man non romantic man. I just wanted to know what I'm facing in the long run. She does go to college and she speaks pretty good English. Better than the ones at the hotel I stayed. She will finish college first before anything but is it worth it. College degrees in America matter from this country?

Best advice was by greydread above. Yes, college degrees from the DR matter and are valid for masters degrees in the US. This is a golden age for Dominican university graduates. There are even some undergraduate scholarships. She should go check out about them at the Ministry of Education. Maybe there is even a program where you live. As said above, then she gets a scholarship and gets to the US without you having to be responsible. There are programs that will allow her to transfer her credits from her university. Best way to go for both...
May 29, 2006
A Dominican with a degree is going to be able to have a much better life in the DR than in the US. A BA in the US will get you a nice job working in a Starbucks..


Apr 18, 2013
A Dominican with a degree is going to be able to have a much better life in the DR than in the US. A BA in the US will get you a nice job working in a Starbucks..

Where are u getting this information?? The job market and earnings power of a US college grad is on average SO much better than a RD college grad.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Its really funny when some Americans, or Europeans male, older,richer go to 3rd world countries (Phillipines,DR,Colombia)... think that they scooped up a young hottie because of how different they are..or in their "head" they think that they can f#$%k better than the Sanki or the Primo in the Yamaha Jog... really but reall!!!.... who are you kidding but yourself son?... You didnt scoop them!!... they scooped you. You represent the ticket out of here for the whole family, plain and NUEVA YOL...
You are not that "different" than any other white guy, and when they talk **** about dominican men... let me tell you something... they love the treatment, they get house trained.... "nice" guys who do stuff for chicks because they want sum P#$%y.... get resented later.... Your "exotic" dominican girl will fly away as soon as she gets what she wants...or the brazilian...or the russian.. or the Filipino girl... its not You they want...its what YOU can Provide or DO for them... don't believe me ask Sergio Vargas...his wife left him for SAMMY $O$A....


New member
Aug 30, 2013
my man ocean already said it!

at the end of the day i think most negative stories are products of men who didn't have game to begin with..

these men are the male version of a topic that was going on here about sex tourism, about these ugly fat white women who couldn't get a man back home!

so now here on this forum you got everybody talking bout dominican women are bad because of bla bla bla, some people think they are john smit and pocahontas been waiting for them to live the life!

a lot of times during conversations girls are telling me that they rather want to be with me than with pedro, but the reason why they are still better of with pedro is because pedro can dance bachata, merengue and salsa with them all night, pedro can have conversations on a stupid level i will never ever reach, pedro knows how they think and knows what they want.

yeah i can make the girls laugh, yeah i can do a little bit of thhis and that but if i take baby girl to my home country she will miss everything she is used to and even tho i am the bomb she needs more than that! the same way a lot of people complain about this country she will complain about yours as well!

so a combination of you not being brad pitt to begin with + you not being able to make her not miss home = you are only good being a banco!

it's not her being a golddigger, it's your dumbass thinking you actually have something to offer!


May 16, 2010
my man ocean already said it!

at the end of the day i think most negative stories are products of men who didn't have game to begin with..

these men are the male version of a topic that was going on here about sex tourism, about these ugly fat white women who couldn't get a man back home!

so now here on this forum you got everybody talking bout dominican women are bad because of bla bla bla, some people think they are john smit and pocahontas been waiting for them to live the life!

a lot of times during conversations girls are telling me that they rather want to be with me than with pedro, but the reason why they are still better of with pedro is because pedro can dance bachata, merengue and salsa with them all night, pedro can have conversations on a stupid level i will never ever reach, pedro knows how they think and knows what they want.

yeah i can make the girls laugh, yeah i can do a little bit of thhis and that but if i take baby girl to my home country she will miss everything she is used to and even tho i am the bomb she needs more than that! the same way a lot of people complain about this country she will complain about yours as well!

so a combination of you not being brad pitt to begin with + you not being able to make her not miss home = you are only good being a banco!

it's not her being a golddigger, it's your dumbass thinking you actually have something to offer


Thanx for the groundbreaking news.....

And all this time, I thought they liked me for my incredible likeable personality, charisma, a timely natural wit,

And an unusually LARGE C-CK,

You saved me a lot of future problems,

Now that I know what's REALLY going on....

Again, thank you!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Mar 3, 2014
I've been to different parts of the country and met different girls. I am however getting to know her friends and her family. Right now I want to see if she starts asking for money. I play the role that I don't have much but Dominican tend to don't believe you. Lets see how it works out


New member
Aug 30, 2013
I've been to different parts of the country and met different girls. I am however getting to know her friends and her family. Right now I want to see if she starts asking for money. I play the role that I don't have much but Dominican tend to don't believe you. Lets see how it works out

i know you are a troll but it's all good!
May 29, 2006
Give a girl 1000 pesos to get you something from the store. If she comes back with just the thing you asked for, change and a receipt, she's a keeper. If she shows up on the back of a motoconcho with two bags of groceries and the driver needs to be paid, consider your options.


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Its really funny when some Americans, or Europeans male, older,richer go to 3rd world countries (Phillipines,DR,Colombia)... think that they scooped up a young hottie because of how different they are..or in their "head" they think that they can f#$%k better than the Sanki or the Primo in the Yamaha Jog... really but reall!!!.... who are you kidding but yourself son?... You didnt scoop them!!... they scooped you. You represent the ticket out of here for the whole family, plain and NUEVA YOL...
You are not that "different" than any other white guy, and when they talk **** about dominican men... let me tell you something... they love the treatment, they get house trained.... "nice" guys who do stuff for chicks because they want sum P#$%y.... get resented later.... Your "exotic" dominican girl will fly away as soon as she gets what she wants...or the brazilian...or the russian.. or the Filipino girl... its not You they want...its what YOU can Provide or DO for them... don't believe me ask Sergio Vargas...his wife left him for SAMMY $O$A....

Everything you said is on point but their something you got to also realize. The American woman is the same way and their scale is a lot higher. Let a Nfl player around a girl you want. Those panties will come off so quick but at the end of the day. Does that athlete say I will take plain Jane because she wants me for me or am I getting the hottest breast implant high maintenance girl out there that would not look at me in high school. Think on the lines of that and just find someone that makes you happy and in your heart you know she's going to stick with you no matter how long that takes. I'm no where near that level but being from U.S. I haven't met the right one and no I'm not old, huge, ugly or rich in my opinion and I know that I'm not the hottest **** in that country but I do like the atmosphere of more of a relax life.


Oct 21, 2008
Its really funny when some Americans, or Europeans male, older,richer go to 3rd world countries (Phillipines,DR,Colombia)... think that they scooped up a young hottie because of how different they are..or in their "head" they think that they can f#$%k better than the Sanki or the Primo in the Yamaha Jog... really but reall!!!.... who are you kidding but yourself son?... You didnt scoop them!!... they scooped you. You represent the ticket out of here for the whole family, plain and NUEVA YOL...
You are not that "different" than any other white guy, and when they talk **** about dominican men... let me tell you something... they love the treatment, they get house trained.... "nice" guys who do stuff for chicks because they want sum P#$%y.... get resented later.... Your "exotic" dominican girl will fly away as soon as she gets what she wants...or the brazilian...or the russian.. or the Filipino girl... its not You they want...its what YOU can Provide or DO for them... don't believe me ask Sergio Vargas...his wife left him for SAMMY $O$A....

I agree with most of what you said except the part where you think that all men are stupid or blind to the points that you made. Many men come to the DR after a bitter divorce or other life changing event and just want to have fun with some younger chicas.Many men know the real story but just play along with these girls to get what they want. You have to be realistic when you are a 65 year old bald fat guy on what the real deal is..Most guys know but just play along with the games to get what they want, sex..and then there are the many others who seem to think that landing on that plane in the DR turns them in to Tom Cruise when their dirty nikes hit the Dominican ground.Being played is one thing but being played and not knowing it is a whole another story.
Aug 6, 2006
I think it is essential in any relationship to attempt to see things the way your girlfriend does. Women and men are motivated differently because they are put together differently. Of course, even if you do this, there is always the possibility that your significant other is an airhead. If your GF is capable of trying to see things your way as well, you will both be happier.

My friend Lin is a Taiwanese professor with an EdD degree. About seven years ago, he told me that he met Mrs Right, a mainland Chinese woman with some sort of practical nursing degree. He asked me if I thought he should get married, and I told him that if he had to ask ME, the answer was obviously no. But they did get married and have two kids. Lin's father was some sort of officer in Chiang's ROC Army. His mother was a fishwife from the Pescadores Islands. Lin is the oldest of six children and the only one who had not had kids. Mrs Lin, a mainlander, is and only child, used to getting her way. Mrs Lin seems to be a very caring wife: she gets up early, fixes breakfast, packs a lunch and takes care of the kids and does all the housework. I have lived with a number of women and none of them did all that. So the other day, Mrs Lin suggests that she wants to start a vegetable garden in the back yard. Lin says no, because they already have six fruit trees. She insists, he tells her to leave if she doesn't like living with him. I think he may have pushed her out. Anyway, they are fighting on the porch. Some neighbor comes by and listens to them fighting. Of course, they are fighting in Mandarin and he is some sort of Latino. So Lin says "we are fighting, please don't call the police".
Naturally, the police are called and one of Palm Beach County's finest appears, a rookie cop from Ecuador, who orders Lin to empty his pockets and put his wallet and watch and keys on the trunk lid. Lin keeps telling him that no blows were exchanged, no one is guilty of anything. Mrs Lin also begs the cop to leave them alone, and then runs in the house when one of the kids calls her. The cop cuffs Lin, stuffs him in the car, leaving the stuff on the trunk. Lin says, my wallet and watch are on the trunk. The cop replies that Mrs Lin (who is now inside) will pick it all up and drives off, where Lin spends the night in the jail as the only Asian in the place. Eventually, someone finds Lins drivers license and returns it. All the other stuff has gone to the Place of Lost Socks.

Lin is accused of battery, I suppose because the witness thought he saw Lin hit the wife, or perhaps just because it was his first domestic dispute and he did not want to return from the hunt without a trophy. Lin asks me and I tell him that he has been a dick, since what possible harm could his wife do digging a garden with the kids? Hell, Michelle Obama made a garden. I also tell him that he probably should get a lawyer, since no one connected with education in FL is allowed to teach if they have a criminal record. Naturally, he contacts some 700 HP lawyer representing some socialite who got bombed and killed some other driver with his Bentley. So now he has paid $2500. Why? Because he did not (a) think things through logically and (b) decided to fight with his wife outside the front door.

I suspect that Lin will managed to get his record wiped clean. I also imagine that the $2500 was just a down payment. I do not trust lawyers, but I trust the cops even less.

Of course, the solution is to keep your cool and fight only in private.


New member
Jan 17, 2014
Hey Joe

I recently started dating a Dominican girl and want to know what it take to bring her to America. What would be the over all cost of marrying her? Some people I heard from say it's thousands of dollars. Also, what is her earning potential in America if she's in college. Just want to know what I'm getting into bringing her here to America financially in the beginning stage. I seen post on here about this subject but it's pieces here and there and never saw enough info.

I know this process firsthand as my mother is almost finished with the lengthy process of bringing her fiancee to US to marry. If you really want to know the ends-and outs let me know and we can do drinks or dinner. It's a very long and frustrating process and I really think you need to hear it before continuing. Seriously! Send me your number and we can talk. My mom is coming WED. for what she hopes is the final visit with the Embassy with her fiancee to finalize things so he can leave the country.
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