The hookers used to come, make some money and leave, come back once the money's gone, the heavy drugs have changed that, and barely any of them have any savings. Now they've permanently moved to Sosua, and the real problem is that their chulos piperos come to visit, realize they can bum around Pedro Clisante all day, gringos buy them a beer or two, food, they beg for money, sell drugs, and now they can act like gangsters, something they couldn't do back in Cristo Rey, or Capotillo, or Los Alcarrizos because they'd get set straight by the real thugs real quick, and they stay in Sosua, and they talk their hookers into stealing from the hotel rooms and all that, just to support their drug habits. Luckily the cops still have control of the streets and those piperos aren't running around robbing people like they do in the larger cities. The real problem is drug addiction, and I'm not talking about weed. Sorry for the long text.