Artist Cascati Arrested


Aug 26, 2012
SANTO DOMINGO.- El empresario italiano Armando Casciati lleg? a un acuerdo con funcionarios de la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n de salir el domingo 14 de septiembre del pa?s, de manera voluntaria con el compromiso de nunca m?s volver. Es un amante de la pintura que realiz? exposiciones en varias


They've got the goods on him and they made him an offer he couldn't refuse. :hurt:


Dec 4, 2003
A twenty-year run is pretty good for lifelong crook in the DR. Too bad they didn't get Casciati years ago when he stole Sosua Bay and Victoria House out from under the Philipp estate. Yes, we were stupid to settle for preferred shares; but who would have guessed he would have forged my name to the share transfer AND pay off the authorities to agree my forged name was authentic. My guess is that a wealthier crook got the authorities to move on Casciati. Or a local brothel owner wanted him gone.

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
So who is going to steal his bisnesses?
Stoping prostuthion in the DR? Hell thy got car washes in the campo! Lol
So you are telling me that as the middle class get's smaller and smaller in the usa it is growing by leaps and bounds in the DR?????


Dec 14, 2008
Lucky Armando

(...) My guess is that a wealthier crook got the authorities to move on Casciati. Or a local brothel owner wanted him gone.

Hmm, could be.
On the other hand, two guys on a motorcycle normally take care of that... :rambo:

So, Armando can consider him lucky.
And they probably told him that....... ;)



Dec 7, 2008
Sweet Willie (Willy Olivences) will take over the strip and will be the new mayor. All bar and club owners will have to go thru willie to operate; thats why he is know as El Chamo. Willie is dominican and worked he's way up---would make a great book.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
What is the percentage of Dominicans who are middle class?

Is the person talked about in the OP back in Italy?

This is what happens when people talk first out of complete ignorance to the facts....

Upper Middle Class 13%, Upper class 5%, Rich 2% = 20%

Middle 26%, Lower Middle 13%, Low Income 30.6%, Poor 10.4% = 80%

0. Poverty: USD$316 or less to live like 10.4% of these households
1. Low income: USD$527 to 922 to live like 30.6% of these households
2. Low middle class: USD$922 to 1,186 to live like 13% of these households
3. Middle class: USD$1,186 to 4,216 to live like 26% of these households
4. Upper middle class: USD$ 4,216 to 6,588 to live like 13% of these households
5. Upper class: USD$6,588 to 26,351 to live like 5% of these households
6. Rich/wealthy: USD$26,351 + to live like 2% of these households

The DR is classified as an UPPER MIDDLE INCOME developing nation by the WB, that's is based on their way to look at financial figures and the actual breakdown of HH with a level of middle class and up. The DR is also classified as having a majority of population in the lower economic scale, here POPULATION figures are used for the actual breakdown.

The DR has never been nor will ever be presented by ME as a rich or as a majority middle class POPULATION, but a majority of MIDDLE INCOME HH and up when it comes to that section of breakdown in financial surveys and reports.

In the DR there are more HOUSEHOLDS with a middle and up income than the number of low and poor ones, that's a fact! That you want to use POPULATION to reflect HOUSEHOLD income breakdowns, is beyond me and anybody with a basic understanding of statistics and socioeconomic breakdowns.

There's reality and then there's the la la land you guys want to impose unto others about the DR, which is the farthest from the reality of this county and the economy we live in.

This below was an article made about the DR's economic classes on 2009, based on the figures from several sources other than the Dominican gov:

Las clases sociales en Rep?blica Dominicana
Publicado el 19 julio 2009 por Economista Dominicano

Las clases sociales en Rep?blica Dominicana | ECONOMISTA DOMINICANO

Un aspecto muy t?pico de las sociedades capitalistas es la formaci?n de clases sociales. Esto se debe a la especializaci?n requerida en los esquemas econ?micos, que con su desarrollo tiende a complicarse y se hace impracticable que un individuo pueda hacer todo lo necesario para crear un producto y/o un servicio. Para mayor eficiencia y desarrollo, cada funci?n en la creaci?n de un producto y/o servicio se especializa, con cada persona tomando una o dos funciones. Hoy en d?a la Rep?blica Dominicana est? dividida en varias clases sociales, pero no siempre fue as?.

La poblaci?n de Rep?blica Dominicana puede ser dividida de la siguiente manera:

Clase alta: 6% de la poblaci?n (570,000 personas / 142,500 hogares).
Clase media-alta: 17% de la poblaci?n (1.6 millones de personas / 400,000 hogares).
Clase media: 20% de la poblaci?n (1.9 millones de personas / 475,000 hogares).
Clase baja: 47% de la poblaci?n (4.5 millones de personas / 1,125,000 hogares).
Indigencia: 10% de la poblaci?n (950,000 personas / 237,500 hogares).


Now take note above on the figures the economist reports about the Dominican economic classes. Notice how the Low Middle Class is fused with the Low Income Class entirely for this report.

Clase alta: 6% de la poblaci?n (570,000 personas / 142,500 hogares). (2009)
(Here they use 4.03 people per HH)

5. Upper class: USD$6,588 to 26,351 to live like 5% of these households (2011)
6. Rich/wealthy: USD$26,351 + to live like 2% of these households (2011)

5 + 6 = 7%

Clase media-alta: 17% de la poblaci?n (1.6 millones de personas / 400,000 hogares).
(Here they use 4 people per HH)

4. Upper middle class: USD$ 4,216 to 6,588 to live like 13% of these households

Clase media: 20% de la poblaci?n (1.9 millones de personas / 475,000 hogares).
(Here they use 4 people per HH)

3. Middle class: USD$1,186 to 4,216 to live like 26% of these households

***And here is where they fused the LOW MIDDLE INCOME with the LOW INCOME class:

Clase baja: 47% de la poblaci?n (4.5 millones de personas / 1,125,000 hogares).

(Here they use 4 people per HH)

1. Low income: USD$527 to 922 to live like 30.6% of these households
2. Low middle class: USD$922 to 1,186 to live like 13% of these households

47% - 13% = 34% (2009)

Indigencia: 10% de la poblaci?n (950,000 personas / 237,500 hogares).
(Here they use 4 people per HH)

0. Poverty: USD$316 or less to live like 10.4% of these households

We as a business, offer our clients a close to as possible financial report based on our surveys of HHI in the DR, where homes are broken into 6 levels based on their total HHI. The use of LOW MIDDLE CLASS as an economic indicator is ONLY factored when relating to economic interests, not so when researched from social demographics surveys standpoint. Socio demographics are interested in the individual population in regards to their common social interests (social classes), whilst the social economic statistics reflect onto the grouping of the same population but not as individuals or their social interests. Rather the interests are broken down into subgroups based on marketing and purchase/affordability indicators (economic classes).

Notice how they use 4 individuals per HH in their breakdown in all levels, but in the Rich/Upper class they tabulated to 4.03 per HH!!!

The DR data reflects a much lower HH grouping in the higher scales, and also true for the upper middle class.

The lower economic levels are far more than 4 individuals per HH as well. As you can see, the housing breakdown is more of a balancing act in this report than actual numbers based on surveys to the effect.

Old numbers btw... Middle class in the DR has grown even more since the figures above, as well as poverty dropped.

Leaving out the upper class and super rich, 52% of HHS in the DR were comprised of Middle Class families. Again, old numbers by today figures.



Dec 14, 2008
Baron of the Lies

... Middle class in the DR has grown even more since the figures above, as well as poverty dropped.

You have an embarrassing history of misinforming DR1 readers.
This is even more reprehensible as one can assume that you (may) know better.

Anyway, here are some new numbers: :classic:

PNUD: En Rep?blica Dominicana la clase media disminuy? casi 4 puntos -


"El estudio del PNUD agrupa los pa?ses de Am?rica Latina en t?rminos de porcentaje de personas de la clase media (que viven con 10-40 d?lares diarios) y que viven en la pobreza (con menos de 4 d?lares al d?a) y la pobreza extrema (con menos de 2,5 d?lares al d?a). Uruguay, Argentina y Chile son los pa?ses con los niveles proporcionales m?s bajos de pobreza y con la clase media m?s grande. Costa Rica, Panam?, Brasil, Colombia, Bolivia, M?xico, Venezuela y Ecuador se caracterizan por tener una poblaci?n pobre mediana, proporcionalmente, y sectores medios emergentes. Por ?ltimo, Paraguay, Rep?blica Dominicana, Per? y El Salvador presentan altos niveles de pobreza y sectores medio d?biles.
Am?rica Latina aborda las nuevas demandas sociales m?s all? de la reducci?n de la pobreza | UNDP

Last edited:


Dec 14, 2008
Worded Cunningly

(...) Or a local brothel owner wanted him gone.

Well,...... ;)

"El procurador general, Francisco Dom?nguez Brito, ha instruido que no se permita que ninguna persona extranjera se establezca en la Rep?blica Dominicana para promoverla como un destino tur?stico sexual, ordenando a la vez, que sea solicitada la deportaci?n de todos aquellos que incurran en ese tipo de pr?ctica."


:classic: :classic:



New member
Mar 29, 2011
Sometimes one has to wonder about an author who create an investment index based on hurricanes, earthquakes and lack infrastructure. Case in point, the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim.

Why? Makes perfect sense that one would prefer to invest somewhere with lower risk of natural disaster such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Obviously, infrastructure and corruption levels are also important.


Dec 16, 2011
Yes, but it is leased out to the current "Operator".
OK, I was wondering because I think I read somewhere that another VH gringo had some recent problems with the authorities so I didn't know if it might be related to that place as well.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
OK, I was wondering because I think I read somewhere that another VH gringo had some recent problems with the authorities so I didn't know if it might be related to that place as well.

It is leased by the owners, the gringo that threw the "Urban Pool Shindig" pi$$ed off a few very well connected residents of La Puntilla. It is best to fly under the radar screen not intentionally attract attention with loud music and posters, especially without connections or residency.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
Well that just does it. Sosua is now officially a family and upper middle class destination. I guess they are going to tear down the Hotel Orchidee and put up a Ritz Carlton.


Nov 2, 2011
It is leased by the owners, the gringo that threw the "Urban Pool Shindig" pi$$ed off a few very well connected residents of La Puntilla. It is best to fly under the radar screen not intentionally attract attention with loud music and posters, especially without connections or residency.
Juan Perdomo and other family members have condos there. No wonder crap hit the fan.
Hey Tamborista, can you five us some more details about the pool party?.


Jul 10, 2004
The Hasty Generalization is that where a minority of events (such as immoral Dominicans) are projected as representative as the whole. The same would be to assume all gringos are "degenerados" because of the way many act in Sosua and Boca Chica. (Actually based on percentages that may not be far from the truth.)

How many hasty generalizations does it take to ruin the reputation of a location? Very few. Just one act of extortion that makes the world news can wipe out millions of dollars in advertising.

From my own personal experience, I have been asked to provide "contributions" here in the DR to the police and government. That has never happened to me anywhere else I have been.


Jul 10, 2004
So who is going to steal his bisnesses?
Stoping prostuthion in the DR? Hell thy got car washes in the campo! Lol
So you are telling me that as the middle class get's smaller and smaller in the usa it is growing by leaps and bounds in the DR?????

It is not about stopping prostitution in the campo. It is about reducing the visibility of prostitution. Large bars and clubs that cater to prostitution, especially in tourist areas, appear to be the targets. Not the campo car wash and cabanas.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"P" reposting "Bogus" statistics doesn't make them any more believable!
The DR's Attorney General is just kicking out the "Foreign Competition", it's just the "Dominican Business Model"!!!!!!!
Like they really have the best interest of the Dominican public in mind??????
The DR is an international Sex Tourism destination, he just wants the money to go to Dominicans.
"Same Ol', Same Ol'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 8, 2002
PJT agrees with CC. The authorities are interested in having the locals run the businesses.




Jul 10, 2004
PJT agrees with CC. The authorities are interested in having the locals run the businesses.



"The Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito, instructed not to allow any foreign person established in the Dominican Republic to promote it as a sex tourist destination, ordering at the same time it requested the deportation of those who engage in this type of practice. "

Amando, Cuba Dave, etc.....