Baseball becomes an instrument to development


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

During his introduction to the 13 May 2024 weekly press conference, President Luis Abinader focused on the sport of baseball and the millions Major League Baseball teams have invested to build and operate baseball academies in the Dominican Republic.

The most recent baseball academies are those of the Baltimore Orioles, Miami Marlins, Milwaukee Brewers and soon the Arizona Diamondbacks. All 35 MLB teams have academies here.

President Abinader spoke of three modern independent academies also to prepare emerging baseball players – Edwin Encarnacion, Top Ten, International Prospect League.

The President also spoke of the importance of his government creating the National Baseball Commission, the economic support to the Dominican Baseball League that organizes the annual winter professional baseball tournament. He also spoke of government facilities offered for the...

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Active member
Aug 23, 2023
Austin, Texas
Last year, when researching non-profits in the DR, my wife came across this one...

"Founded in 1995, we’re proud of our 25+ history of serving Haitian and Dominicans. Through the vision of MLB player Dave Valle, Esperanza’s courageous beginning provided a strong foundation upon which we are building for the future. As the needs of our Associates change, we continuously adapt and continue our work of providing excellent financial and holistic services which equip and empower."

And I know there are other non-profits funded by former DR baseball players.

It adds the other side to baseball — post career — becoming an instrument for development... On the side of young baseball player development, there's a positive impact on the wider community... And then after their career, players that were developed and had successful careers can help community development in other areas.