Benefits of living in 3rd world country.


Apr 11, 2004
AZB is correct. I too have my reasons for moving to this country.

I used to live in a ?First World Country? that continually advertised itself as the ? bastion of freedom?.

One day I decided to sip a glass of red wine in front of my house. Guess what? ILLEGAL!

Well I figured it was a hot day and I would go to the beach and sip a nice cold beer. Guess What? ILLEGAL!

Well I figured that in this ?bastion of freedom? I would just go to a nice air conditioned bar and have a beer with my cigar. Guess what? ILLEGAL!

Well since I moved to this ?Third World Country?, I have been able to all of the former, along with anything else within reason?It is called FREEDOM, catch it at a ?Third World Country? nearest you.


Jan 2, 2002
Funny you mention that. I was in a disco in NY and walked out with my bottle in my hand to the parking lot to get somehting out of my car and guess what? I got a ticket for drinking in public place. That was 20 yrs ago so just imagine how things have changed since.
My friend was driving in his car and was stopped for some traffic violation. when he braked suddenly an old empty bottle of beer rolled out from under his seat. He got a ticket for open alcoholic beverage in the car. hahahahaha.
my cousin got a ticket from sanitation truck becuase he was checking oil in his car and the napkin to clean the oil stick fell down during checking process. he got a ticket for littering on an already dirty NYC street.
yeah, some freedom we have in USA. try saying hello to a girl in NYC and see what type of reaction you get. Just try talking to a girl in a disco in NYC. See what type of welcome you get. How many times have you been inside your neighbor's house where you live? Do you really know them at all? When I moved to my house in santiago, I had food coming in from 3 houses for 3 days. they didn't even know me. I had to throw out food because they had sent me so much.
USA has its own benefits for living there but don't think that we are suffering here. If you are poor, you will suffer anywhere.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Yoy Will Never loose Your Citizenship For Residing Outside Your Country!

Everyone is sidestepping the "SEX" issue! I am here because I can have all the great sex(For ME anyway!!!! ;) ) with all the pretty young girls I want for very few $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!
That aside,I vote for the "Big Fish/Little Pond" for 2nd. "BEST REASON"!
"Lifestyle" can be pretty much what you make it to be.
I just spent about a month in Boston,Massachusetts,"The Cape",and two days in "NYC".Seems like the people do is commute, "work",eat,and sleep! I couldn't relax!(AND,I couldn't get laid either!!!)
I did enjoy the cleanliness,order,infrastructure,availability of everything(except "YOU_KNOW_WHAT!") and most of all the great prices!!!
For those of you who still think it is "Cheap" to live here,you are 100% RIGHT!!!
Problem is,"You Dont GET,What You Don't Pay For!!"
You want a "poor" education?? (Forget a "GOOD" education!)You have to pay for it!!
You want "Healthcare?" Again,it's on you,and not of "First World Quality!
Electricity???We are STILL laughing!! Costs hundreds of US dollars a month,and power outagers are daily,and can last for hours and hours!!!
Water??? same story!Sewer? Whats that? The side of the street!
Garbage collecting??? Wild dogs and rats,flies and ants!!
Real estate prices are higher than most US cities,for a concrete "shell"! No building "Codes" to follow!
The food here is good,but very expensive.
Cost of gasoline,and Diesel fuel is also very high,by "North American" standards.
Wages are really really low!
In Boston,a registered nurse can make between 50 and 100 thousand dollars US a year,here they can make between three and five hundred US a month!Sure the Dominicans don't know ANYTHING,but you would think that they might make 1000 US a month????
I really like the "Family" aspect of raising children here.I am from the "Midwest" of the USA,you know,"The Heartland"!My mother had 7 brothers and 6 sisters!(I guess I can thank "Grandpa" for my being obsessed with SEX!)We always visited family,and they visited us.We didn't watch a "Ballgame" on Sunday afternoon,we got in the car,and went to visit "Aunt Ida,and uncle Earl"!
Same here! Except you usually have 2 or 3 "relatives" already living with you,just "more" on weekends!
I think this is just great for the kids!
But what about lack of education,healthcare,and "Opportunities" for a productive and financially secure future?
If I sound "confused",I AM!
Don't know if I want my kids to be "Little American",Little Dominicans",or "Little Dominamericans!
Maybe we should look to the Dominicans for the "Answer"!
Is it "better" to live in the Dominican Republic",or "Elseware"??(Like the USA/Canada/ Europe/other Carribean Islands,Venezuela,and Panama to name a few!)
Since over a million Dominicans have allready "Voted With Their feet",that should give you some idea of "Their" answer!
If you could wave a "Magic Wand",and have open immigration for all Dominicans to live anywhere they choose in the whole world,we could "solve" the lack of electricity problem here in the DR.
If you have no people,you don't need electricity!

"Would the last person to leave the Dominican Republic,"Please turn off the "Lights"????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Brain Doner
Apr 21, 2005
AZB said:
Funny you mention that. I was in a disco in NY and walked out with my bottle in my hand to the parking lot to get somehting out of my car and guess what? I got a ticket for drinking in public place. That was 20 yrs ago so just imagine how things have changed since.
My friend was driving in his car and was stopped for some traffic violation. when he braked suddenly an old empty bottle of beer rolled out from under his seat. He got a ticket for open alcoholic beverage in the car. hahahahaha.
my cousin got a ticket from sanitation truck becuase he was checking oil in his car and the napkin to clean the oil stick fell down during checking process. he got a ticket for littering on an already dirty NYC street.
yeah, some freedom we have in USA. try saying hello to a girl in NYC and see what type of reaction you get. Just try talking to a girl in a disco in NYC. See what type of welcome you get. How many times have you been inside your neighbor's house where you live? Do you really know them at all? When I moved to my house in santiago, I had food coming in from 3 houses for 3 days. they didn't even know me. I had to throw out food because they had sent me so much.
USA has its own benefits for living there but don't think that we are suffering here. If you are poor, you will suffer anywhere.
I don't drink, so I don't have that problem........and the diseases that the other countries(ieDR) don't know about, is because there is NO awareness of education of these diseases. Posted on an earlier date about Hepatitus C...not ONE person knew anything about it, all assumed information was wrong. Fact is, it is a epedemic 8 million(that they know of) in the US alone, and growing, world wide. This will make HIV look like a head cold once it populates the area. So many people have it, and are not aware, will pass it on to others, no routine blood work done there looking for this virus, because the people there don't even know it exsists! Sit on your back porch, and drink Presidentes all day, and keep fueling the fire. This is just ONE issue, not to mention all the others. Good luck...


Jan 14, 2002
paddy said:
ggn429..whomever you hit the nail on the head with your laundry list of reasons of why someone would not want to move to the dr...matter of fact..out of that list..the medical care issue is the part that made me rethink
retiring to any third world country..let alone the dr. in particular.there lack of a emergency medical response team.the other issues i can deal with..i grew up in new york city and was married to a hurricane. i'm confused as to why a guy from pakistan would start a thread like this?? a move from pakistan to the dominican republic is like switching seats on the Titanic.
Although AZB's Spanish and English is thick with a Paki accent he actually grew up in NY and then Atlanta before fleeing to the DR. So... He only lived in Pakistan as a young man.

Just so you get some sort of idea of where he is coming from. His political and religious beliefs tend to be radical although he doesn't deny himself anything as diet goes and doesn't actively practice religion it affects his political views drastically.

So it isn't exactly like changing seats on the Titanic.



Apr 11, 2004
Robert DR1 Join Date: Jan 1999Posts: 4,850
Let's make this very simple so the 5 year olds amongst us understand.
Anymore BS or off-topic posts in this thread will be deleted along with that posters access being changed to moderated status. What does that mean?
Every post you make will be looked at and approved or deleted by a moderator or myself before it's seen by the rest of the board.

Don't say you haven't been warned.

What does the last post have to do with the topic???


Jan 2, 2002
Escott said:
Although AZB's Spanish and English is thick with a Paki accent


He does???? I never noticed it but you sure have a NY accent eh. :laugh:


New member
Apr 17, 2004
Insurance and healthcare in the DR

To the poster that was talking about the non existence of insurance here. I do have health insurance. About one month ago, very late at night I felt like I was having a heart attack. I live alone, I called an ambulance (Movimed) I took the time since I called til they knocked at my door: almost 5 minutes (maybe in a 1st world country you can have them in less time?). The doctor (he looked like one) was very concerned about my condition and the fact I had to be taken to a hospital and nobody would go with me. I had to tell him to calm down, I am used to be alone and I was going to be ok. He adviced me what to take and what not to take, made me do a couple of phone calls to tell someone where I was going to be... In the clinic, he waited for the results of the electrocardiogram, suggested to take me to other clinic because there were no beds available in the ICU room where we were...

I was checked by an intern doctor (I know, young and didnt look so experienced) but I felt in good hands... why? because they looked and acted like caring about me. He explained me every single thing he was doing and asked me if i understood. He also explained me the results of the electrocardiogram and made me some other questions. Gave me some relax pills.

Finally, I was given the chance to opt to go back home and return very early in the morning to have more tests or go to other clinic to stay under observation. I decided to go back home.

When I asked how much I had to pay they said nothing... your insurance company covers it. GREAT!

Two years ago, my boyfriend had an accident. No bones broken, just a shoulder out of place. Of course, he doesnt have health insurance here. I took him to the same clinic. He had 2 X-rays. A doctor (looked like 50 yo) gave him some pain killers and fixed his shoulder. When asked how much, he said 500 pesos (around 25 dollars). I was thinking it would be about 2,000 pesos at least.

In both cases we were attended in Centro Medico Dominicano. Private clinic located in a good area in Santo Domingo. As you can see, health care and health insurance is not only available but very affordable.

In the almost 7 years I have been living here I have tried both public and private hospitals. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are people here that have had bad experiences. OH! I had a bad experience! I tried a medicine insurance... 100 pesos monthly and not one pharmacy had their insurance system working in the six months I tried it. I just asked my company to take me out of that plan.

About social security. Most third world countries dont offer a good social security service. Unless I am missing something, social security is good for health care and retirement pensions. We have private health insurance and private pension companies, then why I would pay for social security and put my money on risk to be stolen or something?



On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
AZB said:
... If you are poor, you will suffer anywhere.

This is not usually true in the DR, at least not from the standpoint of the particular emotional responses western culture associates with suffering.


Brain Doner
Apr 21, 2005
andrea9k said:
To the poster that was talking about the non existence of insurance here. I do have health insurance. About one month ago, very late at night I felt like I was having a heart attack. I live alone, I called an ambulance (Movimed) I took the time since I called til they knocked at my door: almost 5 minutes (maybe in a 1st world country you can have them in less time?). The doctor (he looked like one) was very concerned about my condition and the fact I had to be taken to a hospital and nobody would go with me. I had to tell him to calm down, I am used to be alone and I was going to be ok. He adviced me what to take and what not to take, made me do a couple of phone calls to tell someone where I was going to be... In the clinic, he waited for the results of the electrocardiogram, suggested to take me to other clinic because there were no beds available in the ICU room where we were...

I was checked by an intern doctor (I know, young and didnt look so experienced) but I felt in good hands... why? because they looked and acted like caring about me. He explained me every single thing he was doing and asked me if i understood. He also explained me the results of the electrocardiogram and made me some other questions. Gave me some relax pills.

Finally, I was given the chance to opt to go back home and return very early in the morning to have more tests or go to other clinic to stay under observation. I decided to go back home.

When I asked how much I had to pay they said nothing... your insurance company covers it. GREAT!

Two years ago, my boyfriend had an accident. No bones broken, just a shoulder out of place. Of course, he doesnt have health insurance here. I took him to the same clinic. He had 2 X-rays. A doctor (looked like 50 yo) gave him some pain killers and fixed his shoulder. When asked how much, he said 500 pesos (around 25 dollars). I was thinking it would be about 2,000 pesos at least.

In both cases we were attended in Centro Medico Dominicano. Private clinic located in a good area in Santo Domingo. As you can see, health care and health insurance is not only available but very affordable.

In the almost 7 years I have been living here I have tried both public and private hospitals. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are people here that have had bad experiences. OH! I had a bad experience! I tried a medicine insurance... 100 pesos monthly and not one pharmacy had their insurance system working in the six months I tried it. I just asked my company to take me out of that plan.

About social security. Most third world countries dont offer a good social security service. Unless I am missing something, social security is good for health care and retirement pensions. We have private health insurance and private pension companies, then why I would pay for social security and put my money on risk to be stolen or something?

Non Western Conventional Medicine. You get what you pay for.


Apr 11, 2004
I guess the tens of thousands of Lawsuits against Western Doctors are all made up nonsense.

There are many Doctors in the D.R. that are as competent or MORE competent than your Western Doctors.

If you do not live here then how would you know?
Last edited:


Oct 4, 2003
nobodys trying to hijack your defended your position very well..and you have a point..but as far as that being the right move for me..nope. at my age there's a lot more to think about than where i can legaly drink a a medical "bump"in the road in the a major "pothole" in the dr. my opinion.


Brain Doner
Apr 21, 2005
SKY said:
I guess the tens of thousands of Lawsuits against Western Doctors are all made up nonsense.

There are many Doctors in the D.R. that are as competent or MORE competent that your Western Doctors.

If you do not live here then how would you know?
Who said I didn't live there. I have traveled the country for 12 years, done business in the DR for 7 years. I have bought property there 6 years ago. I, at one time was planning to make the BIG move, but I only live in the country from Sept. to Feb. so you don't think I know what I'm talking about?LOL
A couple years ago, I was injured in an ATV accident, Bavaro hospital, for a simple leg injury(sprain, not broken) one day latter, one ace bandage and a couple of Xrays, and take two of these twice a day......1800US...Credit card or CASH....You tell me.......


Apr 11, 2004
You must have had a large sign on your chest saying ?Gringo Please Rob Me?.
. For $1,800 U.S. you can have an operation here.


New member
Apr 17, 2004
ggn420 said:
Who said I didn't live there. I have traveled the country for 12 years, done business in the DR for 7 years. I have bought property there 6 years ago. I, at one time was planning to make the BIG move, but I only live in the country from Sept. to Feb. so you don't think I know what I'm talking about?LOL
A couple years ago, I was injured in an ATV accident, Bavaro hospital, for a simple leg injury(sprain, not broken) one day latter, one ace bandage and a couple of Xrays, and take two of these twice a day......1800US...Credit card or CASH....You tell me.......

Sometimes gringos stick to gringo places where they are going to receive "western conventional healthcare/treatment or whatever" and then cry out the robbery bill... come on. You disserve what you are being charged.

Unless I have a major medical urgency, I stick to the hospitals/clinics that work with my major insurance company, where the "herbs and special smoke" works at dominican prices! lol

If I have (God doesn't permit) a major medical urgency or condition, then I will decide where to go. Depending on the condition itself, it would be back to my country, US, Spain or wherever I feel I am going to receive the best treatment available at the most reasonable price. Or maybe I will decide to stay here, who knows...

I 100% agree with whoever said this before, the DR is definitely not for everybody. Humans are adaptative animals. To blend wherever you are or move to means to adapt to this new place. If you cant adapt to the new environment/conditions you are going to extinguish (in this case, move back to your home country with a pothole in your wallet and your tail among your legs). It is not a matter of "I can afford a failure". You failed, period.



Brain Doner
Apr 21, 2005
andrea9k said:
Sometimes gringos stick to gringo places where they are going to receive "western conventional healthcare/treatment or whatever" and then cry out the robbery bill... come on. You disserve what you are being charged.

Unless I have a major medical urgency, I stick to the hospitals/clinics that work with my major insurance company, where the "herbs and special smoke" works at dominican prices! lol

If I have (God doesn't permit) a major medical urgency or condition, then I will decide where to go. Depending on the condition itself, it would be back to my country, US, Spain or wherever I feel I am going to receive the best treatment available at the most reasonable price. Or maybe I will decide to stay here, who knows...

I 100% agree with whoever said this before, the DR is definitely not for everybody. Humans are adaptative animals. To blend wherever you are or move to means to adapt to this new place. If you cant adapt to the new environment/conditions you are going to extinguish (in this case, move back to your home country with a pothole in your wallet and your tail among your legs). It is not a matter of "I can afford a failure". You failed, period.

I didn't fail because I have not moved there permanently, buttt I do have a residency, and property. I can make my own decision whenever I want, and will not fail either way.
How bout some of those special herbs and smoke, can't be worst than what we're smoking in the states...LOL God bless you


Feb 3, 2002
Criss Colon said:
Since over a million Dominicans have allready "Voted With Their feet",that should give you some idea of "Their" answer!
If you could wave a "Magic Wand",and have open immigration for all Dominicans to live anywhere they choose in the whole world,we could "solve" the lack of electricity problem here in the DR.
If you have no people,you don't need electricity!

"Would the last person to leave the Dominican Republic,"Please turn off the "Lights"????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You sound very conflicted as to what you want your kids to grow up to be. In terms of Dominicans leaving their country, I'm pretty sure you know that we all left because of lack of employment opportunities, but in the end (when we make the money) almost every Dominican wants to go back to The DR to retire and live the rest of his/her life.

Ggn: If you went to a place that charged you 1800 USD for a sprained ankle you're definitely NOT ready to move to The DR. My wife sprained her ankle down there. I took her to a very good private clinic in Sto. Dgo. and after X-rays, consultations, etc...I probably spent about 250 USD.

I know plenty of Dominicans who make a decent living and would not permanently leave The DR for any reason. So you see if they had an open immigration policy where Dominicans could live anywhere they wanted you'd get a huge numbers of Dominicans that would leave the country in the immediate future, only to return in a few years, because even with all its problems The DR is still one of the best countries to live in and it is where our hearts are. Yes I'm one of those who left to look for better opportunities here in The US and who now find myself preparing for the eventual big move back, because even with all The US has to offer I feel like a prisoner in this so called "Land of Freedom" as someone mentioned earlier. It's very hard to put into words, but when that plane lands in STI or SDQ I feel like I'm at a MLK rally. I feel like shouting "Free at last, free at last..."


Brain Doner
Apr 21, 2005
Oh Dios Mio

suarezn said:
You sound very conflicted as to what you want your kids to grow up to be. In terms of Dominicans leaving their country, I'm pretty sure you know that we all left because of lack of employment opportunities, but in the end (when we make the money) almost every Dominican wants to go back to The DR to retire and live the rest of his/her life.

Ggn: If you went to a place that charged you 1800 USD for a sprained ankle you're definitely NOT ready to move to The DR. My wife sprained her ankle down there. I took her to a very good private clinic in Sto. Dgo. and after X-rays, consultations, etc...I probably spent about 250 USD.

I know plenty of Dominicans who make a decent living and would not permanently leave The DR for any reason. So you see if they had an open immigration policy where Dominicans could live anywhere they wanted you'd get a huge numbers of Dominicans that would leave the country in the immediate future, only to return in a few years, because even with all its problems The DR is still one of the best countries to live in and it is where our hearts are. Yes I'm one of those who left to look for better opportunities here in The US and who now find myself preparing for the eventual big move back, because even with all The US has to offer I feel like a prisoner in this so called "Land of Freedom" as someone mentioned earlier. It's very hard to put into words, but when that plane lands in STI or SDQ I feel like I'm at a MLK rally. I feel like shouting "Free at last, free at last..."
When you vacation in the DR and get hurt in a "tour related" accident, you have no options and are at their mercy. It's what's called "rip off the tourists" LOL I CAN understand that.......and I love the DR too, will be going back in a couple of months. I can't wait. Anybody looking for a nice little house in OtraBanda?
May 31, 2005
SKY said:
I guess the tens of thousands of Lawsuits against Western Doctors are all made up nonsense.

There are many Doctors in the D.R. that are as competent or MORE competent than your Western Doctors.

If you do not live here then how would you know?
I agree with sky.
I also want to add something:
Why are Americans complaining about the cost of healthcare then? You get what you pay for.


New member
Jun 22, 2005
AZB said:
Well, I don't think you know me well. I moved from pakistan to a bigger pond called USA. Educated there and grew up like everyone else who lives in a big city. Then I moved to a smaller pond because I am still a small fish.
So lets hijack this thread the right way. Why do we all move to this horrible country if the life is so great in the 1st world county?
Its all too simple.
We move here for peace of mind and stressfree lifestyle.
The 1# killer in USA is stress. You have diseases in USA that people in other countries haven't even heard of. Many folk live hand to mouth in many major cities in USA. Some folks make over 100,000 dollars / yr and still struggle to make ends meet. So many lonely folks among so many other lonely folks living in major cities of USA. So many men who have no contact with the opposite sex. Women running the show in the house while the husbands carry the babies behind them. Both sexes have confused their rolls in society. There are more miserable folks living in USA in one state alone than in the whole dom rep island. There is more crime in one state alone than the whole island here. There are more people in jails in one state alone than folks in jail in the whole island here. The list is endless. Tell me who is happy in USA? For every one person who claims to be happy in USA there are thousands who are miserable. many don't know they are miserable beacuse they don't know what its like here in the caribbean. Once they come here for vacation, they end up marrying a street hooker and give up their 60 thousand / yr job to live in a wooden shack in some barrio with their domincian soulmate / sankie. Why do you think people do that?
In Dr, we have ideal weather and natural beauty. 7 yrs of my residency and I have never been hurt by a hurricane. I live inland. I have seen more tornedos in Georgia alone than anything of the same scale in my area (santiago).
For every problem in this island, we have 10 solutions. If you have long blackouts in your area, then get a power inverter. I have lights 24/7. If you have water shut downs, get a water tank on your roof. I always have water 24/7. If your wife bitches too much, replace her with a younger prettier wife. Hell, better take crap from a hotshot model than from a fatso 40 plus loud mouth. Hahahahaha
Bring enough money to live well or get involved in some work that produces alot of money. You don't even need a lot of money to live better than USA. If you make 200 dollars / day, you can live really well in most parts of this island.
There is everything here, good schools and universities. All depends on you and your budget. The more sugar you add, the sweeter it gets. So my message is: come prepared and blend in. You will live a longer stressfree life here than in USA. I almost have no problems in this island. I can pay my rent 10 days late and no problems with my credit history. hell, I have no credit history. I can make all sorts of traffic violations and I get no points on my license. there is no point system at all in place. I can go out every night and it makes no differance on my work schedule. I only work 4 1/2 days / week. I go to beach regularly and enjoy life 24/7. We have BBQ's and parties every week somewhere. There are no problems in this country if you socialize with the right type of people. You can get everything here that you could imagine getting in USA.
Now I have friends who are rich in USA but do they have time to enjoy their lives? I think not. They take one week out of a whole year and spend money like crazy but then for the rest of the year, they work like slaves. Their lives revolve around their work and their possessions. Most are not even happy.
I am not a big fish in a small pond. I was a small fish to begin with and now I fit in here perfectly. I don't claim to own 50 apartments in USA and then dream about coming to DR from there. I live here exactly where you all want to be at. I consider myself already retired.

i agree with AZB on americans working entire yr and just taking 1 wk vacations and living a stressful life, with a wife who might only care about
her career advancement. I wish some day i can retire too,,, DR is on top 2 places to retire.

health/insurance concerns might be for people living in dr campos where it might take 1-2 hrs to get to a reputable hospital/clinic.