
Feb 16, 2016
While I have not specifically tasted Evan Williams Honey Flavoured Bourbon, and it has been 22 years since I sampled regular Evan Willams, I can remember it being not only similarly bottled/marketed, but also very similar in flavour to Jack Daniels.
With that said, I have tasted the Jack Daniels Honey version, and just as yourself, I too found it not to my liking. Neither neat, nor on the rocks.
As opposed to just giving it away, or dumping it in the pail, I did ask around first, and was pleasantly surprised to find a use for the product. It goes very well, drizzled over some plain vanilla ice cream, for dessert purposes. Much like the liqueur Frangelico.
Again, just a drizzle.
Actually, as I am sure you know, C-3PO from Star Wars fame.
Just another protocol droid of this modern age, who is adept at rage-googling, and quoting textbook narratives.
In my opinion Evan Williams (Black Label) tastes absolutely nothing like Jack Daniels Old #7. And I keep both of them on my shelf‼️

"Jack Daniels markets the liquor simply as Tennessee whiskey rather than as Tennessee bourbon.
Tennessee whiskey is classified as a straight bourbon authorized to be produced in the state of Tennessee.
Tennessee law (57-2-106) further requires most producers of Tennessee whiskey to filter the spirit through charcoal made from maple prior to aging, in addition to meeting the above requirements (the Lincoln County Process)."

The first time I tasted Jack Daniels Honey quite a few years ago when I was flying to the DR in first class. I had never heard of it so I ordered some. They served it to me on the rocks and Wow it was good. I ordered another. And would have just kept ordering if I did not need to make a connection.

My post was about Evan Williams Honey Flavored Bourbon. Actually, I like Jack Daniels Honey. In fact, I think there should be a law against being able to make alcohol taste like candy.
I take a ounce of Jack Daniels Honey and place it in a 4 ounce port glass. Add a small piece of ice, I have a special tray that make them in. That lets me control the amount of water I ultimately add to a drink. I let the ice melt into the whiskey and it makes for a excellent adult desert beverage just without the ice cream.

In addition, I have not found a chica yet that did not like it.
That is just a bonus, not why I keep a bottle on my shelf.
I am glad you found a use for your Jack Daniels Honey. What is the saying? A bottle of honey liqueur is a terrible thing to waste❗
I found your post informative.
I will add your suggestion to my bag of kitchen tricks even though I do not eat ice cream. (You know, trying to live a more health lifestyle as you suggested...)
But, someone that I am entertaining might like it.
Always a pleasure to have someone contributing real knowledge instead of insulting me.
Makes for more interesting reading (at least for me).

Jack Daniels Honey750 ml1245$22.39Ron Depot



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
I liked Jack Daniels, beer and rum ...however this past year of constant Long Haul illness I am not having difficulty consuming any of these products. Did find out I can enjoy gin...a drink I had never consumed prior.
Another ''side effect'' for the COVID19 guru's.
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Feb 16, 2016
I liked Jack Daniels, beer and rum ...however this past year of constant Long Haul illness I am not having difficulty consuming any of these products. Did find out I can enjoy gin...a drink I had never consumed prior.
Another ''side effect'' for the COVID19 guru's.
Damn Bro ‼️
I enjoy a gin and tonic also.
For new years I made a French 75.
It was good.
I wish you a full recover and that you can say bottoms up to all of your favorite adult beverages once again.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2017
Damn Bro ‼️
I enjoy a gin and tonic also.
For new years I made a French 75.
It was good.
I wish you a full recover and that you can say bottoms up to all of your favorite adult beverages once again.
Thats the problem 'Tonic' has too much sugar for diabetics to consume..I use Perrier , sometimes clamato... ohhh! the butchery
Feb 16, 2016
Thats the problem 'Tonic' has too much sugar for diabetics to consume..I use Perrier , sometimes clamato... ohhh! the butchery
Brother, I understand completely. Type II diabetic for 30 years. You know each of our bodies are different. I'm good. Under control and no effects up until last year when I had to go on the wagon for 30 days while on medication to improve blood flow in my one of my feet. Tough to kick ass with one foot so it was important to me that I restore that function. All is good now. Just got me a new smart BGM. Touch screen. Gotta love technology.

There is sugar free tonic water brother. Might be a option. Take care of yourself.
Feb 16, 2016
Ginebra is a London Dry Gin (style) produced right here in 🇩🇴 by Bermudez. I am not really a gin drinker. So, I cannot comment on the quality. I have mixed it up and the drinks tasted fine.

Ginebra London Dry Gin700 ml445$8.35Licormart
Feb 16, 2016
Perhaps you should try Rum.

I here it goes well with plantanos.
No need to seek employment because I am already a boss.
Part of the good life for me here in 🇩🇴 involves Rum.
Although I appreciate your drink suggestion and your pairing suggestion I am way ahead of you brother.

Had a guest over and when asked what they would like to drink they were open to my suggestion.
So I went with what I had decided to mix up for the night.
My classic rum punch.
Recipe developed after much testing in my effort to recreate the drink I enjoyed so much on my previous Jamaican vacations.
Now perfected and made with all components sourced here in the 🇩🇴

1 sour
2 sweet
3 strong
4 weak

Tonight the strong component was Brugal Blanco Supremo.
Not really a favorite of mine.
But I keep it on the shelf for when I am mixing things up for my guests.

Brugal Blanco1750 ml865$14.88Ron Depot
Feb 16, 2016
I've been a rum guy since my college days.
If it ain't broke, it don't need no fixing.
Started with rum in college to my man.
Then vodka, tequila, Bourbon, Scotch, whiskey in general, wine. Stayed away from gin for a very long time due to a really bad night that ended with gin in my college days. But it is back on the shelf. Only thing I do not like about 🇩🇴 is the poor selection of rum available and of course the lack of a real Bourbon selection either. I find it curious how there is a extensive selection of Scotch available on the island.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Started with rum in college to my man.
Then vodka, tequila, Bourbon, Scotch, whiskey in general, wine. Stayed away from gin for a very long time due to a really bad night that ended with gin in my college days. But it is back on the shelf. Only thing I do not like about 🇩🇴 is the poor selection of rum available and of course the lack of a real Bourbon selection either. I find it curious how there is a extensive selection of Scotch available on the island.
Which country's Rum do you prefer?
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Agree CR but isn't it time you stop drinking it straight out of the bottle? :oops:
I only drink Rum these days while I'm sitting with my feet in the sand watching the waves crash... which ain't often as I've spent last 6 years living Santiago.


Sep 7, 2012
I have tried many different Rums and I have to say I prefer Brugal Extra Viejo over all others including the much more pricey ones. I drink it on the rocks. No after taste and not sweet like Leyando (not sure of spelling).
In both Santiago and Puerto Plata there are Ocho Santos liquor stores which have a nice selection, plus they deliver!!
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Feb 16, 2016
Which country's Rum do you prefer?
I do not have a country preference. I simply like Rum that does not have any sugar added. My favorite sipping Rum that I have tried so far is:
Flor de Caña 7.
The 7 does not mean anything it is just marketing. It is a product of Nicaragua and has no sugar added.
Flor de Cana 7750 ml2295$39.43Licormart

I am very interested in trying any of the Plantation Rums that are a product of Barbados. They also has no sugar added and receive rave reviews. Alas, I have not seen it available in 🇩🇴 .

I also like Appleton Estate. A product of Jamaica. It illegal to add sugar to Jamaican rum. I have not seen it available in 🇩🇴.

Ron Abuelo - Product of Panama is also a excellent sipper and makes a killer rum and coke. It is a available in 🇩🇴.

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Feb 16, 2016
I am the type of person to just buy a new bottle that I have not seen before. More times than not I am pleasantly surprised. This this time I am disappointed.
The bottle I am speaking of is Classico 151. This a rum produced for Vinicola Del Norte S.A. They are a business formed in 1962 in the Dominican Republic responsible for the fabrication, commercialization and importation of alcohol and non alcoholic beverages.
Now I am not going to take you down the path of the history of 151’s. The 151 refers to the proof of the rum. 75.5% alcohol by volume. Holla😱 Some may know they are a strong bang for your buck high proof rum that is produced with varying qualities. For more info on the subject check this out:
I had tried one other 151 that I have seen and I liked it. 151s are famous for knocking you on your ass quick and cheap. Straight up ‼️
I have tried Classico 151 twice now in my classic rum punch referred to in post #129. I have found it to be lacking. Problem for me is that it tastes bitter. I have never tasted it straight so if it is imparts a bitter taste in the mix I know it is bad. I even added a extra .5 of simple syrup and it still did not help. I do not like it. Now the marketing says that is good for mojitos. I like mojitos and I have not tried it in one of those. So, maybe there is hope for this bottle after all. Such a shame cause at this price if it was any good it would have made for a excellent value when you are drinking for effect.

Classic Cocktail 1511000 ml760Licormart
Feb 16, 2016
Well it is Sunday. And that always means that when possible I start with drink with orange juice in the mix.

Screwdriver - 1 oz Vodka 4 oz Orange Juice one ice cube

Once the things I do is that if I see a store selling alcohol I stop and take a look if I have time. During one of those flights of fancy I found Three Olives Vanilla Flavored Vodka. A product of USA but made with vodka from England. The best vanilla flavored vodka I have ever tasted. A screwdriver with Vanilla Flavored Vodka is my favorite start the morning drink on Sunday.
Three Olives Vanilla750 ml1085$19.51Deluxe