Cheap Santo Domingo?


Jan 2, 2002
AZB, do you know what BalDom stands for?

BalDom if you look at the labels is a contraction of: Baltimore Dominican.
So are you saying its an american brand? Funny, we have a baldom factory plant right in santiago. The owner's sons are in my gym. Its a dominican brand my friend, only one of the owners is from USA but the plant is here and products are dominican.


Mar 20, 2006
La Famosa Has Better Bean Thant Del Monte, Goya Has Pretty Good Guandules, I Like Fresh Ones, Salsa Or Pate We Like The Linda, Victorina Or La Famosa, Santiago Is Full Of Fresh Vegetables So Gettign Can Ones Is Just A Matter Of Preference. Hopesdajes, La Placita, And Mercado Modelo Are Among The Best Place In Santiago To Get The Real Good Juice Tomatoes. Remember Tomatoes Are A Seasonal Fruit So Don't Expect Them To Taste The Same Year Round.

If You Are Shopping For Groceries In Santiago Or Any Other Dr City Please Take Into Consideration That Certain Vegetable Come From Here Even If The Packing Company Is American. For Those Of Us That Enjoy Cooking And Getting Fresh Vegetable And Fruits Is No Surprise That This Is Paradise. Let Help The Local Economy Cna Consume The Local Products. Certain Thing Will Take Time. For Instance Carnation Evaporated Milk Dr Version Sweeter And Better, Regular 100% Milk Us Better. Butter Here Real Butter Better, Azucar Almost Even, Cafe I Ilke To Roast My Own Bean So Cant Vote Either Way.i Eat Viveres For Dinner So I Like It Here Better. I Was Paying 50cent Lb Of Platano At Waltmart I Get Them For Free Here.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
So are you saying its an american brand? Funny, ....

No, AZB, just asking if you knew BalDom was a contraction for Baltimore/Dominican, most people do not realize that. I noted that I was from Baltimore. I like McCormick(sp) spices, used very little from the Baltimore Spice Company if any. I NEVER said it was an American brand, I have tried a few of their items, and I did not like the taste of some of them.

I pass by the BalDom plant in Santiago just about everyday, ofcourse I know it is in Santiago. So, AZB, what?s your take on the link Robert posted and the partial quote from it I posted? Did you read it?

P.S. who the hell eats a can of tomatoes? Yukkkkkkk.
And to CLEAR things up, my original post said "Stewed Tomatoes". They are seasoned with many spices in them. You changed the subject to just "Tomatoes" AZB. An entirely different matter. There?s an old saying, "Making a mountain out of a mole hill".

When I find some decent tomatoes here, yes I buy and eat them. But seldom do I or the wife find the BIG, RED, JUICY ones that I love similar to those from BALTIMORE. The ones here are usually half green or so. When we do find good ones, I usually eat them on a plate by themself, because they taste so good, old habit from Baltimore!

A short quote of the link Robert posted about BalDom:
Estos productos eran importados desde los Estados Unidos a trav?s del se?or Ralph Brunn, propietario de la Baltimore Spice Company (compa??a dedicada a la fabricaci?n de especias y condimentos).

Guys like you could live here for 20 yrs and still not learn spanish. So please, give me a break, you are not in kansas anymore.
What the "Hell" does this have to do with me liking "Stewed Tomatoes" AZB?
That would be like me bashing you for the way you are always putting women down when you are posting about something entirely different. Keep to the subject line.

So you would still rather (eat) packed tomatoes than fresh ones?
TallDrink, does that clear up your question? My post said Stewed Tomatoes, and I will assume you know they come canned with many spices to season them. If not, you now know that!

And as stated I love fresh BIG, RED and JUICY tomatoes. Even better than my favorite canned stewed tomatoes.

As I am not a cook, I prefer others to do the work for me (Thank you Del Monte).
Like they say, if you can?t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
I would say that in Spanish, but like AZB pointed out, I could be here 20 years and stll not learn Spanish, if that makes any sense to anyone when discussing the taste of tomatoes.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006

Please I am still waiting for an answer. What American product do you buy in DR because you have a taste for it or because it is better than the Dominican brand? I am travelling soon and I want to surprise some American friends with some goodies. Thank you.

Unfortunately, it?s really a matter of personal preferences "cuas".

It would be hard to answer that.

For instance, in AZB's case, just buy him something here and in Spanish, after all, he?s not in Kansas anymore. (Maybe take him out to the local Dominican McDonald?s) ;) lol

Surprises are sometimes nice and sometimes not so nice. I'm sure your intentions are good and I admire that. But why take the chance of them not liking something and having to act like they do.

It would be best in my opinion to talk to them and ask them what they would love the most for you to bring them.

They will be very happy and hoping for your arrival to come soon so they may have a few of the things they dream about, be it some special food or something else. Personally I would be at the airport early waiting for your arrival if you were bringing something special for me.

What someone posts here saying they like, may not be something your friends would like.

Talk to your friends and ask them!

Don SantiagoDR


Jan 2, 2002
hahahaha, funny how a "cheap santo domingo" thread turn into a stewed can tomatoes thread. Ok santiagoRD, I see your point. Sorry for the abuse.
now speaking of stewed can tomatoes, I may just try one to see what everyone else is raving about.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
hahahaha, funny how a "cheap santo domingo" thread turn into a stewed can tomatoes thread. Ok santiagoRD, I see your point. Sorry for the abuse.
now speaking of stewed can tomatoes, I may just try one to see what everyone else is raving about.

Don?t go to Pola (La Sirena) on Av. Bartelome Colon, I bought the last can the day I started this thread.

It was only $49.95 pesos versus $109.95 pesos at Nacional, what a bargain!
(It was only $34.95 at Pola before the Free Trade Agreement).

The can I bougth was "Mexican Style", quite spicy!

For those that only shop at one or the other, you can save a lot of money if you know the prices at each store.

For instance:

Gitano Sangria at Pola is $94.95 pesos and at Nacional is $74.95 pesos (EACH!).

The best place to buy power milk for the baby (Nestle Nido) is at Jumbo, and it is a lot cheaper to buy two small cans (900g) with the added vitamins then the larger can (1,800g) with or without the added vitamins. (Nacional prices may be the same as Jumbo as the two stores are sisters).


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
The best place to buy power milk for the baby (Nestle Nido) is at Jumbo, and it is a lot cheaper to buy two small cans (900g) with the added vitamins then the larger can (1,800g) with or without the added vitamins.

I have seen that a few times here with other items.
Cheaper to buy two small ones than one large one of the equivalent size/weight.
To me that is completely ridiculous and only ever seen this in the DR.

Side note, but similar mentality.

A friend of mine had a carpenter make two chairs (RD$1,400 each) for the eating area in his factory. My friend was so impressed with the quality, that he ordered another 10 from the same guy. Would you believe it the price increased by RD$200 per chair. Why? The guy said making 10 was a lot more work than making 2. Yes, that's a true story!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Sorry Robert!!!!

That is a:..."True Story" Dominican Style!!!
I posted that "TRUE STORY" several years ago in the "Clown Bin:! It was told to me as a "Joke" by my Dominican Brother-In-Law" about 10 years ago . It DOES however show the Dominican "Work Ethic"!!!!


On Vacation!
Dec 8, 2003
German Founders in 1970

So are you saying its an american brand? Funny, we have a baldom factory plant right in santiago. The owner's sons are in my gym. Its a dominican brand my friend, only one of the owners is from USA but the plant is here and products are dominican.

Baldom was founded by two Germans.
The 'Baltimore' came in as they were importing spices for sausages from a Baltimore company in the beginning. Later the American owner joined the Germans and became their partner.



Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004

Come on man, its not really that bad at all as you make it sound like. American can of beans is almost the same as domincian can of beans, same goes for rice, bread, butter, veggies fruits etc. I have seen guys like you, you folks are the same folks who believe that brahma beer tastes like gutter water. Its just some people are gringos down to their bones. They just can't change. Guys like you could live here for 20 yrs and still not learn spanish. So please, give me a break, you are not in kansas anymore. learn to like domincian products if you complain of high prices of american goods. Dominican products are not all that bad, I agree, american goods are better in quality but you will not die if you use dominican ketchup or baldom mustard. I personally think they are ok.

P.S. who the hell eats a can of tomatoes? Yukkkkkkk.

Take it easy on Kansas AZB, unless of course in your travels you have been there.:bunny::bunny:

Agree with Baldom mustard, ketchup, but most of the canned peas,green beans, canned here are garbage, go with the fresh ones!
Last edited:


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este

This picture was taken at La Sirena/Super Pola 2 hours ago.

FYI:- sells this item for US$1.85


Today?s DR1 News

According to a report released yesterday says that Santo Domingo is still one of the cheapest Latin American cities to live in.

Well then, Santiago must be on the other end of the list.

I just came from Supermercado Nacional in Santiago.
I started to buy a 14 1/2 oz can of Del Monte Stewed tomatoes.

The price was $109 pesos.
I ran it through the scanner, price is correct.

Translated at 32.20 pesos per dollar, that's $3.39 U.S. a can.

Thank God for the Free Trade Agreement.......................
Feb 7, 2007
and it is a lot cheaper to buy two small cans (900g) with the added vitamins then the larger can (1,800g) with or without the added vitamins.

This is what has me startled for a long time:

That larger packaging many times cost more per measurment unit (gram, ounce, gallon, etc.) than smaller packages.

It's so strange, usually is the larger you buy the less you pay.

Of course, here in DR they may have got it reversed (at least that's the case with electricity). The government and businesses, apparently, like people to consume less and save@ :) So buy a small can of milk instead of large one, make somehow ends meet (milk ends) and put the rest of money into the bank... so ingenious idea!
Feb 7, 2007
I have seen that a few times here with other items.
Cheaper to buy two small ones than one large one of the equivalent size/weight.
To me that is completely ridiculous and only ever seen this in the DR.

Well, there may be a LOGICAL explanation (forget the sarcastic remarks about savings).

From a business point of view: The people in DR have scarce resources, so very few people buy in bulk. They buy "detallado", like 2 onions, 2 chicken wings, etc. They buy small packaging quantities. So the goods packaged in large quantities are not sold as frequently. This means a can of 1800g milk stays on the shelf longer than the can of 900g milk. When we calculate merchandise turnover, and we can into calculating various financial ratios, including variables such as profits, assets, etc (don't want to get too finacial analystic here) it's less profitable to sell a 1800g can than 900g can (capital tied longer in 1800g can while on "shelf"). So to improve the finances on the 1800g can (pay for the interest of the capital tied in that can) the store increases the price.

I personally do NOT belive that the store BUYS 1800g for more money than 2 (two) 900g cans. The price increase comes at (from) point of sale, not from point of supply/production.
Feb 7, 2007
A friend of mine had a carpenter make two chairs (RD$1,400 each) for the eating area in his factory. My friend was so impressed with the quality, that he ordered another 10 from the same guy. Would you believe it the price increased by RD$200 per chair. Why? The guy said making 10 was a lot more work than making 2. Yes, that's a true story!

In cases I usually tell the guy to p*** off ... I tell him that I would buy 2 chairs each at a time @ 1400, for 5 times, and get the same price. And that I might even send 5 different people to buy those pairs of chairs. And that he would get the same money as if "I" pay him 1400 each.

Usually approach like this works. Personally, having things "done/produced" by maestros, etc, I have seen price discounts for quantity, not increases.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
I have seen that a few times here with other items.
Cheaper to buy two small ones than one large one of the equivalent size/weight.
And don't you just love it when their is a special on the package that saids: 20% more Free,
..but the price of that package is higher than the same product without the 20% more Free?

This picture was taken at La Sirena/Super Pola 2 hours ago.
Ah, so Pola restocked the item, guess I got the last of the old cans.
I will try to get to Nacional and get a picture of the same product selling for $109 pesos.


New member
Oct 21, 2004
Nothing can surprise me in in Santo Domingo supermarkets. Already saw:

Products with special rebate signs, lift the rebate sign and the normal price is cheaper then the glued over "special" price. Even came back a week later and confirmed the normal price being lower then the "special".

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Be CAREFUL Of "Two For The Price Of One" SPECIALS!!!!

Since Dominicans NEVER check the prices as the "Check Out", the computer is OFTEN not programed to give the "Advertised" price!!!! This is true at all supermercados,but ESPECIALLY BAD at "Supermercados National"! I usually rip the "sign" off the aisle to show the correct price when the "Wrong" price shows up at the register! I do this after having to walk back and get the sign to show the "advertised" price more times than I care to remember!!! I use the calculator on my cell phone to fiogure out the best price,depending on the size of the product. "Bigger" is often NOT "Better"!!!!!
Be sure and check the Date on products that are "On Sale"! I open up the package(Of chips,candy,cookies,and the like) and "Taste"! Before I buy!!!:ninja:
I enjoy shopping so much,that if I get a "Hard Time" while checking out,I just leave the stuff,and go to another market!!