Condo Committe of Owners


Jan 1, 2002
I'd like to make contact with someone with knowledge of or experience with a committee of owners that meets periodically, in either an advisory or supervisory capacity, with the administrator of their condo comlex.

The rules of the complex that I live in presently call for the administrator to report to the assembly of owners, which generally meets only once a year. Without going into details as to why, the owners of this complex have come to believe it would be desirable to also have in the loop a small, elected group of owners that could meet more frequently with the administrator, perhaps monthly.

Anyone out there that I can communicate with?


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Ken.....our owners also meet only once/yr.

at the annual general meeting. However the administrator "reports" monthly to the elected president of the group and two other full time residents,who are named at the annual meeting. He'll contact the president in between if something urgent comes up but basically the admin. "runs" the show according to the guidelines given in the condo regulations and looks after items decided on at the annual meeting. He provides a written quarterly report to all owners (however it doesn't get mailed to those out of country-just slipped under the doors of their units). This makes it much easier on the administrator as he doesn't have to contend with the "wishes" of 16 individuals on a daily basis.
If something comes up that is beyond the normal "budget" the president can call a special meeting of the owners to determine what course of action to take. The administrator contacts one "foreign" owner who then passes the word to the other out of country owners(kinda like a relay) and they make their wishes known by phone of email to the "contact" who relays the consensus to the administrator or directly to the admin. whichever is easier for them (some don't speak spanish well so they relay to the contact that notified them and the contact passes on the info.) This part of it is not "organized" per se however has been informally used for many years and works well for our group.


Jan 1, 2002

You must be talking about a "humungus" project. Condos Dominicano only has 20 units and a once a year meeting has sufficed over the last .....years. Never did, at least since I have been here (3 years+), have to consult with any of the owners other than at the general meeting. At our general meeting, the financial report is read and the budget for the next year is submitted and approved . Any problems or particular items are addressed at that time. One rule we have, and I think a good one at that, is that the administrator must be an owner in the complex. If you have a particular problem, e-mail me and, if I can, will try to help you out.


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Thanks Ed........

but you're right....It's Ken's group needing the help.
It would be nice to have an administrator that is also a condo owner however in our 16 units only 3 are year round residents and one is not interested one is not capable and one is totally out of it (really!!) so not a good idea. We've really only had to have a special meeting twice in the twelve yrs we've been there. Once after the hurricane (which was done by phone with the administrator) and once re: an owner who was three yrs behind in "condo fees".
The monthly report is mainly for the benefit of those who are only part-time residents so they know what's taken place while they've been gone.


Jan 1, 2002
Part time job

If I sell my bar, mght be a good part time job, taking care of peoples' investments and kicking ass. LOL


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002

Seriously tho' it could be!! Our administrator makes 3000 pesos a month for about 1 1/2 hrs work /week. He also administratesw four other (large) complexes with retail and housing and gets about 6-8000 pesos each for those. So figure it out. He's making about 32000 per month plus he works 5 evenings a week in a local restaurant as a chef.
Not bad for a 23yr old "extranjero"!