Coronavirus - In the DR

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Apr 11, 2004
You might be able to skirt the law and walk around with no mask, but try and enter a bank, restaurant, store, or anyplace else and see the reception you get. That is how the DR has held this pretty much in check. Not like the US for a good example.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
You might be able to skirt the law and walk around with no mask, but try and enter a bank, restaurant, store, or anyplace else and see the reception you get. That is how the DR has held this pretty much in check. Not like the US for a good example.

USA was the same when I was back in August and September. No masks outside but required inside.

One nice thing here is that they're not required in the gym. Although both here and the USA not required in restaurants for obvious reasons.


Sep 27, 2017
USA was the same when I was back in August and September. No masks outside but required inside.

One nice thing here is that they're not required in the gym. Although both here and the USA not required in restaurants for obvious reasons.

Actually, yes they ARE required in gyms.
If YOUR particular gym does not enforce the nationwide regulations, do not expose it to unjust attention.


Sep 27, 2017

I do not find it all that difficult to remember to try and keep a physical distance from other people. It is almost second nature now. However, there are certainly many who feel that even this is far too much to ask of them. I can sort of understand the resentment of the curfew and limits on the size of gatherings. I can understand people missing going to the movies and that it is difficult to drink a beer with a mask on. Yet I cannot fathom how at this stage anyone can seriously doubt the effects this disease can have on people, how easily it spreads and that there are those who are actively trying to stay healthy and appreciate the help and efforts of others in doing so. I get that the economy suffers from some of these measures. Tourism is circling the drain yet the fundamentals of curbing the spread of covid should no longer be in question. People have to stay away from other people. The further away you stay the less you have to wear a mask or take other precautions. Those who can't be bothered are the ones spreading this disease and causing the politicians to react as they are. The longer people fight it, the longer the S.O.E. will be renewed and the curfew will be in effect. You want your freedom in this country and an end to all of the restrictions, show that you can exercise it responsibly and help protect the next guy and the tourism economy in general. Like a moto helmet on your elbow, a mask in your hand is just another useless gesture. I don't like wearing them much but when I do, it is easy to remind myself why I suffer the discomfort when I compare it to being in a hospital or bed ridden suffering. Bringing this disease home to my wife terrifies me and if she were to die would be life altering in a very bad and unwelcome way. Maybe we need a Smokie the Bear symbol - "Only you can help slow the spread of Covid-19." We may not be able to stop this disease completely, but we can make it much safer to leave our homes and live our lives. We just have to make the correct decisions and practice safer personal interactions, all of us not just some of us.

Too many conjoined words. Please seperate your sentences, and paragraphs. Easier on the eyes.


Sep 29, 2020
Switzerland has excluded the Dominican Republic from the list of countries with quarantine requirements when entering Swiss soil.

Ref below, No longer on the list from 12 October 2020.

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Jul 10, 2004
Last week the British Medical Journal published findings that the herd immunity would save more lives than the massive lockdowns. This is also supported by statements from the WHO last week.
Great news for the "chicken fighting houses".
Its time to move on. Unfortunately the world leaders have painted themselves as such fools for almost destroying the world economy that they won't admit it.
They would sooner continue on their path of destruction than admit they screwed up.
But we have been told by the world's greatest medical experts that there is NO HERD IMMUNITY. Sweden and the UK took the wrong approach, no?

But let us say there is herd immunity (and a vaccine will help get there) and it takes 60% of the world to reach that point. That means about 0.5% of about 60% to 70% of the world could die to reach herd immunity. Everything in life is a trade off. Herd immunity or the economy, take your pick. Normally it ends up being about the money at the end of the day.


Jan 21, 2006
Anybody who is a tiny bit of a math person can see that the numbers don't remotely add up. Lets take the DR versus Canada. Canada tests 4 times as many people per million than the DR and yet the DR still has 2 times more cases per million. All the while the DR has less deaths per million. Not remotely possible to make sense of those numbers unless the DR has some secret cure for covid.
Do you think the government in the DR is unreporting covid cases, like this
I've had this conversation on this forum before... I'm vehemently opposed to government mandated forceful lockdown. I do not condone the destruction of a country's economy and the decimation of the middle class to try to save the most vulnerable of society*. One should not be so eager to relinquish those freedom given to us by our creator and defended with blood by our forefathers. As Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

The reality is that this isn't the first time that the world has had to deals with a deadly pandemic but it sure is the first time that the healthy have been force to quarantine. It has always been that the infirm and most vulnerable are the ones required to isolate. What changed and why? The fact that there are things just as deadly or even more so right now that are totally ignored by the powers that be speaks volumes about the CV19 frenzy.



And on and on but only CV19 need these extreme measures.

We are hurting the world economy, the middle class, our children, our livelihood and our sanity for what exactly? To save a few co-morbid or older people that are on their way out anyway (I'm just being pragmatic)? Are we sure it will be worth it when all is said and done? With all our sacrifice and effort we still weren't able to save 1,058,104 that have died of CV19 and who knows if these people would have died anyway.

*note: I'm in the most vulnerable group of society.
Great job in quoting all the negatives.
It is not just healthy that are quarantined.
How about some suggestions about what positive approaches you think will reduce the spread?
Opening up before the negative test numbers are very low has failed over and over throughout the world.
The virus caused the economic destruction and slowing the spread first is the only way we will make progress.
Last week the British Medical Journal published findings that the herd immunity would save more lives than the massive lockdowns. This is also supported by statements from the WHO last week.
Great news for the "chicken fighting houses".
Its time to move on. Unfortunately the world leaders have painted themselves as such fools for almost destroying the world economy that they won't admit it.
They would sooner continue on their path of destruction than admit they screwed up.

The idea of herd immunity is fatally flawed at this time with CV19.

Scientists do not know if and for how long a person who recovered may be immune to catching the disease a second time.
There are cases where a person recovered and then became ill again after only six weeks.
In order for herd immunity to work CV19 illness will need to provide long term immunity.
There is some speculation that persons who become the sickest with CV19 may have the longest immunity and persons who are only mildly ill will only develop a short term immunity.


Apr 11, 2004
Today Worldometer lists the 1M deaths per inhabitant rate for the Dominican Republic at 201. This means that people are less likely to die of Covid-19 in the Dominican Republic than in Spain with 715 deaths per million inhabitants, Brazil at 710, the United States at 668, the United Kingdom at 633, Italy 600, Colombia 551, Argentina 542, France 506 and Canada at 255. These are all major source markets for tourists visiting the Dominican Republic.



Sep 27, 2017
I respectfully request to the moderator of this subforum, that they allow this link and excerpted passage to stand and remain posted, as it is acknowledged that it is not specifically RD related, but IT MIGHT BE........

New York’s hospitals “were never overwhelmed” at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo claimed Wednesday, continuing his apparent rewrite of history in defense of a state Health Department mandate that barred nursing homes from turning away sickly seniors.
“Hospitals were never overwhelmed,” We always had excess capacity in hospitals, we always had excess capacity in emergency hospitals that we built."

Why is this important, and how DOES it apply to the RD?
This is a mantra/dialogue that we have heard time and time again, over the last seven months, regarding the hospital system (public/private) within the RD, but yet many within this forum community (myself included) have stated this was not truly the case.
Could the RD have been taking a page out of the playbook of la gran Manzana?
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Jan 21, 2006
There is some good news today, Oct. 14 for the folks with the most common blood type O.
Individuals with blood type O have the lowest risk of infection and reduced likelihood of severe outcomes
This has been bandied about for some time but the results are in from a large new study.

Here is the link:

The study looked at 473,000 individuals and uncovered some negative outcomes for people with blood types A and AB who appear to be at greater risk of severe organ injury and failure.


Sep 29, 2020
Directorate of Strategic Communication
Ministry of Health
October 14, 2020.-

The Ministry of Public Health reported (MSP) this Wednesday that it has already started actions to prepare the country for the application of the vaccine against COVID-19, of which the Government has committed a sufficient amount as soon as it is available.

The Vice Minister of Collective Health, Dr. Ivelisse Acosta explained that an international consultancy has been hired to design the logistics for the application of the vaccine and determine the equipment and training needs of the health service personnel who will work in this program.

She said that these tasks began last Friday and that first of all people who work in the health service, the elderly and people with comorbidity (diabetes, high blood pressure and others) will be vaccinated.

The percentage of occupied beds continues to decline; As of today, 19 percent is reported; 651 occupied of the 3,350 available. The beds in Intensive Care Units (ICU), 153 are occupied of the 525 enabled (29 percent); the use of fans stands at 20 percent occupancy, 84 of the 419 available.



Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
Today Worldometer lists the 1M deaths per inhabitant rate for the Dominican Republic at 201. This means that people are less likely to die of Covid-19 in the Dominican Republic than in Spain with 715 deaths per million inhabitants, Brazil at 710, the United States at 668, the United Kingdom at 633, Italy 600, Colombia 551, Argentina 542, France 506 and Canada at 255. These are all major source markets for tourists visiting the Dominican Republic.

This is where it gets tricky. Could it be that Canada's efficient testing system and contact tracing has kept the numbers low. We know that the US has never got a handle on quick testing so contact tracing didn't work. And getting adequate testing in the DR is expensive for a poor country. Therefore I'm not sure any of these deaths per million can be compared with any accuracy.

For example, extremely poor Dominicans die at home and are buried quickly. Did some of them die from the virus. I would think so and they wouldn't be part of the total. Exact same with Haitians. This whole thing is complicated..
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
I respectfully request to the moderator of this subforum, that they allow this link and excerpted passage to stand and remain posted, as it is acknowledged that it is not specifically RD related, but IT MIGHT BE........

New York’s hospitals “were never overwhelmed” at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo claimed Wednesday, continuing his apparent rewrite of history in defense of a state Health Department mandate that barred nursing homes from turning away sickly seniors.
“Hospitals were never overwhelmed,” We always had excess capacity in hospitals, we always had excess capacity in emergency hospitals that we built."

Why is this important, and how DOES it apply to the RD?
This is a mantra/dialogue that we have heard time and time again, over the last seven months, regarding the hospital system (public/private) within the RD, but yet many within this forum community (myself included) have stated this was not truly the case.
Could the RD have been taking a page out of the playbook of la gran Manzana?

Would you agree with "highly strained" instead of "overwhelmed". I know medical doctors and nurses were transfered to NYC to help prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
There is some good news today, Oct. 14 for the folks with the most common blood type O.
Individuals with blood type O have the lowest risk of infection and reduced likelihood of severe outcomes
This has been bandied about for some time but the results are in from a large new study.

Here is the link:

The study looked at 473,000 individuals and uncovered some negative outcomes for people with blood types A and AB who appear to be at greater risk of severe organ injury and failure.

I'm O positive but I get no peace of mind from these studies. We know very little about this virus.


Sep 27, 2017
Would you agree with "highly strained" instead of "overwhelmed". I know medical doctors and nurses were transfered to NYC to help prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed.

It is not for me to agree or disagree in regards to their particular situation, as I was not there, nor was that my intent for the posting.
My point was, what does come into question is that the world was once again fed a false narrative.
Here, the exact terminology was used to describe the RD medical scene, which I happened to witness first hand, and did not see the "collapse" of the hospital system, again here, as described by many. The archives within this thread line can prove that.
Keep in mind, RD public hospitals are always "highly strained", even on a slow Tuesday.
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Oct 17, 2015
The idea of herd immunity is fatally flawed at this time with CV19.

Scientists do not know if and for how long a person who recovered may be immune to catching the disease a second time.
There are cases where a person recovered and then became ill again after only six weeks.
In order for herd immunity to work CV19 illness will need to provide long term immunity.
There is some speculation that persons who become the sickest with CV19 may have the longest immunity and persons who are only mildly ill will only develop a short term immunity.
So if there is a chance that you get ill again after having Covid why everybody thinks the same would not happen if you get vaccinated? :unsure:
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