Crespo says motorcyclist chaos is for lack of applying Intrant Law 63-17


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Motorcyclists are involved in most traffic accidents in the Dominican Republic. Congressman Rafael Tobias Crespo, the author of Law 63-17, on Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety of the Dominican Republic, says that government authorities have yet to apply the law correctly, as reported in N Digital. He stresses the law has articles that guarantee that motorcyclists circulate in a framework of respect and safety without turning the streets into chaos as happens today.

Deputy Crespo (National District – Fuerza del Pueblo) says that the agents of the Transit and Road Transport Safety (Digesett) and the National Institute of Road Transport (Intrant) and the city governments must play their roles in regards to imposing controls.

He criticized the lack of compliance of the law and that the authorities even allow that motorcyclists use sidewalks to...

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chico bill

On Vacation
May 6, 2016
And no respect for red lights. They tempt fate with cars and when the worst happens they loose.
Ask the one-legged guys stumbli ng on crutches
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Oct 29, 2010
And no respect for red lights. They tempt fate with cars and when the worst happens they loose.
Ask the one-legged guys stumbli ng on crutches
No respect for red lights or any other law for that matter. Instead of just checking documents in the hope of being able to confiscate motos, the police should be stopping and taking the bikes who flout the safety laws.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
The entire process of dealing with motorcycles needs to be tightened up. It should be a requirement to do 'traspasos' within 15 days or the vehicle is impounded until it's done.
There should be a 'motorcycle department' that deals specifically with them and enforces regulations.
The problem is the number of bike owners in the country. Huge voting blocks a politician doesn't want to alienate.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Even the head of the motorcyclists union says there needs to be stricter controls:

The president of the National Federation of Motoconchistas (Fenamoto), Óscar Almánzar, favors that the authorities apply a strong hand against motorcyclists who violate the Traffic Law and who impose chaos on the streets of the Dominican Republic.

Almánzar is aware that motorcyclists commit a lot of imprudence and flagrantly violate Law 63-17, on Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety and he attributed it to a lack of education.

Faced with this situation, he believes that there is a lot to be done and a lot of work to be coordinated with all the institutions that intervene in the sector, in order to improve things.

"The authorities have to be rigorous in the application of the law and supervise anyone who commits an infraction, because it seems that this is the only way to submit to the rules," said Almánzar, when reacting to a series of work carried out by N Digital regarding the chaos that they impose with motorized ones.

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Crespo affirms the chaos of motorcyclists is due to irresponsibility in the application of Law 63-17

The president of Fenamoto maintained that the imprudence of motorcyclists in the streets is a matter of debate and that for some time a structural solution has been sought at the negotiation table, where representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and Police, the General Directorate of Security participate of Transit and Land Transport (Digesset), the National Institute of Land Transport (Intrant), the National Police, the General Directorates of Customs and Internal Revenue, motorcycle importers and distributors.

He said that coordinated work is required between rules, application and regulations issued by Intran and the consequent inspections by the Digesett to impose order on the roads.

"There is no point in having rules, if there are no inspections so that there is respect," Almánzar said.

Fenamoto has around 40,000 affiliates in 27 provinces of the country and its members, dedicated to motoconcho, are required to wear a protective helmet, with a unique identification plate, which must be displayed on the back of the protective helmets and retroreflective vests.

But the members of Fenamoto barely represent 1.3% of the three million 63 thousand 704 motorcycles that the DGII has registered, since motorcycles represent 56.1% of the DR vehicle fleet.

One detail is that the motorcyclists who belong to other lines are not as well organized as they are; those for private use, messengers, those on digital platforms, delivery and grocery delivery.

INSTITUTIONAL OFFENSIVE . Information shows that for the third week of June there would be a great meeting with the authorities of the motorcycle sector, importers and distributors in order to propose solutions to the chaos that prevails in the streets.

For such purposes, a series of initiatives tending to establish order in the conduction of motorcyclist traffic are studied.

DGA will participate in the meeting, in relation to engine imports; DGII regarding registries, importing things, the Intrant, Digesett and PN regarding regulatory initiatives and inspections.


JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
There are also politicians saying more needs to be done:

Legislators from different parties considered that the regime of consequences for motorcyclists who violate Law 63-17, on Mobility, Land Transportation, Transit and Road Safety of the Dominican Republic should be toughened, and insist on driver education to improve the good development and traffic safety.

The reactions of the congressmen arose after several reports carried out by this medium, where they reveal that 66.4% of deaths due to traffic accidents on holidays are due to these drivers, due to the terror they impose on public roads due to their reckless way of commute.

The deputy for the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Mercedes Rodríguez, maintained that there is no policy on the road network, that despite having a new traffic law, she does not see its application, from what she understands a greater consequences regime by creating awareness for these drivers.

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For his part, the legislator of the People's Force, Hamlet Melo, reported that the existing law must be respected, and a greater regime of consequences must be applied, from what he understands is a matter of driver education that should be taught in the schools and forged in homes.

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In this sense, the congressman for the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party, Carlos Sánchez, maintained that the measures must be tightened, embraced by a theme of awareness of other issues such as drugs and alcohol that often these offenders are under these effects, which generates accidents.

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While the deputy from PLD, Luis Henríquez, said that this behavior of the drivers has become a recurring problem in the country, while adding that despite the existence of a law that regulates these infractions, this scourge does not end.

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In this sense, Deputy Tobías Crespo assured N Digital that the correct application of the law would guarantee that motorcyclists travel on the roads within a framework of respect, security and without turning the streets into chaos.

Crespo is the proponent of the law and believes that its regulation needs to be applied in order for it to function and for this, the agents of the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transportation (Digesett), the National Institute of Land Transportation and the municipal mayors must play their roles, in terms of controls, driving according to the rules and who is authorized to drive a motorcycle, which surely are not all who are.