Crime & Safety in DR


El Rey de Mangu

Since I moved to the DR I've avoided dealing with most Dominican men because I understand their nature. The DR is a country where most men abandon their children, that tells you that the majority of the men here are garbage and not the type of folks you want to associate with.

Sounds like you're in the wrong place or lost a bet somewhere along the line


Wow Gary. That's a stretch. I lived off of the Carr. Mella in SDE for many years. The Av Venezuela bar scene is a tiguere and drug ghetto strip. Even the Dominicans commenting in Diario Libre and Listin Diaro on this article this morning find it absurd that he was hanging there. I'm sure you running interference was well-intended, however well off base.

It isn't a stretch. My family has lived in SDE for many years and I have spent much time on la Venezuela in very decent establishments. There are establishments that cater to all crowds--many cater to decent folks and you will not have issues. La Venezuela runs along both lower level barrios and decent middle class areas. David Ortiz's attack was obviously targeted and would have happened anywhere as whoever was after him would have made it a point to go to any public establishment to nail him. There are many rumors circulating as to what motivated the attack against Ortiz so I'll withhold further judgment until more details emerge.


Wow Gary. That's a stretch. I lived off of the Carr. Mella in SDE for many years. The Av Venezuela bar scene is a tiguere and drug ghetto strip. Even the Dominicans commenting in Diario Libre and Listin Diaro on this article this morning find it absurd that he was hanging there. I'm sure you running interference was well-intended, however well off base.

I posted a video of Ave from 4 years ago at 2:40 in the a.m. That is reflective of what I experienced on a regular basis when I lived in the capital. Many Dominicans from the other side of the river (my daughter in-law and family included) have a misguided opinion of the east side because they rarely or never go there, especially at night. In all my times over there I never saw any gun play or not even a fight I can remember. La Barrica, as previously mentioned, used to have an older crowd then say House Drink or Cool Bar but I had been in those places as well. Now, I have been in some barrios that I would NOT defend as being safe but Ave Venezuela, unless it has really changed in a few short years, is not one of them.

El Rey de Mangu

I posted a video of Ave from 4 years ago at 2:40 in the a.m. That is reflective of what I experienced on a regular basis when I lived in the capital. Many Dominicans from the other side of the river (my daughter in-law and family included) have a misguided opinion of the east side because they rarely or never go there, especially at night. In all my times over there I never saw any gun play or not even a fight I can remember. La Barrica, as previously mentioned, used to have an older crowd then say House Drink or Cool Bar but I had been in those places as well. Now, I have been in some barrios that I would NOT defend as being safe but Ave Venezuela, unless it has really changed in a few short years, is not one of them.

ok Gary


Sounds like you're in the wrong place or lost a bet somewhere along the line

I enjoy living in the DR. But I've seen enough since moving here to know the majority of the men can't be trusted. I do know a couple of Dominican men I trust implicitly, because they've proven to me in the past by their actions that they can be trusted. But the way I do things here is, if I don't know you, I don't trust you. I don't "hang out" with a lot of people here, I don't go up inside people's homes, and I keep people out of my home. I also keep people out of my business, the less people know about me, the less they can hurt me.

I use a referral system, if I need a service or product, I get references from someone I know and trust. If someone I trust vouches for someone, then this means there is a good chance (though not guaranteed) that they can be trusted. Sometimes I give people little tests to see how they respond. And as I've gotten older I've learned how to read people, to look for signs that someone is going to be a problem.

The Christians have the Bible, the Muslims have the Koran, I have "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. That book teaches you how to win in life, how to get what you want while protecting yourself from sociopaths and bad people. If you study that book and master it, you'll never have to carry a gun. Years ago a guy named Cris Colon on this forum debated with me on the need to own a gun in the DR. While I do support gun rights, I'm not a citizen so legally I'm not allowed to own a gun in the DR. But the point I made to Cris Colon years ago is that, if you master the 48 laws of power you don't need a gun, because your mind is the most powerful weapon in the universe.

Are you a fan of the Game of Thrones? Well, if you watch that show carefully, you'll notice that the most powerful people in this story rarely, if ever carry swords, because as the old saying goes, the pen is mightier.

El Rey de Mangu

I enjoy living in the DR. But I've seen enough since moving here to know the majority of the men can't be trusted. I do know a couple of Dominican men I trust implicitly, because they've proven to me in the past by their actions that they can be trusted. But the way I do things here is, if I don't know you, I don't trust you. I don't "hang out" with a lot of people here, I don't go up inside people's homes, and I keep people out of my home. I also keep people out of my business, the less people know about me, the less they can hurt me.

I use a referral system, if I need a service or product, I get references from someone I know and trust. If someone I trust vouches for someone, then this means there is a good chance (though not guaranteed) that they can be trusted. Sometimes I give people little tests to see how they respond. And as I've gotten older I've learned how to read people, to look for signs that someone is going to be a problem.

The Christians have the Bible, the Muslims have the Koran, I have "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. That book teaches you how to win in life, how to get what you want while protecting yourself from sociopaths and bad people. If you study that book and master it, you'll never have to carry a gun. Years ago a guy named Cris Colon on this forum debated with me on the need to own a gun in the DR. While I do support gun rights, I'm not a citizen so legally I'm not allowed to own a gun in the DR. But the point I made to Cris Colon years ago is that, if you master the 48 laws of power you don't need a gun, because your mind is the most powerful weapon in the universe.

Are you a fan of the Game of Thrones? Well, if you watch that show carefully, you'll notice that the most powerful people in this story rarely, if ever carry swords, because as the old saying goes, the pen is mightier.

If anything, you are honest and put some effort into your reply. Can't argue with that


You have some very interesting thoughts and opinion. But one question. Why, if you act as you say, are you living in the DR?
I left last year for some reasons, the climate, I hate it, aburrimiento total, but saw the lack of seriousness as something you will have to accept, or take it or leave it. Your point is very straight and for me would be stressfull.


You have some very interesting thoughts and opinion. But one question. Why, if you act as you say, are you living in the DR?
I left last year for some reasons, the climate, I hate it, aburrimiento total, but saw the lack of seriousness as something you will have to accept, or take it or leave it. Your point is very straight and for me would be stressfull.

Great question! A guy I went to trade school with in the USA, who I hadn't spoken to in 15 years, recently talked with me on Skype and asked me the same question. I live in the DR, and will continue to live here, because no matter how bad it gets, in the USA it will get worse. The USA is in serious decline, ESPECIALLY the Black community! Dr. Claud Anderson (look up his videos on you tube), has shown that Blacks in the USA will become a permanent underclass, and they already are. I moved to the DR partly because I refuse to be part of this "permanent underclass."

The Black community in the USA is basically a matriarchy. The DR, despite its problems is still a Patriarchy. 90 percent of the American households in the inner city are headed by single mothers, and the neighborhoods are just too dangerous to live in. Dozens of people are shot every weekend in Chicago, and nobody does anything. Its obvious the US government doesn't care. At least in the DR Dominicans depend on tourism so they have an incentive to keep the streets safe, in the USA there is no incentive to stem the tide of violence among Blacks. Furthermore, former Chicago gang members have stated they found crates of weapons just sitting in alleyways, meaning someone intentionally left the guns there knowing they would be used in violence.....the gang member explained these were fully automatic fire arms, which are hard and expensive for US citizens to get who left them there?

The cost of living in the USA in general is absolutely ridiculous! In the 1990s when I was a kid we rented an apartment in Los Angeles for $800 a month. In 2019 you couldn't find an apartment in the ghetto in LA for $800 monthly. To rent an apartment in LA or New York these days you need at least $3,000 to $4,000 a month. Want to buy a house? Better have $1 million minimum.

Despite their problems, Dominicans are MUCH better off than Black Americans will ever be. They have their own land, own culture, own food, and most important, their own economy. I'd rather start a family here in the DR, and have my children be Dominican and part of a real community, than to be born in the USA where they will be an oppressed minority that is part of a permanent underclass. I live in the DR because I see no future in the USA. As bad as the Dominican government is I think the US government is even worse. The Dominican government isn't fighting wars on multiple continents, and doesn't have military bases all over the world. A lot of people well schooled in history believe the USA will suffer the same fate as Rome. All the warning signs are there.
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Great question! A guy I went to trade school with in the USA, who I hadn't spoken to in 15 years, recently talked with me on Skype and asked me the same question. I live in the DR, and will continue to live here, because no matter how bad it gets, in the USA it will get worse. The USA is in serious decline, ESPECIALLY the Black community! Dr. Claud Anderson (look up his videos on you tube), has shown that Blacks in the USA will become a permanent underclass, and they already are. I moved to the DR partly because I refuse to be part of this "permanent underclass."

The Black community in the USA is basically a matriarchy. 90 percent of the households in the inner city are headed by single mothers, and the neighborhoods are just too dangerous to live in. Dozens of people are shot every weekend in Chicago, and nobody does anything. Its obvious the US government doesn't care. At least in the DR Dominicans depend on tourism so they have an incentive to keep the streets safe, in the USA there is no incentive to stem the tide of violence in the USA. Furthermore, former Chicago gang members have stated they found crates of weapons just sitting in alleyways, meaning someone intentionally left the guns there knowing they would be used in violence.....the gang member explained there were fully automatic fire arms, which are hard for US citizens to get who left them there?

The cost of living in the USA in general is absolutely ridiculous! In the 1990s when I was a kid we rented an apartment in Los Angeles for $800 a month. In 2019 you couldn't find an apartment in the ghetto in LA for $800 monthly. To rent an apartment in LA or New York these days you need at least $3,000 to $4,000 a month. Want to buy a house? Better have $1 million minimum.

Despite their problems, Dominicans are MUCH better off than Black Americans will ever be. They have their own land, own culture, own food, and most important, their own economy. I'd rather start a family here in the DR, and have my children be Dominican and part of a real community, than to be born in the USA where they will be an oppressed minority that is part of a permanent underclass. I live in the DR because I see no future in the USA. As bad as the Dominican government is I think the US government is even worse.

I respect much of what you say, what is your take on the political situation in the USA ?


@ Scorpion....

That's a sad conclusion. And even having lived in Brooklyn for almost a year, I have not enough knowledge and insight to debate with you about this black/white matter. The only thing I found I can say is for a Dutch person it was strange to not see mixed couples.
I still think that with effort anyone can get anywhere in the world, isn't it the american dream?


True, just like you can not walk into many parts of many cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago or LA. However their are many cities in the US without dangerous slums. There may be some small pueblos in DR that have no 'hot' spots but any city of any size here will have several no-go areas and those should be apparent by the nature of those on the streets.

Your chance of being killed in DR are way higher in a traffic accident (especially on a moto) by either drunk or unskilled, unlicensed drivers than anywhere else outside of Africa.
Actually, I feel safer with the motos in Africa. In any event, your general point is well made. One needs to be aware of one's surroundings. Additionally, one has to question why an expat--rich by local standards--would be caught dead in an economically distressed barrio when the expat does not need to be there in most cases. I avoid the distressed areas in the inner cities, and I was raised there. My family taught me as a child not to take unnecessary risks. I act accordingly here and there.


Mr AE said almost the same thing this morning. He has an elderly uncle who lives off Venezuela, and he doesn’t even like to visit him during the day. We’d never go at night.
I had to use Google maps to find it. LOL. Regretfully, it falls far from places that I frequent.


I respect much of what you say, what is your take on the political situation in the USA ?

I don't want to get too deep into politics, but all I will say is that the US government scares me more than the Dominican government, and in fact, I will go as far as to say the US government is far more wicked. If you read what I read and knew what I knew you'd understand why I feel this way. I can point you to some books on the topic so you can do your own research, but needless to say the United States is in an extremely perilous situation.

There is now a mass shooting in the USA every one to two months, often in schools. When was the last time a gunmen in the DR walked into a school and started blowing kids away? If two men here have a dispute and one shoots the other, that is bad, and tourists being murdered here is also terrible, but walking into a school and shooting a bunch of kids? And this isn't a one time occurrence in the U.S. it is happening all the time. This tells me there is something wrong with American society.


@ Scorpion....

That's a sad conclusion. And even having lived in Brooklyn for almost a year, I have not enough knowledge and insight to debate with you about this black/white matter. The only thing I found I can say is for a Dutch person it was strange to not see mixed couples.
I still think that with effort anyone can get anywhere in the world, isn't it the american dream?

Long term, I think the USA is a more dangerous place to live than the DR, by far, especially for people living in the inner city. Another thing to factor in is the illegal immigration from Latin America. Not only does this place increased pressure on Blacks (who have to compete for low paying jobs with Latinos), but the influx of illegals in the USA is due to the violence in Central America, especially Mexico. And there is no doubt the Mexican cartels are operating in the USA also, especially the Southwest.

My friend that I went to school with is Mexican and he has never been to the DR and thinks it is like Mexico, when I spoke to him on Skype he feared for my safely, he was urging me to come back to the USA. I had to explain to him that the DR is no where near as bad as Mexico. Mexico is a full blown Narco State. I wouldn't even vacation there, the Cartels have become too powerful, they've infiltrated every area of Mexican society.

The biggest thing the DR has going for it is that the DR is still a tourism based economy, Dominicans make billions of dollars per year from people coming here for vacation, so there is a strong incentive to get the violence here under control, and I believe Dominicans will, because billions of dollars are at stake. Mexico and the USA are very different, Mexico is run by drug lords and the USA wants to behave like the Roman Empire and anyone who has studied the history of Rome knows how that turned out.


Gotta love Dark Scorpion as he seems to believe what he’s selling.
A word of advice, don’t believe everything you read.....and ones own thoughts on social position and worth are frequently self fulfilling...... impoverished and ignorant masses are frequently limited to mediocrity regardless of geography or race.


I definatley do not trust them . The Country is beautiful ! But the people , Tourists , Natives and ex-pats amaze me . Drstock . Ignore this post , all's well . Stay safe. Most do , because they REALISE the country can be dangerous exept for you .

El Rey de Mangu

I definatley do not trust them . The Country is beautiful ! But the people , Tourists , Natives and ex-pats amaze me . Drstock . Ignore this post , all's well . Stay safe. Most do , because they REALISE the country can be dangerous exept for you .

have another drink


I don't want to get too deep into politics, but all I will say is that the US government scares me more than the Dominican government, and in fact, I will go as far as to say the US government is far more wicked. If you read what I read and knew what I knew you'd understand why I feel this way. I can point you to some books on the topic so you can do your own research, but needless to say the United States is in an extremely perilous situation.

There is now a mass shooting in the USA every one to two months, often in schools. When was the last time a gunmen in the DR walked into a school and started blowing kids away? If two men here have a dispute and one shoots the other, that is bad, and tourists being murdered here is also terrible, but walking into a school and shooting a bunch of kids? And this isn't a one time occurrence in the U.S. it is happening all the time. This tells me there is something wrong with American society.

But the homicide rate in DR is much higher the US.