Crime & Safety in DR



So big surprise, posted to Everything Cab:

"Due to a recent, unusual media campaign against DR tourism based on a situation that happened in 2 resorts in Punta Cana..."

There is no anti-DR campaign. Most MSM outlets have reported what they know and any comments from folks close to or related to the victims. Woman claims to have been "attacked"; Couple dead, investigation pending, etc. This seems normal. I really don't see a "smear" effort, even on the one-and-two-off sites.

For all of your bashing of another particular site, you seem to be quite fond of it.


I always felt safer in DR than in PR, boriquas are nasty nasty
I have felt safe on both islands. Its also true that I don’t mess with the underworld either. Apart that aspect never attract me, reality is that the risks go way down when not involved with that.

DR Solar

I have not read this whole thread. Been talking with friends back in the U.S.. They are more concerned then most here in the D.R. with the mass shootings and out of control anger issues all around in the States and just driving down the street can invoke road rage.

We have been here 20 years and we adapt security every year. We have no problems but see a lot of increased crime here in the D.R. BUT.... let's keep it in perspective.

El Rey de Mangu

Sosua, another death of natural causes:

"Puerto Plata. Sosúa. Otro ciudadano extranjero fue encontrado muerto en una habitación de hotel Terra Linda en el municipio turístico de Sosúa y según se supo de manera extraoficial, el mismo falleció de forma natural debido a un paro cardiorrespiratorio según diagnóstico del médico Legista actuante Dr. Mario cesar Lopez

El fallecido identificado cómo Joseph Allen Estadounidense llegó el pasado fin de semana a vacacional a esta zona, al lugar se presentaron representantes del ministerio publico en esta provincia de puerto plata, DICRIM, 911, CESTUR y agentes de la uniformada.

Mientras qué el cuerpo sin vida fue enviado al Inacif para los fines correspondiente." -Cabarete Sano Sano (1 hour)


Sosua, another death of natural causes:

"Puerto Plata. Sosúa. Otro ciudadano extranjero fue encontrado muerto en una habitación de hotel Terra Linda en el municipio turístico de Sosúa y según se supo de manera extraoficial, el mismo falleció de forma natural debido a un paro cardiorrespiratorio según diagnóstico del médico Legista actuante Dr. Mario cesar Lopez

El fallecido identificado cómo Joseph Allen Estadounidense llegó el pasado fin de semana a vacacional a esta zona, al lugar se presentaron representantes del ministerio publico en esta provincia de puerto plata, DICRIM, 911, CESTUR y agentes de la uniformada.

Mientras qué el cuerpo sin vida fue enviado al Inacif para los fines correspondiente." -Cabarete Sano Sano (1 hour)

Where did you find this? I can't find anything about it.


Sosua, another death of natural causes:

"Puerto Plata. Sosúa. Otro ciudadano extranjero fue encontrado muerto en una habitación de hotel Terra Linda en el municipio turístico de Sosúa y según se supo de manera extraoficial, el mismo falleció de forma natural debido a un paro cardiorrespiratorio según diagnóstico del médico Legista actuante Dr. Mario cesar Lopez

El fallecido identificado cómo Joseph Allen Estadounidense llegó el pasado fin de semana a vacacional a esta zona, al lugar se presentaron representantes del ministerio publico en esta provincia de puerto plata, DICRIM, 911, CESTUR y agentes de la uniformada.

Mientras qué el cuerpo sin vida fue enviado al Inacif para los fines correspondiente." -Cabarete Sano Sano (1 hour)

They don't mention his age, however a single man, in Sosua, staying at a monger hotel....too much Viagra, sex and drinking. It actually happens a few times each year. This is only my assumption that his heart gave out, but in Sosua it's a reality.

the gorgon

They don't mention his age, however a single man, in Sosua, staying at a monger hotel....too much Viagra, sex and drinking. It actually happens a few times each year. This is only my assumption that his heart gave out, but in Sosua it's a reality.

guys thinking they are indestructible, and trying to outlast viagra, are everyday occurrences everywhere in the world. some 60 year old guy found dead in his hotel room tells you to find out if he went in with a chica.

El Rey de Mangu

They don't mention his age, however a single man, in Sosua, staying at a monger hotel....too much Viagra, sex and drinking. It actually happens a few times each year. This is only my assumption that his heart gave out, but in Sosua it's a reality.

After a week of hanging out on Clisante with his high blood pressure, stacking Viagra, whiskey, fritura and P-tas - you're right.

El Rey de Mangu

guys thinking they are indestructible, and trying to outlast viagra, are everyday occurrences everywhere in the world. some 60 year old guy found dead in his hotel room tells you to find out if he went in with a chica.

The struggle is real. Even Dominican men in the Capital croak a few incidents per month more or less from the same MO. Can't keep up with the chicas or sometimes it's set up in advance


Some guy blowing a fuse in Sosua is not going to get nearly the State Side media attention as a Big jim the union rep from Cherryhill N.J in Punta Cana
If you pass away in Sosua many will say "Oh well" he was just a sex tourist .

chico bill

guys thinking they are indestructible, and trying to outlast viagra, are everyday occurrences everywhere in the world. some 60 year old guy found dead in his hotel room tells you to find out if he went in with a chica.

Better that than dying in your recliner in your house shoes with the wife, who hasn't got busy in 10 years, is nagging you in the background while you try to watch a football game ?
Ya picks your poison.

the gorgon

Better that than dying in your recliner in your house shoes with the wife, who hasn't got busy in 10 years, is nagging you in the background while you try to watch a football game ?
Ya picks your poison.

there is a happy medium, you know. you can get rid of the old hag, but you do not need to force feed yourself sexual stimulants..


Actually she is reporting a very accurate picture of what the experience of being a woman traveler in the Dominican Republic is like.

I was there for 14 years. Ya gets what ya pay for

I've known you on this forum for over 15 years now. Didn't know you left the DR. Where are you now?

Myself it's been 2 years since I've been back. I don't have much of a desire to return to the DR. Many other Dominicans feel just like me.

If a Duterte type wins the presidency and actually cleans house I'll return. Otherwise I'm doing just fine in the USA. It's a million times safer and for me just as fun.

The DR ain't no big deal. The USA has everything the DR has in a much safer saner environment. False assumptions are made about the DR as being a great place to live. It isn't.

When I was a child during the Balaguer years it was because law and order prevailed. Trash Big Papi assassins were executed on the spot.

Today "menores" kill, rape and murder with impunity. No consequences. I'm not interested in such a shythole nation and I'm Dominican far from alone in my sentiment.
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