A woman I know made a comment that went along these lines-
"Men are so used to dealing with whores that when they meet a real woman they can't handle it".
I can see this comment pertaining to the DR. There is, I believe, a remarkable difference between dating in the states and dating in the DR, and you don't necessarily have to be dating a whore to tell. In fact, I don't think this even applies, because I believe most women who know about the DR think Dominican women on the island are all whores because the perception is they "give it up" way too easily.
Most men I know who travel to the DR would rather date Dominican women from the island as opposed to any other type stateside.
There's the perception, and there's the reality. The truth may lie somewhere in between. I would like to know from the good Dr. Badpiece (and anyone else) if there is any truth in either of the statements highlighted above.
"Men are so used to dealing with whores that when they meet a real woman they can't handle it".
I can see this comment pertaining to the DR. There is, I believe, a remarkable difference between dating in the states and dating in the DR, and you don't necessarily have to be dating a whore to tell. In fact, I don't think this even applies, because I believe most women who know about the DR think Dominican women on the island are all whores because the perception is they "give it up" way too easily.
Most men I know who travel to the DR would rather date Dominican women from the island as opposed to any other type stateside.
There's the perception, and there's the reality. The truth may lie somewhere in between. I would like to know from the good Dr. Badpiece (and anyone else) if there is any truth in either of the statements highlighted above.