Dominican obtaining work visa for Canada?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
So sorry to hear this.

Why not raise this with the MP who was supportive of your case, pointing out the lack of logic and fairness in this process?

I hope she doesn't give up, though I can understand why she would feel discouraged. I guess that's what the immigration people want to achieve.


Jan 3, 2002
So sorry to hear this.

Why not raise this with the MP who was supportive of your case, pointing out the lack of logic and fairness in this process?

I hope she doesn't give up, though I can understand why she would feel discouraged. I guess that's what the immigration people want to achieve.

Thanks Chiri, you're so sweet. I am in the process of writing [another] letter to my MP, and cc'ing the Manager of Immigration in Haiti, the Consulate Employee I have been in contact with, the Manager of Immigration Canada, and the PM's office. I will attach the updated job offer letter, saying that the offer is open until October 1, 2007. I really don't expect an answer from them, but I can decide what to do at that point. You are absolutely right, they want people to give up. The real story is probably that they have "run out" of worker's visas for the year (they only are alloted so many/year by Immigration Canada), perhaps by issuing them to personal friends and family, and have no more to issue.


Sep 19, 2005

Oh Trina!

How disappointing! I thought for sure they'd say yes...I can't believe they had the nerve to say that the work offer was outdated!!! And she was coming here to work, to be a benefit to Canadian society and to benefit herself! And to stretch it out for this long!

That's shameful! Shame on Canada! I'm so angry for you...:angry: :angry: :angry:


Jan 3, 2002
Oh Trina!

How disappointing! I thought for sure they'd say yes...I can't believe they had the nerve to say that the work offer was outdated!!! And she was coming here to work, to be a benefit to Canadian society and to benefit herself! And to stretch it out for this long!

That's shameful! Shame on Canada! I'm so angry for you...:angry: :angry: :angry:

Thanks nikke...I can't really believe it myself, but then again, I guess I can. Deep in my heart, I never fully believed that she would be granted the visa (due to how Immigration Canada treats Dominicans applying for visas), however, the more I helped her, the more I believed that she deserved it, and the more I believed that she deserved it, the more I believed it would be granted. Today was just a big blow to the heart, and if I feel like this, I can only imagine how Betania feels. I talked to her very little today, but I will call her when I get home from work. Angel talked to her, and she is taking it much better than I am. She really believed the agent who told her to apply next year, because "surely she will be granted a visa if she appies again next year". I really could just sit down and cry. I can't even concentrate on work today, and I have too much to do to slack off like this. I will write another letter, but I need to cool off before doing so. Writing a letter with my state of mind right now will do more harm than good. If nothing comes from writing the various MP's and gov't representatives, I will take it further. I just don't know if I'm up to the fight right now....I know, I sound like a total drama queen, but that's how I feel at this moment.
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Sep 19, 2005
No, you're right

You need to cool off before you write the letter...I'm still steaming!

For a lack of any better ideas at this time, I'd say this visa process is a money making scheme! I'm sure it pays the bills at the Embassy and then!


Jan 3, 2002
You need to cool off before you write the letter...I'm still steaming!

For a lack of any better ideas at this time, I'd say this visa process is a money making scheme! I'm sure it pays the bills at the Embassy and then!

I'd like to see the Royalty cheques from Clinica Abreu alone - the only clinic applicants are allowed to use to have their medical performed!


New member
Apr 28, 2006
My heart goes out to you!

Trina I have been following your heartbreaking story for a long time. For the rest of us who have friends and relatives trying to get work visas, it leaves us with little hope. It sounds like you have followed the book, dotted every "i", crossed every "t". I am so disappointed for you. You put so much time and effort into this--it just doesn't seem right--it's not right!!!! Obviously, they (at the Embassy) know before the "interview" what the answer is--they know before any initial contact is even made.

It does seem like one big money-making scheme that continues to work for them. Something really needs to be done to stop the false hope and heartbreak.

Here on the east coast of Canada we hear every day of the shortage of workers in the west and how employers are in dire need of workers. Just this past week 20 more workers from Russia were granted work visas in Prince Edward Island to work in a fish plant--in PEI, where unemployment is so high!!

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and wish there was something I could do.


Jan 3, 2002
Trina I have been following your heartbreaking story for a long time. For the rest of us who have friends and relatives trying to get work visas, it leaves us with little hope. It sounds like you have followed the book, dotted every "i", crossed every "t". I am so disappointed for you. You put so much time and effort into this--it just doesn't seem right--it's not right!!!! Obviously, they (at the Embassy) know before the "interview" what the answer is--they know before any initial contact is even made.

It does seem like one big money-making scheme that continues to work for them. Something really needs to be done to stop the false hope and heartbreak.

Here on the east coast of Canada we hear every day of the shortage of workers in the west and how employers are in dire need of workers. Just this past week 20 more workers from Russia were granted work visas in Prince Edward Island to work in a fish plant--in PEI, where unemployment is so high!!

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and wish there was something I could do.

You know, yesterday was a very crappy day. People like you canbon, as well as nikke, chiri, anna, la_barbie, as well as several PM'ers made yesterday feel much better for me. The outreach of support on this website always amazes me when times are tough. I cannot thank you all enough, because you all helped to make a bad day feel a whole lot better. You are all amazing friends to have. Thank you again. On a brighter note, a friend's MIL who was applying for a visitor's visa and also had her interview yesterday was granted the visa, so I am very happy for them, and wish them the best.

For those who understand Spanish ("chat-style" Dominican Spanish, that is ;) - grammar/spelling police: don't bother), here is a copy of the e-mail Betania sent me regarding the interview yesterday:

Hola Trina. Te voy a escribir en espa?ol para explicarte mejor sobre la entrevista. Bien yo llegue, tuve que esperar como media hora, pero luego me hicieron pasar a la entrevista. Ella me trato muy bien me hablo en espa?ol; yo le dije que si queria que le hablara en espa?ol o en ingles. Ella me dijo que en espa?ol es mejor, y que luego me iva hacer varias pregunta en ingles. Luego me hizo varias pregunta en ingles, me dijo que porque Glenn (Employer) puso esa fecha que era hasta el 2007, yo le dije que quizas el se havia he quivocado; que si ella queria le podria llamar o escribirle para que le preguntara a el. Ella me hizo como 7 pregunta en espa?ol, y yo le conteste bien. Entonces, ella me dijo que porque yo iva a ir a canada si el contrato se vencia ahora en septiembre. Yo le dije que el que me havia mandando la carta era porque aun el me necesita todavia y le dije que si me daban la visa, iva a cumplir con el contrato y luego volveria a la Republica a trabajar en mi viejo trabajo. Que solo queria ganar un poco mas de dinero para ayudar a mi mama que estaba enferma y queria seguir estudaiando en la Universidad. Tambien ella me pregunto que porque el quiere mujer, y no hombre. Yo le dije que seguro el quiere apprender cosas de aqui y yo le dije que a mi, me gustaria saber como se trabaja alli. Le dije que yo estaba donde Sabina desde hace 6 a?os trabajando en el jardin. Yo le dije que tu era amiga de el y que se comunican por internet y aveces se hablan por telefono. Luego me hizo varias pregunta en ingles como por ejemplo, "Do you have relatives in Canada" , yo le dije "Yes I have a cousin and his wife Trina". Luego, ella me dijo que yo tengo todas las condiciones para ir a Canada , que yo hablo muy bien ingles, y que tambien no era necesario mucho ingles para ese trabajo. Despues de todo eso, ella me dijo que no me podria dar la visa porque el via puesto que estaba abierto el contrato hasta el 2007. Me dijo que depositara los papeles otra vez y que era mucho mejor para mi, que me podria salir mejor para mi porque el tiempo para trabajar este a?o estaba pasando, que solo que daban dos semanas para trabajar en la franja. Yo le pregunte que si me la negavan otra vez ella me dijo que si era ella que me atendia, me la daba la visa. Eso fue todo, y que si yo queria podria ser con Glenn otra ves el contrato. Eso es todo, mi amor - lo siento, yo hice todo muy bien, te lo asuguro Trina. Yo conteste todo perfectamente y no me puse nerviosa. Ella me dijo que mi entrevista estaba excelente, pero ella dijo que es que para trabajar en la franja estaba pasando el tiempo que depositara otra vez. Yo estoy un poco triste porque yo hago tanto sacrificio y no me dan la visa, pero si tu quieres podremos volver a intentar. Quizas me la dan cuando vuelva. Te quiero mucho. Cuidate


Jan 3, 2002
Reading her e-mail just ires me, because she is such a good person. She is beautiful, and lives in Sosua. She has probably had many gringos offer her a better life outside the country, but she is not interested in marrying for a visa. She's trying to do it the right way. Stories such as Vetania's really makes one cognizant of why some things happen in the DR.

People realize that they need to get out of the country, due to the economic situation and lack of opportunities. They know that other countries won't issue them visas to leave, even when, as Vetania stated above, they meet all the conditions Immigration Canada looks for to approve an applicant (never mind when they don't meet the requirements, perhaps due to the hand life dealt them). This is part of the reason that sankies become sankies. Don't get me wrong, I obviously don't approve of it, and hate to see innocent gringo/as being hurt because of it - but if one places themselves in their situation - one might question if they themselves wouldn't resort to doing the same thing.


Sep 19, 2005
You said it, Trina, and you said it well...I've asked my cousin, who is not as educated as Vetania but was also told to return in a few months, to just relax and not to worry. I don't want them spending another cent on affairs at the Embassy.

He too is not interested in marrying to get over fact he just wants to visit first and if he likes it, he wants to come over here the right way. When we talk about the Sankie stories he's so upset. They were never raised that way. Luckily for him, he has an ok job and a decent home and family life in the DR...not a millionaire but he is so rich in other aspects.

I'll hope to visit the family when I go to the DR next month. Are you planning any trips soon?


Jan 3, 2002
You said it, Trina, and you said it well...I've asked my cousin, who is not as educated as Vetania but was also told to return in a few months, to just relax and not to worry. I don't want them spending another cent on affairs at the Embassy.

He too is not interested in marrying to get over fact he just wants to visit first and if he likes it, he wants to come over here the right way. When we talk about the Sankie stories he's so upset. They were never raised that way. Luckily for him, he has an ok job and a decent home and family life in the DR...not a millionaire but he is so rich in other aspects.

I'll hope to visit the family when I go to the DR next month. Are you planning any trips soon?

I cannot believe that they are telling everyone to apply again, it makes one think that it really is just a money-making scheme. How callous, in a 3rd World Country, where the money spent is a sacrifice and hardship to those applying. I don't want Vetania to spend any more money on this, however, she is determined, and I will support her efforts and help her again in the Spring. I have written a letter to my MP, and various Immigration representatives, but haven't received a response from anyone.

I agree that many Dominicans are so much richer than we are in so many aspects. Family is everything to them, and they really look out for one another. When I visit, I never have to worry about my kids...they are being passed around and hugged and kissed and loved by many. Life is just not like that here...if Vetania EVER gets a visa, I hope this part of "American" life doesn't disappoint her.

We researched bringing Vetania here to be our nanny, through the "live-in caregiver" program. One of the stipulations is that the caregiver cannot be a relative. How ludicrous is that? Who could ever love my kids more than a relative? Our immigration system lacks common sense, but then again, I suppose the illogical policies of our government should no longer shock me.


Jan 3, 2002
I'll hope to visit the family when I go to the DR next month. Are you planning any trips soon?

I forgot to answer this part -
Good for you! I think we may be going in February. We have to go sometime before the 19th, when our littlest one turns 2 and will have to pay full fare! Right now, he flies and stays for free, but after Feb 19, we will have to pay for him to come with us.


Jan 3, 2002
my e-mail to the Embassy and other Immigration Reps

Might as well go out with a bang if she's not about to get a visa...

I just finished talking to Vetania xxxxx, my cousin who had applied to work in Canada upon being offered a contract by xxxx at xxxxxx Farms. To say the least, helping Vetania apply for a visa has been a very trying and frustrating experience.

I simply cannot believe, with the shortage of skilled labourers there is in Canada, that we are denying people who would make a very positive contribution to combat this problem. Canada has even set up a program to help farmers hire Internationally through the "Caribbean/Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program" to help alleviate the need for workers. Ask xxxx of xxxxxx Farms how this program has helped him.

On April 26, 2006, xxxx made an official offer to Vetania to work on his farm. He has had numerous labour-related problems arising from the labour shortage for agriculture in Ontario, and decided to try to hire out-of-country to try to fill this void. Vetania paid the application fee and took all documents necessary to Santo Domingo on May 4, 2006. She was asked to return on May 18, 2006, to have a medical done. This medical cost nearly $200 CDN - why are residents of a 3rd World country asked to submit a medical exam when they are going to be declined for a visa? Shouldn't this be the last step of the procedure, rather than the first? All in all, over $650 was spent in applying for this visa, only for the visa to be declined. That is absolutely shameful in a 3rd World country.

Finally, on July 6, Vetania was asked to go to the Embassy in Santo Domingo again to retrieve her documents. At this time, she expected to receive her visa, only to find a letter declining the application. The reason? "LACK OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS WHICH WOULD ENABLE YOU TO EFFECTIVELY CARRY OUT YOUR DUTIES". This is absolutely untrue, and ludicrous, given the fact that Vetania was never granted an interview to showcase her ability to speak English! Is it even legal to decline an applicant a visa on the basis of language skills when an interview had never been granted? Needless to say, we were all confused, and at this point, I contacted my MP. My MP's office was kind enough to contact the Embassy on Vetania's behalf, and after some discussion, Vetania was granted an interview on September 18, 2006. They couldn't give her an interview sooner because of a lack of staff in Haiti to hold interviews! During this time, xxxx's crops are rotting due to not having enough labourers working them. He had major staff issues this summer, and some of it could have been alleviated if Embassy staff were properly attending the applications.

Today, September 18, Vetania again made the 3-hour trip to the Embassy where she had an interview this morning. The Embassy staff held the interview to assess her English skills. For some reason, Huguette Brutus of the Canadian Embassy in Haiti, asked Vetania to bring MY proof of Immigration status (she thought I was Vetania's sister). I didn't know I HAD an Immigration status, as I am a Canadian Citizen by birth. I explained to her that I am Vetania's cousin, who lives 3-days drive from where Vetania would be working, I am not hiring her, I am only related to her through marriage (cousin), and I am not sponsoring her. She still insisted that Vetania bring my documents, so I sent a copy of my birth and marriage certificate to Vetania to add to her file. Vetania was also asked to bring "ORIGINALS" of documents already deposited at the Embassy. Vetania had to get "new" "originals" because the Embassy already had the original "originals". In the interview, the Immigration worker told Vetania that she spoke very very good English. Vetania had a letter from her English School, saying that Betania had completed her fourth English course, and that she has excellent skills in reading, writing, and translating English. HOWEVER, she was, once again, declined the visa, this time their reason being that "the job offer has terminated". I have attached the scan of the letter xxxx sent to Vetania, saying the job offer is good until October 1, 2007! Once again, the Embassy is declining her visa due to untrue and unreasonable grounds. The Embassy received a copy of the attached letter this morning when Vetania went for her interview...perhaps the Embassy staff lack the English skills required to understand this letter? I am not being sarcastic - the attached letter clearly states that the job offer is good and in effect until October 1, 2007.

I don't know what to do next - she has once again unfairly been declined the visa. Vetania has her heart set on working in Canada to raise enough money to finish her University education in the Dominican Republic. I don't understand how and why the Embassy can make these decisions that affect people's LIVES without having grounds or considering adequate information to make the decisions. She was told by Embassy staff to apply again next year, but who wants to waste ANOTHER $650, as well as several hours in commute and time, just to most assuredly be declined once again? I guess they want people to just give up, and I'm sure they are often successful in accomplishing this. I was told that if you've been declined a visa once, you are automatically declined when you apply again. I implore you to help me understand why Vetania's visa was once again declined. I am seriously considering writing an article about what we've experienced at the hands of Immigration Canada for an associate who works for the Calgary Sun, however, I will anxiously await a response to this e-mail before speaking with anyone further about this matter. I have developed a network of friends who have encountered similar problems at this same Embassy in Haiti, each of whom would love the opportunity to share their experiences. I have attached a copy of the thread I've started on a popular Dominican Republic-related message board. To date, the thread
has received 3,000 views. Many people from this message board have contacted me with stories of woe about Immigration Canada, all problems stemming from the Embassy in Haiti. Thank you again for your time and attendance to this issue.

This was written on Monday evening, and of course, I haven't yet had a single reply to the e-mail.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Keep up the good fight. I of course would have said things a little different, especially the third world part, but you certainly got your message across loud and clear. Keep on with pressure on your MP. I'll contact mine also and see what he says, since he's a goverment member also.


Jan 3, 2002
Keep up the good fight. I of course would have said things a little different, especially the third world part, but you certainly got your message across loud and clear. Keep on with pressure on your MP. I'll contact mine also and see what he says, since he's a goverment member also.

Thanks, Bob. I certainly appreciate it. Ralph Klein is officially handing in his resignation as Premier of Alberta today :( , so with a heated leadership race in the works (my MP being one of the prime candidates), we may (?) get a break.
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Oct 21, 2002
Trina, brilliant! In my view, the right mix of facts, subtle intimidation, and emotion to make the 'authorities' act! Now, go and write that article! Have it ready to be published in 3 seconds flat!

You're one of a kind Trina!


Sep 19, 2005
I agree - well written! I hope the receipients will do something now. Keep us posted!!


Jan 3, 2002
Thanks for the support, ladies! Hopefully, something will come of this, but of course, I am not holding my breath. I just received another e-mail from Vetania, saying that she wants to try again in January, because the Immigration lady told her that for sure she should get a visa if she tries again!


Jan 3, 2002
Trina do they refund any of the money when they turn down an application?

nope, nada, nunca. What really peeves me about this whole mess is that they (a) declined Vetania's visa on the grounds that she doesn't speak English without giving her an interview, which is against Immigration Canada rules; THEN (b) screwed around for months after they'd been told that they had to interview her, and wasted just enough time that the original job contract expiry date was 2 weeks away; THEN (c) used THIS reason (the contract was expiring) to decline her, even though she came prepared for this by bringing an updated letter stating that the job offer was still good and in effect until Oct 1, 2007.

Absolutely ridiculous, as someone told me in an e-mail today - total crap.