Dominicans know strange stuff!

Feb 15, 2005
A woman, complete stranger just came to me stopped popped her head through the door and told me to take my child out of the sun as it would make her ill. My daughter was playing quite contently with her little friend down by the pigs pen which I would have thought might be more of a reason for her concern if any. I went on to tell her a bit of colour wouldnt do her any harm, and she replied that the sun at this time of year brought about fever.................which is news to me, maybe someone could clarify this for me.........

There are many more strange concepts amonst these weirdos, maybe you could tell me about them.

Not sure about the "wierdos" part above, can you explain that one. Or would that be off topic?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Don?t be rediculous, My daughter is India, the entire family have played out in the sun there entire life for generations and no one has had cancer. I spent my entire childhood in the sun, I bake myself for fun. Sound advice.........................WTF are you guys with this attitude to sun doing in this country. Or are you the umbrella brigade I see walking aound complaining about it all day long while smoking 20 benson n Hedges and worrying about Ski cancer.
SPF 50 my arse!!!
I see numerous white or lighter skinned Dominicans with Sun damaged skin. My wife and many other Dominicanas use umbrellas and sun-screen or avoid the sun altogether, or a least the afternoon sun when it's more intense. None of them smoke.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Don?t be rediculous, My daughter is India, the entire family have played out in the sun there entire life for generations and no one has had cancer. I spent my entire childhood in the sun, I bake myself for fun. Sound advice.........................WTF are you guys with this attitude to sun doing in this country. Or are you the umbrella brigade I see walking aound complaining about it all day long while smoking 20 benson n Hedges and worrying about Ski cancer.
SPF 50 my arse!!!

When I was young and stupid, I used to bake myself at the beach too, striving for the darkest tan I could achieve. I'm a pretty pale person. By my mid-20's I had my first skin cancer. Since then I'm a lot more careful, but the damage was done. I've had several more cases of skin cancer over my life, and lots of freckles from sun damage too. These days I sit under the trees or an umbrella on DR beaches, while Mr. AE bakes himself. By the time we're here 2 weeks, he's about 8 shades darker than when we got here.

I still like the look of a tan, so these days I use a moisturizer that adds color to the skin. Jergens Natural Glow Firming Daily Moisturizer Medium to Tan 7 5oz Odorless 019100068087 | eBay


Jan 8, 2002

I got one for you.........

Have you ever heard the salon ladies state they refuse to wash a customers hair themselves then blow dry it? They get a another employee to wash the hair.

Something about the cold to then the heat...they fear they will get paralyzed. WTF!!!

It suggests more of a behavior to prevent electrical shock ("paralyzed"). You do not handle electric appliances with damp hands and damp feet from wet floors even after they are wiped. If you are aware how poorly homes and businesses are wired then you get the picture. Then the next item are the blow dryers themselves, no ground, frayed cords, and with maybe a plugless cord inserted into the wall outlet. Recipe to be "paralyzed"




New member
Oct 20, 2011
I use SPF all the time, I don't like getting tanned that much, I like the color, but I peel in 2 days time and look very strange for a whole week... not worth it.

Superstitions... oh boy, my nanny had plenty of those! lol

While on my period:

- I couldn't walk barefoot.
- I couldn't wash my hair.
- I couldn't ride a horse.
- I couldn't run.

Hot to Cold is a no-no, "te pasmas"

A baby, you can't just say "oh what a beautiful baby" you have to add "Dios lo bendiga" otherwise "le puede caer un mal de ojo" , also, you pin a little piece of azabache to prevent them. If they get hiccups, you take a strand of thread and put it on their forehead (in case you were wondering, you can't use water to "stick it" it's saliva, yes, yuck)

My mom, who was born and raised in a very small town in Cibao, thankfully grew out of all those things hehehehe, but she told me that basically having your period was very boring when she was a kid, because they didn't let her do anything!


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
U can also stick a grain of rice on the baby's forehead to rid him of hiccups........

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Cold Sores" are caused by "Cockroaches" biting your lips while you are sleeping!
More likely from "Cocks" while you are AWAKE!!!!


Sep 27, 2006
period superstitions are actually very grounded and so are the superstitions regarding post birth behaviour. this is the stuff grandma learnt from her grandma. 100 or even 50 years ago there were no tampons, no pads. women used torn pieces of clothing stuffed in their panties - if they had panties at all. the "stuffing" was not secured in any way, it moved, so one could not run, ride a horse and whatnot. often women had no padding at all and bled down their legs. in some areas on latin america open bleeding like that was seen as something positive, a sign a woman is ready and able to reproduce.

then we have all sorts of limits for women who just gave birth, like not washing hair, not going out and so on. water is a major contaminant here in DR and getting into the water after giving birth could have resulted in infection and death. hair would be washed in cold water too and exposure to cold water is not a good idea when recuperating after birth. and a mop of wet hair that cannot be dried is also not great.

none of this makes sense now but it did back 50 or 100 years ago.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
I believe all cultures have these myths - dont sit on a cold step or you will get piles as my granny used to tell me, dont put new shoes on the table, dont open an umbrella inside etc etc


New member
May 27, 2011
period superstitions are actually very grounded and so are the superstitions regarding post birth behaviour. this is the stuff grandma learnt from her grandma. 100 or even 50 years ago there were no tampons, no pads. women used torn pieces of clothing stuffed in their panties - if they had panties at all. the "stuffing" was not secured in any way, it moved, so one could not run, ride a horse and whatnot. often women had no padding at all and bled down their legs. in some areas on latin america open bleeding like that was seen as something positive, a sign a woman is ready and able to reproduce.

then we have all sorts of limits for women who just gave birth, like not washing hair, not going out and so on. water is a major contaminant here in DR and getting into the water after giving birth could have resulted in infection and death. hair would be washed in cold water too and exposure to cold water is not a good idea when recuperating after birth. and a mop of wet hair that cannot be dried is also not great.

none of this makes sense now but it did back 50 or 100 years ago.

While what you say is true, your timing is off. Tampax was invented in 1929. Fifty years ago, all of us were using them.


Sep 27, 2006
While what you say is true, your timing is off. Tampax was invented in 1929. Fifty years ago, all of us were using them.

while your timing is right your location is off. we are talking about DR not USA. tampax might have been invented long time ago but i assure you it did not make it to third world. or even second world. i have never seen a tampon until i was maybe 15. my mother has never used pads until late 80's, they were simply not available.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
A baby, you can't just say "oh what a beautiful baby" you have to add "Dios lo bendiga" otherwise "le puede caer un mal de ojo" , also, you pin a little piece of azabache to prevent them.
This, along with much of what has been described in this thread, is a purely Spanish tradition.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Nals" it's not "Spanish Tradition",.It's "African Tradition"!
Most Dominicans can trace their "Roots" to the "Dark Continent", NOT the Iberian Pennisula!!!!

"Nice TRY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 3, 2002
I always suspected this was the case, but I had someone try to explain to me once that darker skin is warmer than white skin because white reflects the sun and black absorbs it.

My two favorites:

If a tick gets near your ear, it will go into your head and attack your brain.

If a cat sleeps near your head, it will cause a parasite that will kill you (again, attacking the brain).

I don't even try to answer anymore. I just nod my head.

Cats carry a parasite that causes Toxoplasmosis so yes there's some truth to that. Unlike people from The US and other developed countries We Dominicans don't sleep and/or "make out" with our animals. They're out pets, we love them (some people do anyway), but we're not letting Fido kiss and lick us on the lips right after it licks its bumhole...IMO that is just one of the grossest things people do here in The US.


Sep 27, 2006
the biggest source of toxoplasmosis is contaminated soil and raw meat, actually. and yeah, i kiss my cats.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I kiss "Dominicanas" on the lips right after they lick :lick::lick::lick:my "Bumhole"!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Suarezn, if you think that kissing their dogs on the lips, is the grossest thing that people do in the USA, you need to hang with a "Hipper" crowd, or with me here in the DR!


Sep 27, 2006
we're not letting Fido kiss and lick us on the lips right after it licks its bumhole...IMO that is just one of the grossest things people do here in The US.

well, i don't know about that. does 2 girls, 1 cup ring a bell? cleveland steamer? i could go on but i don't want you to run outside and passionately kiss the first viralata you will see as an apology to caninekind.