DR1 members home burgled...again!


Jul 25, 2007
Oh i have helped many people as i am a real soft touch and i have had it thrown back in my face every time. I still kick myself when i do someone a favor or cave into one of their sob stories and i always seem to get stitched up!!!

Please explain further.

When I talk about "helping" neighbors I cetainly don't mean giving them money, etc but mean coming at the signs of trouble.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
I totally understand, Many may question why i had a child if i had concerns or planned better. I waited a good few years into my relationship and till i was in a financial position to support a child well, but after you have a child your prorities change and you are no longer the important one.

The kind of business we have would not be as successful if doable in the U.K, and i worry Mr Lj would loose everything i love about him living in a controlled and unfamiliar place. I have thought about keeping our business here and visiting every three months or so and finding a manager to run things so we would still have an income.

Just the thought of being able to walk down the road on a pavement with out holes in to a park where i can feed the ducks with my little would be wonderful, something poeple who still live back home take for granted...something i used to take for granted. Knowing that if something bad does happen i can call the police with confidence or take my daughter to a doctor that i can trust.

Oh dear it seems i have alot of thinking to do and even more talking with Mr LJ.
I went through the same process a couple of years ago. I posted about this on my blog and on the forums here on DR1.

Moving to Punta Cana has been the solution - not to all the concerns, but it has a huge improvement on life in the capital in terms of the dangers one is exposed to on a daily basis as well as quality of life.

Maybe we should meet up again soon and talk about this. :)


May 23, 2005
I went through the same process a couple of years ago. I posted about this on my blog and on the forums here on DR1.

Moving to Punta Cana has been the solution - not to all the concerns, but it has a huge improvement on life in the capital in terms of the dangers one is exposed to on a daily basis as well as quality of life.

Maybe we should meet up again soon and talk about this. :)

That would be really nice, I will hold you to it! ;)