You've been told before that if you don't like my look, you can make use of the ignore feature that is offered on the forum for free and save yourself some angst.
I am perfectly fine with presenting my experiences in the DR as as a viable alternative to the minority view that buying one's way through the week is the route to go. I'm not lazy, in hurray or incapable of satisfying the documented process. Getting a driver's license at the Puerto Plata office does not require an extra payment to achieve. It doesn't matter to me in the slightest that you know someone who has done that. If the requirements were so onerous at that time, what can I say? It's no longer that way as of two months ago.
Your DR is changing right in front of your nose and I suspect that your critique of me and others who opt not to play by the old rules only reinforces the new reality much to your chagrin. I will continue to point out to those that follow that it is often not necessary to bribe, subvert or cajole your way through daily life here in the DR.
i elect not to ignore you, but to expose your fallacies, your pretensions to expertise notwithstanding. there are people who come here for information, whether it be good, bad , or indifferent. there are certain people in this site who set themselves up as omniscient about the DR, and make statements like yours. what you need to be saying is that you have heard certain things, but you have no first hand knowledge, and, therefore, you are not in a position to offer any definitive position on the subject.
you, on the other hand, make unequivocal remarks about subjects you apparently know nothing about, and in some inflexible manner, as if you know it all.
well, here goes. in capitals.
ENOUGH from both of you. You're probably both right "depending". gorgon, repeating the same thing several times does not make it right.
Things change in DR week to week, even faster lately.
If you feel you MUST bicker further take it to private message, not here!