Yep - expect the Toyota Hilux mini-buses to roll in with the white belts strapped around size 40 seersucker shorts on middle age / elderly men with black socks above their Sketcher arch-support shoes.I have a feeling the Cruise ship Ports are partners , or behind this somehow .. Its a Monstrosity only THEY would think up and actually Build ... drop off the Cruisers in One spot , and get ALL their Money .. why share any of it with the current Vendors on the Beach .
Most of the Cruisers would probably be happy with just the VIEW , some fake Music like at the Airport as Chico Bill outlined before,
and some Drinks .. they love to just Sit and drink .
Think about it ... Also I think The Center of the beach , then would be their Area ( just in case these Fat Bodies want to actually dip their toes in the Water ) ,, . I think this is the Real Plan ... Follow the money .
The timing of this after all these years is just rather interesting .
That Video depiction smells like a daily Cruise Ship Stop . it does not FIT any other way , its just odd and out of place on its own ..
Sosua is quite NOT ready to be Punta Cana .. these people would be like 10 years ahead of their Time .
It will be a lovely sight. Like opening a can of Brunswick sardines.
And after a quick $50 snack (each) and a watered down drink or 4 they will pile back on the Hilux mini buses seated sweaty armpit to back fat for the $60 cab ride back to Amber cove - Oh but maybe if they have time time before The Crystal Ship sails they will stop over in Maimon for a quaint fish dinner prepared by caring families (at suddenly inflated prices) - but sorry no Lambi until the ban is lifted.
Some might complain of sunburn or sand fleas, but most will never come close to going more than ankle deep in that dangerous surf on Sosua Beach.
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