Few questions on DR Dating Scene & 3 Date Rule.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Also keep in mind ( check with your Lawyer) , when you do pass away , IF you have no other Children and lets say you did NOT complete you Will.. ALL of your Assets will go to your Sole Heir ..if you are married to the mother or not , Does not matter ..
I knew exactly such a person in NY City who had a daughter with a Woman from outside the US , and he literally had a one night thing with her many years ago , he had very little contact with his daughter , although he did pay her College . He had Zero relationship with the mother , just some mail and phone contact .. the Daughter visited maybe 3 times in her life total . She is in her 20's ? Our Friends Mother warned him " one day she will come knocking at your door"
This Man had a Girlfriend in NY for many years ..but unfortunately NO Will could be found, when he died suddenly .
Guess who got ALL his assets .. the daughter .. and it was a good size chunk of Money, 2 F&C houses , Expensive Cars , his retirement Money . 7 figures .
We had a front Row seat to all of it . The Woman who was his GF and who did everything for him for many decades, was absolutely furious .
She did not get a Dime as they were never married .

So keep that in the back of your mind when you are fooling around ... Play stupid games win stupid prizes...
Guys fault for not making arrangements or a will.
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Jun 16, 2014
A designated beneficiary could have taken care of all his financial assets and is very easy to do with no lawyer required.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
The rules sure do vary for couples living common law. Not sure it it is recognized here but in Canada the courts consider you married after 2 years.
Jan 9, 2004
And you think the guy knew he was going to die suddenly?

Probably not.

But it still begs the question of why he did not put something in place to distribute his assets according to his wishes. Based on the post, he likely had many years to think about it.

Bringing this full circle and relating to the DR, those with children born here, or born anywhere for that matter, should reflect and act as to how they wish to have their estate divided……unless you have nothing…..in which case……carry on.

The classic case for not doing so and the problems it can entail can be found by googling Larry Hillblom. That became one international hot mess.



Mar 13, 2017
Probably not.

But it still begs the question of why he did not put something in place to distribute his assets according to his wishes. Based on the post, he likely had many years to think about it.

Bringing this full circle and relating to the DR, those with children born here, or born anywhere for that matter, should reflect and act as to how they wish to have their estate divided……unless you have nothing…..in which case……carry on.

The classic case for not doing so and the problems it can entail can be found by googling Larry Hillblom. That became one international hot mess.



Oct 29, 2010
Back to the topic, the "three date rule" must be an American thing, as I've never heard of it. Anyway, I would have thought it only applies to teenagers in any country, as more mature people could decide when is the right time using their judgement.
Jan 9, 2004
Back to the topic, the "three date rule" must be an American thing, as I've never heard of it. Anyway, I would have thought it only applies to teenagers in any country, as more mature people could decide when is the right time using their judgement.
Fair enough...........but there were many questions posed by the op including...............How do women see me?

And to answer, many in the lower strata's of society there view you as a means to an end...............they get pregnant, claim you are the father...............and on it can go..........and in some cases involving those over 62 and collecting ss......................an 18 year meal ticket for them, the child and the rest of the family.


David B

Active member
Aug 31, 2017
As I recall I had to be listed on my daughter's Dominican birth certificate, and the powers that be won't list the father without a marriage certificate. Since we were married in California, the marriage certificate had to be notarized and apostilled and officially translated and legalized in DR. So, with daughter's Dominican birth certificate could establish paternity. The rules for recording a live birth of a US Citizen abroad are paternity and residency. The US parent must have lived so many years in the US after the age of 14, or some kind of rule. The form lists all the documents that they accept as proof, however when I declared that my daughter is a US citizen some dude (in the DR) pushed a button and popped out a government record of me going back to the 1980's and used that to 'prove' that I satisfied residency requirements (which is IMHO kinda crazy that someone in the DR can do such a thing, but whatevers I guess). The guy didn't care about any of the 'residency proof' documents I brought with me.

When i submitted the declaration, I had to swear that I would be financially responsible for my daughter until she is a legal adult. So that's the answer to the question about child support. Why would a parent not want to support their child, anyway.

The legwork and documentation was much more intense in the DR, because they do things differently. For example, have to make 3 trips downtown for a simple documentation thing, and they want to keep your original notarized and apostilled documents which, in my opinion, makes it easier for crooks to steal identities. In the US they want to see original documents, and maybe make photocopies, but they don't keep original documents. IF you show up at a government office with a photocopy of a birth certificate, they aren't going to accept it, right? Even the school here wants an original notarized birth certificate for my daughter. What security measured do they have on those documents? Probably employee identity theft waiting to happen. Anyhow...

About the OP, the "three date rule" has been OK with me, but women who don't put out on the first or second date are probably not going to get along with my shenanigans anyways. So, I don't usually bother with third dates if nothing's happening. I'm just saving the woman the trouble of thinking they might want to like me.

I'm listed on my son's birth certificate filed in Santiago, and his mother and I aren't married. Well, we're married Dominican-style.