
Dec 26, 2011
We foreigners are not here to change the world and help every Dominican we meet. Dominicans hate when we come here and overpay for services like cleaning, gardening, building, etc. If we pay more than the 'going rate', that person then thinks they should always be paid that, and when we move/leave/hire someone else/etc that worker expects to be paid the same for less work than before.

On the other side of the equation, what a hard-working Dominican can charge is lessened by the use of illegal Haitian labor. The "going rate" is based on exploitation of the Haitian's status and previous experience with poverty. And, yes, I understand that an exploited person can be thankful for having been exploited.


Aug 26, 2012
Hey Guys. Just wanted to get some quick advise on a certain situation. I currently have a guy that comes to my house 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays to do yard cleaning (landscaping). He usually gets here around 8:00 to 8:30 ish and would be done within an hour to an hour and a half. One of the main reasons we got him was because our two dogs poop and pee all over the place and our 2 year old plays outside a lot plus the smell from the urine can also be atrocious. So he tidy's up the yard, hoses and washes down (clorox and soap) the garage area and wherever there is tiled area on the outside where the dogs pee, and picks up the poop.

Ok so I am sure most of you other "Extranjeros" out there have or feel the same way I do and always feel like you are paying more than everyone else is. We settled on a price of 4500RD a month which is dirt cheap compared to what you would pay a gardener/landscaper in North America, but does this price sound right for the DR? Also I am planning on scaling him back to only 2 days a week. Can you guys give me some advise on how much this should be costing me? Eventhough the prices would be fair in comparison to Canada this is not Canada and this is one of the reasons I moved here to save money on things like this but at the same time not take advantage of anyone. So I look forward to your help with this guys.

If your desire to save bucks is paramount why not just have your 2 year old poop and pee out in the yard with the dogs. Then your gardener can clean it all up and you can save money on diapers........
Just a thought....:classic:


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I didn't say he's underpaying them. To the contrary. I said he'll find someone to do it for even less. He always will.

No, you didn't say that. You implied that he could pay less if he wants to be cheap and 'take advantage of the natives'. And I disagreed.

When in Rome.....
Dec 26, 2011
No, you didn't say that. You implied that he could pay less if he wants to be cheap and 'take advantage of the natives'. And I disagreed.

When in Rome.....

I appreciate that it's a complicated issue with many nuances. I'm sensitive to "beating down" the wage of a working man or woman.


Dec 13, 2007
Ahh dog poop I have 6 dogs and if I could sell dog poop Id be making good $$$ !!! I get my neighbor he is about 12 he cleans up the poop, rakes the yard cleans an mops the porch he is a good kid he also males runs to the colmado when we need . Very poor I pay him between 50 and 100 pesos every time and he appreciates it I also feed him once and a while let him use my tools to fix his pedal bike he is a good kid and I try to help him as much as possible.


Aug 26, 2012
Ahh dog poop I have 6 dogs and if I could sell dog poop Id be making good $$$ !!! I get my neighbor he is about 12 he cleans up the poop, rakes the yard cleans an mops the porch he is a good kid he also males runs to the colmado when we need . Very poor I pay him between 50 and 100 pesos every time and he appreciates it I also feed him once and a while let him use my tools to fix his pedal bike he is a good kid and I try to help him as much as possible.

Most of us (if not all) had little jobs when we were growing up. It started with tasks around the house to earn that weekly allowance. Then it moved on to newspaper delivery, lawn mowing, babysitting etc. Not only did it serve to keep us out of trouble, provide us with some working capital (lol)...........It began the process of teaching us how to be responsible and the importance of a job well done.

Imo, bermyboy has the right idea.........Start them young. Education, education, education.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Thank You "TURK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For your "OP", and giving me yet ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY to let you, and some others, know that,
What you pay for "Goods & Services in you home country has no bearing on what you should pay here!
If you pay a "Cleaning Lady" $20 US an hour in Boston, does that mean you should pay her $5 US an hour here, or about 10 times the average rate????
Conversely then, If you move to a country where "Cleaning Ladies" receive an average rate of $50 US, you feel you should only pay $20 an hour, because that is what "Cleaning Ladies" earn "Back Home"???
You should pay what the the local economy pays, no More, or no less either!


Sep 27, 2006
you guys make me sick. do you go paying more for the bus ticket back home because "oh, this few bucks more is nothing"? do you pay the plumber more because you can? do you grossly overpay for every service rendered because "oh, they so poor, me so rich"? you must like it so much in DR where you can feel do damn generous throwing dollar bills at poor hungry savages...

god help me.

i am with AE on that. you are overpaying the guy. i would suggest that you cut his pay accordingly if you want to cut his hours. alternatively you can put him to do more things. wash the car. clean the roof of the house. scrub and repaint some rusting areas on metal gates and bars. option number three is to let him go with a month pay and use the kids you talked about. give them a 100 pesos each plus a good meal with soda or juice. it all depends on what you want and can spend...


Jul 9, 2010
Based on the formula I saw in previous posts your daily wage is high but it is all about the quality of work and your comfort level you have with your employee. Talk to other folks in your area to determine what they are paying. It's all relative to either what is the local going rate or you could compare it to what you would pay for the same work back home.



Sep 27, 2006
to compare: we pay our gardener 350 pesos each time he comes. he stays about 3-4 hours, depending on the workload. he cleans the yard (including some dog poop, i presume, but we walk the beast every day so there is not that much of it). waters the plants when needed. fumigates for mosquitoes. washes dogs. cuts down old trees and dried leaves/branches.
no food but we give him some platanos or bananas to take home when he takes down a razimo. he has to drive his scooter a long way too, he lives far away.


Jan 21, 2006
you like the guy, he does a good job, shows up on time and so far your house has not been robbed by someone with insider information and he is not breaking the bank then keep him but no pay raises or loans.
We pay our gardener $4000 pesos a month for 3 days a week for 6 hours a day and he WORKS hard, takes away our garbage, picks up dog poop, washes the car , cleans the pool, does many things around the house, fixes stuff, cuts the grass, cleans the inverters and much more. HE even stays late when we are not home even though we tell him not too. Since he lives near us he also watches our house when we are not there. This dude rocks!!


New member
Mar 14, 2005
You can't have it both ways.

Pollo that statement right there sums me up. I have a serious problem with this within my company back home and even here with my domestic employees. I always go out of my way to try and make my employees feel that me and them are on the same level and almost become too friendly with them because I hate the "US(employees) and THEM(employers)" feeling. And then it becomes kind of weird because when they slack off and I have to talk to them about it they look at me as a friend correcting their behavior and don't really respect me I guess you would say. My wife always forewarns me saying "you're getting to friendly, that's going to be a problem later" but I never listen and I have had to let soooo many employees go for insubordination but in fact it is mainly my fault they started crossing the line! :(


New member
Mar 14, 2005
you could always pick up the dog crap yourself every time you let it go on your tile floor and save 4500 pesos..I hope this is a joke for your child's sake

Blue when I say tile, I am talking about outdoors. Not inside my house LOL, my dogs are housebroken. The dogs go out to do their business and it's all over the place. I used to do it myself but I work from home and do a lot of remote assitance work online so I don't have the time and the gardener offered to do it.
Dec 26, 2011
Pollo that statement right there sums me up. I have a serious problem with this within my company back home and even here with my domestic employees. I always go out of my way to try and make my employees feel that me and them are on the same level and almost become too friendly with them because I hate the "US(employees) and THEM(employers)" feeling. And then it becomes kind of weird because when they slack off and I have to talk to them about it they look at me as a friend correcting their behavior and don't really respect me I guess you would say. My wife always forewarns me saying "you're getting to friendly, that's going to be a problem later" but I never listen and I have had to let soooo many employees go for insubordination but in fact it is mainly my fault they started crossing the line! :(

I suffer from the same disease. Be true to yourself. It is appreciated, even by those that are no longer with you, though at times it may seem otherwise. I recall your posts about taking your housekeeper with you on your move to RD. You take care of those that you value. That's a strength, not a weakness. Good luck.


New member
Mar 14, 2005
I disagree with you pollogringo. That 100 pesos for those kids is a lot of money, and I'm sure it helps the family quite a bit. And yes, 100 pesos for an hour or so of work is a lot of money in DR - remember, gringos are paid that in call centers in DR!

We foreigners are not here to change the world and help every Dominican we meet. Dominicans hate when we come here and overpay for services like cleaning, gardening, building, etc. If we pay more than the 'going rate', that person then thinks they should always be paid that, and when we move/leave/hire someone else/etc that worker expects to be paid the same for less work than before.

I know Dominicans who will not, under any circumstances, employ a maid who has worked for a foreigner. We pay them too much and ask for too little. They say we 'ruin' them.

Alter this statement also hits home. Prior to the housekeeper we have now, I was paying my first helper 15,000RD a month and I almost couldn't sleep at night because I felt like I was ripping the lady off! We would let her go home early pretty much every day once she was done (around 1pm) and she ate whatever we had in the fridge. She ended up getting a visa and she left the country apparently. Our current helper was found by our driver and he handled all the negotiation and we pay her 8000 pesos a month!! He said that's more than enough for her and that I like to overpay people! LOL . I don't think I can ever get use to the wages people make here.


New member
Mar 14, 2005
If your desire to save bucks is paramount why not just have your 2 year old poop and pee out in the yard with the dogs. Then your gardener can clean it all up and you can save money on diapers........
Just a thought....:classic:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You got me and my wife in tears laughing!!!!


New member
Mar 14, 2005
you guys make me sick. do you go paying more for the bus ticket back home because "oh, this few bucks more is nothing"? do you pay the plumber more because you can? do you grossly overpay for every service rendered because "oh, they so poor, me so rich"? you must like it so much in DR where you can feel do damn generous throwing dollar bills at poor hungry savages...

god help me.

i am with AE on that. you are overpaying the guy. i would suggest that you cut his pay accordingly if you want to cut his hours. alternatively you can put him to do more things. wash the car. clean the roof of the house. scrub and repaint some rusting areas on metal gates and bars. option number three is to let him go with a month pay and use the kids you talked about. give them a 100 pesos each plus a good meal with soda or juice. it all depends on what you want and can spend...

This is very helpful input. Thanks DV8!