good stuff happens

May 12, 2005
The lack of cleanliness of the streets is one of my biggest pet peeves. At one time the streets were spotless and kept that way. No good reason for all that garbage to be on the streets and sidewalks.

Here is a foto of Santo Domingo in the 1970s. Not that long ago. Look at how clean the streets were. What has caused the change in the populace?



Sep 27, 2006
medio ambiente presents a plan of dealing with the rubbish:
Medio Ambiente presenta plan para manejar residuos s?lidos en el pa?s -
in a nut shell:
Entre las l?neas de acci?n contenidas en la propuesta est?n promover la disminuci?n en la generaci?n de residuos s?lidos, incentivar la recuperaci?n y el reciclaje, definir normas t?cnicas y operativas para la gesti?n de los residuos s?lidos municipales y promover el modelo de gesti?n basura cero.
As? como tambi?n establecer programas de recolecci?n selectiva de desechos peligrosos para minimizar su inadecuada eliminaci?n, definir un sistema tarifario que refleje los costos asociados a una gesti?n integral de los residuos s?lidos municipales, entre otras.

the plan includes promoting reduction of solid waste, encouraging recovery and recycling plus creating national standards of waste management. i'm thinking the prices the local ayutamiento charges for collecting the rubbish will go up...