Government Investigating Police Extortion Of Tourist


New member
Aug 30, 2013
And when they find out the weak one wasn't that weak after all they scream "Fowl."

my point!

at the same time i don't wish nothing bad upon these tourist, but it's like people who use crack, if you use crack and then cry later that you lost this, that and whatever.. i mean!


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
to me these older tourist who are off the market who come to countries like this to get with putas are just filthy!

i don't like this whole world of men going to putas, i don't even like my friends talking about it!

taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..

Oh cry me a river, it puts food on their family's table when there is nobody else with income.
99% of these girls are not forced into prostitution, and very few are thieves.

The guy in this story is just a dumbass that got robbed, and made the mistake of getting the police involved. Isn't it legal over there along with space cakes? Why is this different, just moe money?
Aug 6, 2006
I wonder how many Icelandic-Spanish interpreters there are in Cabarete. Odds are the Icelander spoke some English, most do. This is not a typical story, though it certainly happens far too often.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
to me these older tourist who are off the market who come to countries like this to get with putas are just filthy!

i don't like this whole world of men going to putas, i don't even like my friends talking about it!

taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..

Torie - Mannetje
You have me confused are you a girl, a little guy or a cock???
Ever been to the dirty world of Amsterdam or other major cities in Holland?

In the DR there are more tourists, residents and citizens being taken advantage of by officials than unfortunate girls being pillaged.Better learn about the country and preach from another pulpit.
Aug 6, 2006
How stupid is this guy?! Whore tells him she's not feeling well and he runs to buy her medicine. hahaha.
No, He told her he wasn't feeling well, and sent her to buy medicine. Perhaps he sent her to buy condoms. But apparently she returned and was present when he checked his pants and found his money and his phone missing. They they wrestle a bit, one of them (I am guessing him) calls the hotel manager and the cops get involved. The girl had apparently been charged with theft eight times.


Oct 29, 2010
taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..

You MUST be joking! Do you think this girl is the weak one? This girl was acting as a hooker to earn her money. Nobody forced her to do so. The girls here hold all the cards and when they team up with the police and lawyers, they are more of a force than any tourist.
Aug 6, 2006
The police are the ones who got paid here, the tourist got fleeced, and the girl got some bruises, so I would tend to say that it sounds like the police and the lawyer are holding the cards, since it was they who got the jackpot. Probably they had little to do with setting the whole thing off.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
to me these older tourist who are off the market who come to countries like this to get with putas are just filthy!

i don't like this whole world of men going to putas, i don't even like my friends talking about it!

taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..

Its much more offensive to throw around the word "puta" and call "older tourists" filthy.
I'm so sure your girl friend was a virgin when you met her.


Oct 21, 2008
Your comment is less than intelligent and so is Ken for agreeing with you and his comment in post #54!
The hotel most likely had her cedula and she was not allowed to leave and reported to the police, which got the extortion by police and a lawyer started.
Quote: hab?a estado presa en 8 ocasiones por robo." Arrested 8x for robbery
This does not just happen to people involved with sex, which makes the inhibited gleeful and righteous.
This happens to tourists driving cars or residents purchasing real estate or expats marring a Dominican.
Criminal collusion of police and lawyers. The very people who are charged with protection and justice.
You guys better start engaging your brains. The list of honest and "christian" citizens, residents and tourists who have been victimized is long.
Isn't this what you are all cheering about in the supposed clean up of Sosua and increase of tourism and investment.
Only with law and order and confidence in officials will people be serious about the DR.
Otherwise one is an idiot to invest 500k or a million in real estate or business.[/QUOTE

I am sorry that I am not as Intelligent as you Lobo Tropical,But maybe you need to read the opening post and try to understand what the subject of this post was. This was not about law abiding people driving cars or real estate. or anythong else. Maybe you can't comprehend that the subject was tourist getting caught in scams while paying street hookers for sex, plain and simple.
Just think about it for a minute, they want to protect sex tourist from getting scammed by hookers but then again they want to drive away all the bars and places like passions that are based on prostitution.
I stick to my opinion that if you want to risk picking up dirty hookers in the street then don't run to the police when you get scammed.You want to have cheap sex and take advantage of young women that are in need of money, then that's the risk you take when dealing with those type of people.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
First stupid action, getting envolved with a hooker.
Second stupid action, having ure money and valuables anywhere near said hooker.
Third stupid action, slapping said hooker around.
Fourth stupid action, getting police envolved.
Fith stupid action ( which should have been #2, eso rum), tak7nd said hooker back to ure own place instead of cabana.

All in all a good candidate for 2013 darwin awards.....
Ps. If u slap a hooker around in amerstadam, best case scenario u end up in prison ( and wont get out with 150000pesos), worst case scenario u get ure skull caved in by a basballbat held by a surithian bodyguard ( or legal pimp if u prefer).


New member
Mar 29, 2011
to me these older tourist who are off the market who come to countries like this to get with putas are just filthy!

i don't like this whole world of men going to putas, i don't even like my friends talking about it!

taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..

As far as I know, prostitution is legal in the DR. It's widely practiced by Dominicans. So why shouldn't a tourist be able to avail him/her self of it?

Yes, this guy was an idiot getting the police involved (among other things), but that's a different issue.

Also, from what I've seen on Pedro Clisante, a good % of the "mongers" are not that old. 20s and 30s seems pretty common.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
As far as I know, prostitution is legal in the DR. It's widely practiced by Dominicans. So why shouldn't a tourist be able to avail him/her self of it?

Yes, this guy was an idiot getting the police involved (among other things), but that's a different issue.

Also, from what I've seen on Pedro Clisante, a good % of the "mongers" are not that old. 20s and 30s seems pretty common.

exactly. this notion of mongers being some 60 year old geezer from Banff is entirely erroneous.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
The police are the ones who got paid here, the tourist got fleeced, and the girl got some bruises, so I would tend to say that it sounds like the police and the lawyer are holding the cards, since it was they who got the jackpot. Probably they had little to do with setting the whole thing off.

Not quite so .... some of the tourists got fleeced without the contact with the ho ... and most of the time people with money are extorted becouse they have money. And who knows about this fact - only a RE agent (who is organizing rent of an apartment or villa or hotel for that guy).
One unofficial investigation proved that. The REAgent indicates to the police and/or the lawyer, who is the best victim and also when is the best time to hit on him (usually 2-3 days before departure). He knows the dates and knows that nobody wants to miss his plane.
DR1 will not hear about that scheme - everybody involved would like to be quiet or try not to remember.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
Torie - Mannetje
You have me confused are you a girl, a little guy or a cock???
Ever been to the dirty world of Amsterdam or other major cities in Holland?

In the DR there are more tourists, residents and citizens being taken advantage of by officials than unfortunate girls being pillaged.Better learn about the country and preach from another pulpit.

what makes you think i agree with the red light district?!!

you need to understand one thing very very good!

not everybody who is born with a d$ck thinks banging putas is a boss thing to do! i don't agree with that lifestyle and that's about it! some putas are putas cos they want to, others because to are forced to. of course i feel sorry for those who are being forced to do this and that is why i don't agree with this lifestyle.

now let's take it out of amsterdam and let's take it back to santo domingo! in this case i don't even look at the putas, i look at the dirty tourist who come over here (just for the sake of banging putas) knowing damn well that women here are weak!

tourist don't commit a crime by doing this, maybe in this country if it wasn't for them a lot of families would have been beyond broke! so i guess they deserve a standing ovation! at the same time, this is the reason i applaud my country (surinam, where my parents are from) that there is money because of drugs!

at the end of the day, money is what makes the world goes around! BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN ONE HAS TO AGREE WITH THE WAY MONEY IS BEING EARNED!

i wouldn't never put a stop in anything what is going on, like i said, i just laught at those who are get screwed over doing this! they came here, they want to not only take advantage of girls, they want to take advantage of the economy to safe more than how many bucks per puta??

too bad they found theirselves in a pool where not only they are the ones who like to take advantage of people!


New member
Aug 30, 2013
You MUST be joking! Do you think this girl is the weak one? This girl was acting as a hooker to earn her money. Nobody forced her to do so. The girls here hold all the cards and when they team up with the police and lawyers, they are more of a force than any tourist.

you missing the point, being a thug or a criminal doesn't make you strong!

just to make you understand what i'm talking about! everybody on this site is "strong" for the fact they could just travel to where they want cos they were born in a country that provided them more opportunities to make something out of them! (yes every country has it's criminals and bla bla bla)

now look at this country! a lot of people are "weak" because their chances of becoming something is low! so when being "weak" doesn't mean you can't come up with schemes trying to make it out!

so i am not joking, i am death serious!

i have a empleado, i pay him 400 per day and he would do it for 300 also! i am guilty of taking advantage of the weaks also AND I AM NOT CRYING ABOUT IT! i confess it and i know what's the deal and i'm taking fully advantage of it!

it safes me a lot of money and i still get what i need!

some go to china to get their clothes being made to sell it with a nike logo for $100 and some go to indonesia OR SANTO DOMINGO to get laid for 10% of what they would pay back home!

life is a beach!


New member
Aug 30, 2013
Its much more offensive to throw around the word "puta" and call "older tourists" filthy.
I'm so sure your girl friend was a virgin when you met her.

help me to connect the dots!

what does my girl not being a virgin has to do with all of this?