Has American citizens 🇺🇸 lost theirs “charms” in recent years with the Dominican women ?

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Here it’s a questions targeted directly for the old timers of DR1 and anyone living in DR for more than a decade… Has Americans lost theirs charm In last recent years with Dominican females ? … allowed me to rephrase the question utilizing more contemporary words (slangs) , DO American shine less than years ago as far as sparking an interest on female for the simple fact of being an American 🇺🇸 ?

My friend told me that 20 years ago Dominican women will throw them self at you just cause you were an American citizen , Are those days over ?

IF yes , what cause the decline ?

Let's just say you will be astonished by what you find this time around.

Blame it on the internet.
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Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Times have changed a lot over the years and although money is and always will be a huge influence, it is not the only influence. Having access to better education than before there are more students at university studying for a career. You will always find opportunists, especially in the areas such as Boca Chica, Sosua, Cabarete etc. but as Johne says above, if you walk around many areas in Santo Domingo and even Santiago, you will find a totally different attitude towards foreigners. Many of them won't even give you the time of day because many Dominican women relate foreign men to the sex trade readily available here. It is changing very slowly, which is very positive, but there is still a long way to go. I have lived here for 20 years, married to a Dominican lady and I have a 19 year old daughter and it is interesting to see her, and her university friends attitudes towards foreigners...they are just not interested. It is also how you educate your children that can make a difference.
And when it comes to the chance of getting a visa, the funny thing is that many women try everything they can to get one, especially by marrying a foreigner, but it is incredible the amount of women that have left the DR only to return saying that life is in fact better here in the DR!

Mmmh, I dont know. Just recently, a few days ago, I got a lot of not-very-catholic looks from a group of university students.
Not too sure what university, it was on the metro L1, a stop or 2 before the Centre de los Heroes (??).
I think they assumed I didnt speak spanish, and just discussed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Nothing " wrong" per se, but if --- God forbid--- I had daughters, I would prefer they were " into" boys of their own age and not 40 year old men ........ but thats just me 😑😑.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Mmmh, I dont know. Just recently, a few days ago, I got a lot of not-very-catholic looks from a group of university students.
Not too sure what university, it was on the metro L1, a stop or 2 before the Centre de los Heroes (??).
I think they assumed I didnt speak spanish, and just discussed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Nothing " wrong" per se, but if --- God forbid--- I had daughters, I would prefer they were " into" boys of their own age and not 40 year old men ........ but thats just me 😑😑.

And there it is. You’re 40, not a senior citizen. 😊
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
HEY ! You need to show respect to all members of this forum and their opinions: you didn’t read the rules and regulation of the forum ? Are we clear ? I AM GOING TO NEED YOU TO MAINTAIN A HIGH LEVEL OF SENSITIVITY AND RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM WHEN YOU REPLIED TO THREADS FROM ME or ANY OTHER MEMBER …. DO YOU COPY ?

by the way :

F.U. M.F …. How is that English for you ?

Did YOU read the rules and regulations? Your language is definitely not permitted. Take a week to think about how you could have handled this better.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
And there it is. You’re 40, not a senior citizen. 😊

At times I feel like one 🤣🤣🤣

I was under the impression that the OP was kind of around that age. Not to sure why though.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
There never was and there never will be any American "charms" with Dominican women. Only one's warped perception of reality. Talk about adult incels having zero game.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
The charm is being an US CITIZEN …. what do you mean what charm , every one knows that was a HUGE plus being an american 20 years ago as far as sparking Dominican women interest
It always was and still is $US, charm never came into play also a rare commodity by most players.
Next may be marriage by an unsuspecting fool, yes there may be a FEW success stories which remain the exception.

Of course the Sosua players are just oozing charm, dripping from their towels onto their socks and sandals.
Very charming.
If there is real charm it will be displayed in circles never visited by most.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Perhaps your friend with 20 year old view points is not aware of the strong, independent position Dominican women have achieved over that period of time? Some of those ideas might have a genesis born in some northern cities that have gained a reputation as a "sin city". Your friend is old, old, old and you are trying to put a "shine" on antiquated views toward the real women of the D.R. Try walking around Naco, Piatini, etc, in the capital for a week and form your opinpons from what you observe. Ask those women( those in business dress), and those going to the universities what they think. That would be a more "contemporary " inquiry" NOT the advise of some old farts trying to re-live their past.

Those women with attitude would stack up at best to middle class in US, CAN, EU, if that.
The wealth created by the seriously rich is usually from daddy, not generated by a majority of DR women.
Regardless they are the exception.
As far to University education in the DR, it is limping way behind 1st world standards.
The few shining stars remain the exception. not the average standard.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
Times have changed a lot over the years and although money is and always will be a huge influence, it is not the only influence. Having access to better education than before there are more students at university studying for a career. You will always find opportunists, especially in the areas such as Boca Chica, Sosua, Cabarete etc. but as Johne says above, if you walk around many areas in Santo Domingo and even Santiago, you will find a totally different attitude towards foreigners. Many of them won't even give you the time of day because many Dominican women relate foreign men to the sex trade readily available here. It is changing very slowly, which is very positive, but there is still a long way to go. I have lived here for 20 years, married to a Dominican lady and I have a 19 year old daughter and it is interesting to see her, and her university friends attitudes towards foreigners...they are just not interested. It is also how you educate your children that can make a difference.
And when it comes to the chance of getting a visa, the funny thing is that many women try everything they can to get one, especially by marrying a foreigner, but it is incredible the amount of women that have left the DR only to return saying that life is in fact better here in the DR!

The last paragraph is true.
I think many can not adapt to life outside as scholastic requirements are very high, no faking it.
Also life on the outside consists of very hard and disciplined work to get ahead.
This also includes the discipline of saving and planing ahead.
Life is better in the DR for them as they can let things slide, with much lower standards.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
Ca$h never goes out of style. We have all seen it, an old fat guy with ear hair sitting at a table in a restaurant with a girl that looks like a model.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
From what you posted in other threads - this is yet another of a multitude of stupid questions,
I'd say charm is something you will need to work on, as well as whatever you are using to translate your questions into English.
You can have a relationship sure, but there are not many women here who think Americans or other foreigners, for that metter, are any great shakes.
However based on your English, it appears you are not likely a natural born US citizen

A good percentage of the time you make no sense

Rey appears to be lost between worlds, not really home in any of them.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2022
Puerto Plata
HEY ! You need to show respect to all members of this forum and their opinions: you didn’t read the rules and regulation of the forum ? Are we clear ? I AM GOING TO NEED YOU TO MAINTAIN A HIGH LEVEL OF SENSITIVITY AND RESPECT AND PROFESSIONALISM WHEN YOU REPLIED TO THREADS FROM ME or ANY OTHER MEMBER …. DO YOU COPY ?

by the way :

F.U. M.F …. How is that English for you ?

You clearly displayed your mentality in your closing comment.
If anyone did have respect for you before (which is doubtful) you have now lost it.
Work on self control!

Work on earning respect by your intelligence and behaviour.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
When Rey gets back from vacation maybe we can point him to a substance abuse center in his area. I agree that just because you drink rum at 9:00am does not necessarily make you an alcoholic, you could be a pirate, I am not here to judge.
But maybe they could teach him a bit of self control.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Those women with attitude would stack up at best to middle class in US, CAN, EU, if that.
The wealth created by the seriously rich is usually from daddy, not generated by a majority of DR women.
Regardless they are the exception.
As far to University education in the DR, it is limping way behind 1st world standards.
The few shining stars remain the exception. not the average standard.
Say what you want, there are many women in the DR lacking a great education but many of them are very intelligent.