I can't help feeling sorry for all the. . .


Jun 28, 2003
People that are sitting on the fence or have decided not "to come this year". IMHO, and only IMHO, I think this a case of not applying logic to a a given situation. For example: I have travelled back and forth every month SDQ-JFK since the first week of Jan. The safety and conditions have never ever been more hygienic that the past 8 months. The fresh air on the beaches, has never been cleaner and wide open for miles to get out and breathe without a mask. For all those in urban cities using mass transit. . .is that safe? Better for you? Hmm. You know the answer. NYC has allowed dinning outside of the restaurant. Hip, hop, hooray! They all sit there waiting to get hit by a car and sucking in bus fumes because "they want to go out". Boo hoo. Take a picnic basket and go to the beach and enjoy what you have dreamed about all your life.
Category 4 advisory on line. So what was it before Covid? A three? Tell me what the advisories are for Rome or the streets of Naples. Horrible. You want to go to Jamaica ? The cabbie takes you to the restaurant and waits for you with a MACHETTE in his right hand. Mexico? Remember Escobar. The way of life. You don't like 3 boys being locked up for a teeny weeny amount of drugs in the DR... boo hoo. That's their problem. Stay home. Food at AI hotels suck. Always have been. In a few more weeks for the winter season restaurants will be open and the curfew will go bye bye. Don't think so?? Read the bio of the President and check out who his friends are. Whore mongers have not changed their tune since Cleopatra. You can read 250 pages here on DR1 and invest in the next Disneyland or save your money and understand some things are for ever.

In closing this liquor inspired post I need to go now and watch the magnificent sun go down on another 90 degree day here in paradise. Sit on the fence if you want but remember it is not you who decides when the sun sets on you.
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Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
People that are sitting on the fence or have decided not "to come this year". IMHO, and only IMHO, I think this a case of not applying logic to a a given situation. For example: I have travelled back and forth every month SDQ-JFK since the first week of Jan. The safety and conditions have never ever been more hygienic that the past 8 months. The fresh air on the beaches, has never been cleaner and wide open for miles to get out and breathe without a mask. For all those in urban cities using mass transit. . .is that safe? Better for you? Hmm. You know the answer. NYC has allowed dinning outside of the restaurant. Hip, hop, hooray! They all sit there waiting to get hit by a car and sucking in bus fumes because "they want to go out". Boo hoo. Take a picnic basket and go to the beach and enjoy what you have dreamed about all your life.
Category 4 advisory on line. So what was it before Covid? A three? Tell me what the advisories are for Rome or the streets of Naples. Horrible. You want to go to Jamaica ? The cabbie takes you to the restaurant and waits for you with a MACHETTE in his right hand. Mexico? Remember Escobar. The way of life. You don't like 3 boys being locked up for a teeny weeny amount of drugs in the DR... boo hoo. That's their problem. Stay home. Food at AI hotels suck. Always have been. In a few more weeks for the winter season restaurants will be open and the curfew will go bye bye. Don't think so?? Read the bio of the President and check out who his friends are. Whore mongers have not changed their tune since Cleopatra. You can read 250 pages here on DR1 and invest in the next Disneyland or save your money and understand some things are for ever.

In closing this liquor inspired post I need to go now and watch the magnificent sun go down on another 90 degree day here in paradise. Sit on the fence if you want but remember it is not you who decides when the sun sets on you.

Agree. But there are always going to be the scared types that are risk averse. Hell, I'm risk averse in the financial world, which is why I lost nothing in the dot com bubble bust. Life is to enjoy and help others along the way.
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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2012
I’d be there in December but it’s quarantine rules that prevent that trip, not current Covid numbers in the DR.

Not to derail, but there is a DR connection...sort of. Last night a comedian/media personality guy Molusco interviewed Nicolas Escobar, Pablo’s nephew I believe. He made all kinds of outlandish claims, particularly that he had recently found some of Pablos missing money, to the tune of 18 million dollars. He also stated that the DA didn’t kill him, rather that he (nephew) personally took the body to the morgue, and Pablo died by suicide.
Dominican radio Alofoke Music did a couple of interviews with Escobar’s sicario Popeye before the hit man died this past February. They were interesting.


Active member
Aug 16, 2017
Agree. But there are always going to be the scared types that are risk averse. Hell, I'm risk averse in the financial world, which is why I lost nothing in the dot com bubble bust. Life is to enjoy and help others along the way.
I'm not scared one bit, I actually think the whole Covid thing is a hoax, but why would I voluntarily go to a country where the government is going to tell me at what time I have to be home, treat me like I'm on parole?

PS. Look at the video I linked, does that look like a fun vacation?


Jun 28, 2003
Can't wait to be back, looks fun! :LOL:

Do what fits your thinking.BTW is that the norm where YOU live? Not what I am experiencing . "Looks fun", sorry to say, and I'm sure you will agree, there isn't a soul that will miss you. That's life.
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Sep 27, 2017
Can't wait to be back, looks fun! :LOL:

It is great to see that the RD is attracting the best, brightest, and classiest visitors to this country.
Following the video, this LOSER has the nerve to ask/request persons to donate and support his YouTube "work".
Support exactly what, paying his bar and escort bills?
This is definitely a product the RD definitely does not need, want or desire any longer.
If the video reporter was so offended, he should book a departing flight to his home nation.


On vacation
Jun 10, 2008
the opposite applies for some people too. They can't imagine going to a country spending hundreds and/or thousands of dollars to be inside the house by 7:00 p.m. they feel sorry for you
I think johne sees it as his second home here. I live here and planning to go back to my country in Europe for 5-6 months before I come back. Big changes partly brought by Covid. I can’t imagine right now visiting somewhere I don’t know very well not knowing exactly the different Covid rules in that country.,
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Sep 27, 2017
I'm not scared one bit, I actually think the whole Covid thing is a hoax, but why would I voluntarily go to a country where the government is going to tell me at what time I have to be home, treat me like I'm on parole?

PS. Look at the video I linked, does that look like a fun vacation?

While I am against the curfew, it is the current law, and these current hours are still in effect until Monday.
In which nation do you not have to follow the existing rules in place?
I would not want to live in a lawless society.


Sep 27, 2017
the opposite applies for some people too. They can't imagine going to a country spending hundreds and/or thousands of dollars to be inside the house by 7:00 p.m. they feel sorry for you

Persons should understand the current rules of order within a place before they spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to get offended.
That is called, common sense.