I was keeping an eye out for it and still got sankified


Dec 11, 2009
I thought I was a good judge of people, I was the only one in my family to spot the gold digger trying to go after my grandfather. This woman gave an Oscar winning acting performance though. She is also a professional person, going to the law school at UTESA. I had checked this myself.

I only got suspicious when I bought her an outfit for a date with me and then she showed up not wearing it, I bet she gave it to someone else. Her "friend" that she brought on the 1st 2 dates turned out to be her half sister actually. It turned out that she has 8 siblings so I bet it went to one of them.

She never asked me for money when I was with her, until I got back to the USA. She asked me constantly for money for her education supposedly.
I told her that if she wanted to be with me she would only have my money spent on her when I was in the DR with her and that she would have no access to my bank accounts etc. After hearing this she told me to feck off in a overly polite way. I told her to have a nice life.
Earlier, I ended up sending her a (cheap being discontinued on Amazon) camera thru HB's mail fowarding. I did this because I know she did not have one, having been at and (behind her back) through her apt. It shipped after I cut ties with the wench. I guess HB is going to keep it, I sent him a PM about sending him a check to send it back and he said nothing.
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Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
It sounds like you are one of the very few that got off cheap.
IMO you handled it quite well, kudos to you.


Jan 1, 2002
Folks, lay off the fellow....he is hurting. I have not answered his last not (but I thought I had???)until the thing gets here and I look at costs for me to ship it back or just pay for it myself...

There is a "ton" more to this one that meets the eye, please believe me on this one. He was at my house....

Nice kid, with a bit of baggage..but probably really good at heart..



May 16, 2010
A part of life is about risk and taking chances........It's how you MANAGE that risk.....Hey at least your putting yourself out there.......LIVING THE LIFE........no one said it was gonna be easy........ Sounds like you did the right thing.......You probably won't be alone for long....LOL


Feb 22, 2010
You did well, I have been supporting and living with a women I thought loved me, we had a child together (or so I thought) , I found out this week that she has had a Dominican other for the entire two years, along with the child I have been supporting all this time and living with, probaly not mine after all.

I don't talk about it as I should know better after all the years I've invested in the Republic and money I've invested in tryinf to make this family work.

I feel a bit stupid, infact alot stupid.

I've flown back to the UK to try to deal with this. I'm the registered father and think my life can only get more complicated.

Been there, done it, and still fell for it like a novice. 7 years experience I should know better!!!!

Well done!!
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Jan 1, 2002
You did well, I have been supporting and living with a women I thought loved me, we had a child together (or so I thought) , I found out this week that she has had a Dominican other for the entire two years, along with the child I have been supporting all this time and living with, probaly not mine after all.

Now that you know that you were probably duped, why not post in the legal section to see if Fabio can suggest a course of action here. Is it possible in the DR to have a test to determine whether you are really the father, as you were led to believe, or if someone else has the responsibility for the child.

If might be to your benefit to get Fabio's input as to your options, assuming, that is, you want to return to the DR.

Lots of other interesting places in the world; maybe you should consider one of them.


Apr 11, 2004
I know a situation where a white gringo got a white Dominicana "pregnant", or so she said. Her mother and sisters are all pure white also.

The baby boy came out looking like Amos @ Andy. Did he believe that it was his? Of course he did, as she prepped him before the birth that there was black in her family awhile back.

Bottom line is people believe what they hope is true.


Dec 11, 2009
Some baggage is right, I am 30 and have never had a relationship due to some ineptness and some bad luck including the death of a woman I was dating in a car crash.

The guy above me might be out of luck, I know for sure in the USA and UK if you sign the birth certificate and become the registered father you ARE the father even if you are actually not. It's considered a presumption for the good of children.


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
The guy above me might be out of luck, I know for sure in the USA and UK if you sign the birth certificate and become the registered father you ARE the father even if you are actually not. It's considered a presumption for the good of children.

Your right, and it also stinks. To be made to pay for a child that wasn't yours because your wife or girlfriend lied to you is outrageous.
It's as if the government expects every new father to get a DNA test.
Gee, that with a prenup makes for a great marital future......


Nov 22, 2009
You want to scare the sht out of a pregnant woman here? Tell her you want a DNA test for the child. All of a sudden its all about them. I dont want my parents and family to know if the results are wrong.
Thats what you should did Ano before you put your name on the document. Now she s playing you like a real ano. If you had did that she would have 1. hemmed and hawed about how dare you suspect me of infidelity and then 2. refuse to do it and say I ll raise the child by myself so on and so forth, olvidate y Ya.
Next time you know...


Jan 23, 2002
You did well, I have been supporting and living with a women I thought loved me, we had a child together (or so I thought) ,
You thought she loved you? :ermm:
Anastacio said:
She decides to start manipulation whenever you mention separating, starts claiming you are aggressive and violent, infact even threats to get you in trouble with the police if you threaten to leave her.
Things become unworkable, now you are miserable in your own home, you ask her to go back home, she won't and the cycle starts again.
You want out but are really worried about her and her accusations.
You can't even stand the person you are supporting and living with, she makes you feel sick just being around her.


Mar 22, 2006
I think you did NOT get sankified. In the end you got the better end of the deal. The trick is enjoy what's good and when the drama begins to cut it off and go on with live. I'm 100% sure she now respect you and will keep calling you when you come back to the DR, even if you 2 doesn't have a formal relationship anymore.
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Who empowered China's crime against humanity?
Jun 28, 2004
Always test and spy on any person before you get too involved.

- try to set them up with another gringo/a (fidelity checks) if you cant have a friend do it hire someone.


Oct 21, 2008
You were not unlucky trainman, You were very lucky that you caught on before that cuero really took you for a ride on her locomotion..And what the hell are you doing chasing Grandpas leftovers? :ermm: You really put a true meaning to keeping it in the family..

But Anastocio got what he deserved..He knew she was a hooker, and he still decided to try to turn her in to his Dominican Princess..Wake up dude, pretty women was just a movie..And I know you dont look like Richard Gere, and your Not any more babys Mama is no Julia Roberts..Maybe you should stay in England to recover from you traumatic hooker heartache..And it's probably way cheaper to just marry a hooker in England..Sorry for the cruel remarks, but they are true..You should be happy that you made it out alive with that crazy chica..Start your life over and move on with somone in your own country..GOOD LUCK..


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Sorry for the cruel remarks, but they are true.Start your life over and move on with someone in your own country..GOOD LUCK..

Tough love.

Words of wisdom!!!!!!;);):bunny::bunny:


Trainman, one little bit of advice: Never buy clothes for a girl, and expect her to wear them for you. That applies to any girl, any where.

What you think will look good on her, and what she thinks will look good on her, are two ENTIRELY different things.

I lost track of all the stuff I bought for my other half, that her mother ended up wearing.

haha :) so true. I knew my gf's mom would love that Megadeth t-shirt as soon as i bought it for my gf!


Oct 7, 2002
Dominican Republic
... one day got myself a girlfriend here (actually had a lot of them...)
After a relationship of about 4 months, she comes one day with the happy message: I am pregnant!

"Congratulations! I am so happy for you and who is the father?", I asked

And with a big smile on her face she said "You are of course!

"Well then it is time call the newspaper, I had my vasectomy 6 years ago! Congratulations!"
