Imigration and Depotation: What does the government really want?

Jun 10, 2008
I suppose the Dominican government is quite pleased that the internal conflicts between Haitians and Dominicans distract people from the horrible corruption, incompetence and nepotism that exist at that level. Divide and conquer.
Sad to see poor, uneducated Dominicans rage against even poorer and more desperate Haitians. While those in power feed like pigs at the trough. Just my 2 cents.
Very good point


Jun 28, 2003
I suppose the Dominican government is quite pleased that the internal conflicts between Haitians and Dominicans distract people from the horrible corruption, incompetence and nepotism that exist at that level. Divide and conquer.
Sad to see poor, uneducated Dominicans rage against even poorer and more desperate Haitians. While those in power feed like pigs at the trough. Just my 2 cents.
Why would you say such a thing?The Dominican government is pleased?? Corruption on the DR side? Hello,,,I guess we can't say there is no corruption on the Haiti side because they have no government. I hate to stirke you in the heart with that fact but your language and use of adjectives is very strong. I'm please to see that you said "Just your 2 cents". Is there anything you see in this "internal conflict" that the DR is doing correctly for the benefit of ITS' citizens?
Maybe si maybe no? Tell us please.
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Jun 10, 2008
OK. What's good about it? Expand a little.
Or that I agree with some of it at least. Especially the poor Dominicans hating on dirt poor Haitians. That is very sad as Nanita points out. It’s not good. It’s all very sad. Frustrating.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Or that I agree with some of it at least. Especially the poor Dominicans hating on dirt poor Haitians. That is very sad as Nanita points out. It’s not good. It’s all very sad. Frustrating.
Poor Dominicans and Haitians live in the same Barrios, They work, eat, and screw each other. There isn't too much hate going on. On my way back from the school today UI saw lots of Haitian and Dominican teenagers walking home together.

Jun 10, 2008
Poor Dominicans and Haitians live in the same Barrios, They work, eat, and screw each other. There isn't too much hate going on. On my way back from the school today UI saw lots of Haitian and Dominican teenagers walking home together.
Ok maybe I got it wrong

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Migracion showed a lot of restraint. I've no doubt they'll return soon backed by the military just as they did a few weeks ago. Sadly this makes all Haitians living/ working over there look bad. Everyone in these videos better find a rock big enough to hind under as Luis made it very clear recently he will not tolerate this type of behavior.
Time to break out the popcorn.
Popcorn indeed.

It will be interesting to see if the military reinforcements continue to show restraint. A show of passive force may be enough for these workers to see the error of their ways.

Better to live and work another day.
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Why would you say such a thing?The Dominican government is pleased?? Corruption on the DR side? Hello,,,I guess we can't say there is no corruption on the Haiti side because they have no government. I hate to stirke you in the heart with that fact but your language and use of adjectives is very strong. I'm please to see that you said "Just your 2 cents". Is there anything you see in this "internal conflict" that the DR is doing correctly for the benefit of ITS' citizens?
Maybe si maybe no? Tell us please.
I suppose if the Dominican government really wanted to do something about it, they would. As we've seen over that past 3 years, when the governments of the world really want to enforce limits on the populace, they go ahead and do it.
I think you are utterly deluded if you believe the Dominican government, the same government that dedicates a MINISCULE portion of its budget to education, to ensure that Dominicans remain uneducated and dumb as dirt, is acting in the best interests of its people.
Again, just my 2 cents.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I suppose if the Dominican government really wanted to do something about it, they would. As we've seen over that past 3 years, when the governments of the world really want to enforce limits on the populace, they go ahead and do it.
I think you are utterly deluded if you believe the Dominican government, the same government that dedicates a MINISCULE portion of its budget to education, to ensure that Dominicans remain uneducated and dumb as dirt, is acting in the best interests of its people.
Again, just my 2 cents.
4 PERCENT is not that small of an amount, it is just managed poorly; besides you can be intelligent without education and dumb as a box of rocks and be educated. Dominicans are not worldly, but they certainly aren't stupid.


Jun 28, 2003
I suppose if the Dominican government really wanted to do something about it, they would. As we've seen over that past 3 years, when the governments of the world really want to enforce limits on the populace, they go ahead and do it.
I think you are utterly deluded if you believe the Dominican government, the same government that dedicates a MINISCULE portion of its budget to education, to ensure that Dominicans remain uneducated and dumb as dirt, is acting in the best interests of its people.
Again, just my 2 cents.
#1 Im not deluded about how gubmints operate. #2. You introduced education to the post (my OP) which is not the subject matter. And my OP is not a platform to put the Dominican government down because in your way of thinking the DR has an obbligation to accept any and all who bang on the door WITHOUT LIMITS. Not going to work that way. #3 I employ two Haitian men. On daily basis I see their pain and frustration. NEVER have I heard them complain about the DR. Never. #4 Hzv you ever met, spent time with, conversed with a Dominican that wasn't "dumb as dirt"? Don't be offended by plain talk b ecause others that might not agree with you is healthy.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
#1 Im not deluded about how gubmints operate. #2. You introduced education to the post (my OP) which is not the subject matter. And my OP is not a platform to put the Dominican government down because in your way of thinking the DR has an obligation to accept any and all who bang on the door WITHOUT LIMITS. Not going to work that way. #3 I employ two Haitian men. On daily basis I see their pain and frustration. NEVER have I heard them complain about the DR. Never. #4 Hzv you ever met, spent time with, conversed with a Dominican that wasn't "dumb as dirt"? Don't be offended by plain talk b because others that might not agree with you is healthy.
I have conversed from people from multiple countries that were dumb as dirt, but then Gin on certain subjects I am dumb as dirt as well. I was talking with my wife about a Haitian guy that had two children in the school but didn't pay for the time the school was open during the pandemic and then withdrew his children even though the children received instruction for about 4 months. He wanted to bring them back after things returned to normal. She refused his children but also refused about the children of twenty Dominicans that did the same thing. She said the Dominicans were worse at paying than Haitians. We currently have about 15 Haitian children in the school which is a pretty small number out of 700 but the public schools are filled with Haitians.
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Jun 10, 2008
I have conversed from people from multiple countries that were dumb as dirt, but then Gin on certain subjects I am dumb as dirt as well. I was talking with my wife about a Haitian guy that had two children in the school but didn't pay for the time the school was open during the pandemic and then withdrew his children even though the children received instruction for about 4 months. He wanted to bring them back after things returned to normal. She refused his children but also refused about the children of twenty Dominicans that did the same thing. She said the Dominicans were worse at paying than Haitians. We currently have about 15 Haitian children in the school which is a pretty small number out of 700 but the public schools are filled with Haitians.
The DR really is indirectly subsidizing Haiti. Both education and health care. Which isn’t really that good but still better than in Haiti.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
In this video can be seen several Haitians jumping off the bus to transport the illegals to Santo Domingo. A few jump from seveal windows of the bus too. I'm guessing the bus driver was attacked and overpowered by them in order to commit this escape.

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Mr Deal HD

Active member
Sep 11, 2019
Indeed they do. Reminds me of the circus...
How do they do this? Is the upper half of the backseat cut out so they can fill up in the trunk as well? I’ve seen several videos like this and just can’t figure it out. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
4 PERCENT is not that small of an amount, it is just managed poorly; besides you can be intelligent without education and dumb as a box of rocks and be educated. Dominicans are not worldly, but they certainly aren't stupid.
That may well be the case but you more than anyone are aware of the abysmal state of education in the DR and forgive my cynicism, but having an ignorant and uneducated population seems to be serving the DR government just fine.
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
#1 Im not deluded about how gubmints operate. #2. You introduced education to the post (my OP) which is not the subject matter. And my OP is not a platform to put the Dominican government down because in your way of thinking the DR has an obbligation to accept any and all who bang on the door WITHOUT LIMITS. Not going to work that way. #3 I employ two Haitian men. On daily basis I see their pain and frustration. NEVER have I heard them complain about the DR. Never. #4 Hzv you ever met, spent time with, conversed with a Dominican that wasn't "dumb as dirt"? Don't be offended by plain talk b ecause others that might not agree with you is healthy.
Every country has the right to protect its borders. Absolutely.
When I lived in the DR, I found the Haitians and the Haitian Dominicans to be lovely for the most part.
I think you're missing my point. The problem isn't unfettered immigration from Haiti como tal; the problem is the DR government letting this social problem fester without addressing its own problems. Poor Haitian construction workers are low-hanging fruit.
And as harmonious a picture as some posters paint, I have heard many, many horrible comments from Dominicans about Haitians, referencing everything from their skin tone to their bathroom habits.
Poor people being forced to share the few resources they have with even poorer people that they have little in common with culturally. So who's to blame? Not the desperate Haitians and not the working class Dominicans either.
The POWERLESS are not the issue here - the question is why those who have REAL POWER are not seeking solutions to this problem. And one has to ask oneself why.


Self-imposed banned🫢
Oct 9, 2014
When Odebrecht was around, all construction project that involved them had mostly Dominican workers and it was very obvious their construction sites were not as messy and as dusty as those of other companies. Plus workers all had helmets and the proper gear for their safety. Care to explain why they were able to do thaf?

Why ? …so many reasons …but mainly…. it was their modus operandi …and they had to . Long story…. discussed already.
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